*March and April mums and babies*

ditto rooster and izzimay, she sleeps on us or on cushions on sofa but the minute she's in crib she wakes....she sleeps in crib during day time for hrs at a time tho when we're noisy with tv, vacuum cleaner etc...at night we havedimmed lights n a fan on only....
Same here. Theo will sleep in his bouncy chair no problem in the day time but wont be put down at all at night. Last night I don't think he slept at all really, even with us holding him. Very tired today xx
Sounds like a lot of you deserve medals. I thought I was sleep deprived but reading some of your posts I realise I can't complain. Well done for coping and hope little ones settle at night for you all soon. X
Totally off topic but just seen Royal announcement of a baby girl being born :) really pleased for the royal family :) but it makes me sad that I wont experience those newborn moments again as we aren't having anymore babies :( lol. Pointless post really lol xx
Have you guys tried putting something in the moses basket that smells like you? Like if you wear a t shirt for a couple of days then putting it in the basket so they can smell you, that sometimes works. We had trouble getting Felix to sleep in his basket, so we started letting him fall asleep on the bed then transferring him into the basket once he was asleep, also we started out keeping the light on all night, then after a while started turning it off an hour earlier each night, he sleeps really well in there now that he's used to it.
Just something you could try if nothing else is working :)xo
I didn't bother with a basket this time as I could never get any of mine to sleep in them so I went for a pram and cot but he hated the pram, even when we ere out he hated it! so I changed it into a buggy in the end which fixed that part of the problem and just started putting him down in his cot next to my bed and he loves it, at bedtime we come to bed have a feed, nappy change then I put him down in the cot and he just loves it and goes to sleep himself xx
I think I got told Gabriella's birth weight wrong by the midwife! They said that she was 6lb 12oz, however, in my notes it says that she was 3050g which is 6lb 7oz so in quite confused really!
How confusing?!

Has anyone suffered with incontinence following their labours? I'm really struggling 5 days on and stating to worry whether this is a permanent issue? I'm too young to be dealing with this?! Thankfully my two tears are finally healing up nicely.

Stupid question, is it possible to run out of milk? My supply seems to be really pants by the evening. My daughter was sucking and sucking and sucking and after 2 1/2 hours I gave up and gave her a bottle and she was finally satisfied...
Gabriella isn't usually satisfied by a bottle. I've tried to express bottle feed but the only think that calms her down is a suck on the boob. She doesn't fall asleep without it!
Rooster thankfully I've not had an issue but get working on your pelvic floor exercises. Get your doc to refer you to physio if it's really bad.
I know what you mean about the evenings, I sometimes feel like that but he just likes to suck! Like lizzimay zach likes to fall asleep on the boob! X
Just as I get into bed tonight Mia starts fussing she had her last feed at half 10 put her in the moses basket and she starts fussing and im shattered with a nasty headache. I dont expect oh to help as he hasn't been well but bless him he still tries to help! Zx
We seem to have lost our march mummies, are we the only 2 Nik? Xx
Hiya for those trying to settle their babies we struggled with this but someone suggested warming the mattress with a hot water bottle (not too hot tho) or u or ur partner hugging the mattress to warm it make it smell like u. With this and ewan the sheep we got her down :-)
I am here Chrissie :), just struggle with the time to write a reply half the time lol xx
Thanks ladies. If it weren't for this incontinence issue, things would be all good in the hood!! My little girl slept really well in her crib last night - still in there now infact. She has a Poddle Pod within her crib which nestles her in nicely and then she is swaddled too. I think she just likes to be nice and snug - the open crib and carrycot probably makes her feel a bit more vulnerable. She slept 12-3am then 330am-630am and is sleeping now after being in from about 730am, so I am super pleased.
Chrissie it's busier on the fb group, I think we all find it a bit easier! Come and join us,Tiggy set it up so send her a pm and I'm sure she will add you!

We haven't heard from ilove in a long time! Hope all is good with her. X
How do I find the fb group? I searched prgnancy forum but there's a few popping up so not sure which one xo
Oh, will have to search for tiggy then, thanks xxx

Just bought Caleb a Fisher-Price Rainforest Peek-A-Boo Leaves Musical Mobile and Fisher-Price Rainforest Gym, got great reviews, I hope he likes them!
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Got a very grumpy baby today, been up since half nine, I finally get her to sleep and as soon as I put her down in her Moses basket she wakes up :(
The only thing that then calms her down in my boob. I think my nipples may fall off!
How do I find the fb group? I searched prgnancy forum but there's a few popping up so not sure which one xo

I think it might be a closed group and U have to ask tiggy to add you, I've just asked her to add me xx

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