*March and April mums and babies*

Glad they are looking after you and taking every route possible to help you emmajaine! We're all here to help and support each other :)

Im just bout to go to bed now that Mia has had her nappy change and bottle. I was gonna try and finish watching an episode of peaky blinders I was watching on Netflix but im pretty much falling to sleep on the settee lol x
You've taken the first step Emmajaine and that can't have been easy so hopefully they will be able to help you quickly and get you feeling better soon. Just take one task at a time in the meantime & try not to give yourself a hard time.
Question for you's- have any of you who are breast feeding expressed and fed by both bottle and breast? If so what bottles have you used/ would you recommend? I want the option of a bottle but have been told of nipple confusion (not sure to believe it). The medela bottles are supposed to mimic breast feeding but are expensive so wanted advice before I buy anything. Also my wee man seems to suffer badly with wind so considered Dr Brown or Mam but don't want to cause problems for breast feeding. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
I have expressed and given bottle a couple of times but not really enough to make a proper recommendation, have the medals mini pump so have used that bottle and it was fine. Also tried the Tommee tippee bottle which was far too fast a flow for when we tried it although I reckon it might be ok now my supply has upped and is coming faster! I want to start introducing a bottle a bit more now so I can go out for a couple of hours without having to rush back! X
Emnajayne please pm me if you wish.
You don't need to stop BF because of medication. If you don't want to stop that is - there are lots of options :)
However if you want to switch then that's fine too :)
I'm a pharmacist and have also been in ADs for PND while BF so can give you lots of useful and evidence based advice - and also help signpost you to other resources.
Well done for going to GP though and I hope the referral comes through quickly :)
We found out yesterday that Jenson has tounge tie! 5 weeks, 4 re admissions countless bloody professionals and it's taken until today for someone to notice! The midwife even looked specifically and said it was ok! :-@ So annoyed, no wander he feeds 24/7 hes starving because he can't feed properly!
We are seeing the GP with him today but if the NHS wait is to long we will pay to have it done privately. Shocked at how many professionals missed it! Especially since at 5 weeks were still not at birth weight!
I hope things improve for you with the right support Emmajaine, I think there's still a huge misunderstanding and poor perceptions with any mental health condition but you bring able to speak out and ask for support shows how strong you are for you and your baby girl.

That's ridiculous Em91, ive heard so many complaints about NHS recently it's quite scary. One of my best friends was in a car crash the other day got sent home from hospital saying she was fine and she should try keep mobile only to get a phone call the next day to say they had given her someone else's x ray results and could she come back to the hospital as she had a broken bone that she should keep as still as possible. I must admit though I can't complain with the treatment I got and I'm thankful everyday for the midwife on the induction ward being so cautious as me and Arran might not be here otherwise. I have had to transfer GPs though and the reception staff are nowhere near as helpful as my last place. A week after my health visitor transferring my notes I haven't heard a word from the new one despite me phoning them twice and asking for them to return my call.

I can't believe my baby boy is 3 weeks old tomorrow where has the time gone! Really blessed with a content baby who feeds well. Next week OH is going back to working away though and I am dreading it! Although I'm feeling fine I still need help with things like bathing Arran, bending and lifting so I think I'll need to get my mum over after work.

I'm still bleeding, it's very light but noticeable and my boobs are still leaking I noticed some orange tints on my breast pads is this normal?
Im shattered today for god knows what reason probs Cuz I was up early with my youngest boy.
Mia slept from half 11 til quarter to 5. Had a bottle and went back to sleep til quarter past 6.
Gonna book an appointment to have my hair chopped off to a manageable style as its far too long now as it is and always end up putting it up in a messy bun.
Hopefully can dye my hair later when kids are in bed and oh can sort Mia out if she starts to become unsettled.

Hope ur all okay today :) xx
Great to hear you're getting some support emmajaine. Hopefully things will only be on the up from here. And the offer will always stand - if you need to chat just text :-) sometimes just ranting to someone can really help.

I know what you mean emmalouise, I have an appointment to get my hair cut and coloured next week as my roots are looking awful and my hair is a complete mess. It's really dry and I have loads of split ends.

Alex looked so peaceful when he was sleeping this morning. I can't stop looking at him!


That's really interesting spinsugar, but I was expressing and bottle feeding rather than actually feeding from the breast (she just wouldn't latch on and I have flat nipples) and it was getting harder and harder, I spent most of my time on the pump in tears (was taking an hour to get enough for one feed, and I couldn't keep up) and OH basically told me I needed to stop , which I completely agree with now. Having FF for24 hours I am so much more relaxed with her I didn't realise how much it was affecting me.

Thanks for all your comments, it does mean a lot, I'm actually feeling OK (ish) today, which I think is down to the fact that I have done something proactive and I know it is going to get better in the long term.

Oh my gosh Em, that's awful! Fx they can get it sorted asap.

CD, I think the still bleeding is normal, my midwife said it can take up to 6 weeks to stop fully.

Emmalouise, I rock the messy bun look too!!

Aww he is super cute Nicki.

Emmajaine, we had the same problems in the first few days and also feel loads better now combining with bottle. Afterall you're still giving them your goodness but in a more practical way that enabled your OH to assist during the night and day more....

I also thought the bleeding was coming to a stop but my midwife said it can stop and start frequently during those 6 weeks affected by exercise/activity etc and so to keep the pads on even if it stops... It is loads lighter than the first week though...they are right when they say the Mother of all periods lol...

Emmalouise, I had a trim just before Phoebe's arrival and I'm pleased I did as the length is perfect for me and for her...whats the verdict on expressing and hair dying? I wasn't bothered when was pregnant and left it but wondered if others have resumed hairdying?? Its not a big deal but as expressing smallish amounts and combi feeding wonder if its as big of a deal compared to exclusively breastfeeding?
OH has just left to finish his uni work for 2 weeks and I'm absolutely devastated. Having a one week old is so hard I don't know what I'm going to do without him. I feel so emotional at the moment that I'll probably just cry everyday :(
i had to stop breastfeeding in the hospital due to medication for my blood pressure. finally managed to dye my hair and now its gonna take me a good while to get used to how dark it is now lol i'm used to dying it blonde but felt like a change.

I've got a stuffy nosed Mia tonight and shes struggling to take her bottles any ideas on what can help her?
Awww lizziimayy, sending you huge hugs. You will be fine hun and we are all here to chat n listen if u need us :) x
Emmalouise, the midwife suggested to us to turn the shower on and get the bathroom steamed up and sit in there to help clear the stuffiness xx
Huge hugs lizziimayy, I can only imagine how hard that must be. We are here to help if we can, know you are not alone!

Hi all. I'm pleased to finally be here after the arrival of my beautiful baby girl. We've had a difficult first four days down to my post-labour injuries and my son being whacked with a horrid chest infection - however things are generally improving. My daughter is so lovely and generally more placid than my son ever was. I think breastfeeding is going okay but we've just started with a bottle at night as she was in a horrible state last night and when we gave in with a bottle it was like a different baby!

The only other issue we have with her is that she just WILL NOT sleep in her crib or anywhere other than our arms. It's cute in a way but at night it's draining and when my hubster goes back to work I'll need her to nap in her crib so I can be with my son. Any suggestions? We've tried white noise and Ewan the Sheep and put the poddle pod in her crib so she's nice and cosy but still no luck.

Emmajaine, so sorry that you are feeling so low. Please message me if you want. I suffered from baby Blues and PND with my son and know how horrible it is to feel that way. Make sure you take advantage of any help on offer. You do whatever is right for you :-)
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Thanks everyone! Luckily I'm with the In laws so I will have help and I'm not alone!

I'm having the exact same problem rooster. Every time we put her down in the crib she wakes up and is not very happy! Gets to the point where I have to sleep with her on me or co sleep which is really not what I want. Got her to sleep in her Moses basket twice today which is quite an achievement!

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