*March and April mums and babies*

OMG that's unbelievable Nik, can't believe you still haven't been seen and still have to wait!!! :wall2: I'd be so mad too! and June???? seriously wth! thats far to long to still be waiting for a 6 week check, what a bunch of jerks grrr

Hope all goes well emma xx
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Midwife came again today to check on Alex's jaundice and weight. His jaundice is almost gone and he's now above his birth weight so he's been discharged from midwife care! I'm thrilled as he only lost 6lb after birth and he's now 3lb heavier than when he was born :-)

Are they serious nik? 3rd June does not make it a 6 week check... idiots
well done cossie...our little girl is also gaining well, 8.9 at birth lost 10grams and at 10 days was 9lb exactly...drinking 600-750ml per day now... : )
Great news kitten :) pmsl, I read that as she was taking 600-750ml per feed!!! :lol:
Fab cossie and kitten!
Had physio appointment today, they checked my pelvic floor because of my tear. For saying my gp is rubbish I'm quite impressed that I was automatically given this care.
wow cossie 600ml per feed would be a bit shocking...yesterday she had 300ml between 5am and 11am n wondered where she put it lol...
I know! Alex only has about 60-90ml per feed. And most of that ends up being spat out! He's becoming frustrating at night time though. He just won't settle and we end up losing track of how much he has had and when. It doesn't help that OH can't seem to keep his cool with Alex. It's all tiredness for OH which I understand but he needs to remember it's both of us. I swear when he goes back to work he's going to be the worst to be around :-(
bless ya cossie, it must b hard...

I highly recommend the 'feed baby' app for android - it lets you enter nappy changes, feeds, growth, even things like tummy and bath time...thats how i know how much she drinks each day and allows something else to do all the remembering for you...its free, you should totally try it out!

re: feeding its become an art with our lil girl, we prepare 85ml but despite her attempts wont let her drink it all in one go and sometimes find it hard to pull out the bottle as she is strong lol...she is starting to go longer during the night now between feeds to thats good...currently napping in my arms frog style while I type and am surrounded by pillows to ease the shoulders (she's a heavy 9lb-er now!)
oh and for your hubby suggest he get some ear muffs or something...my hubby v practical bloke and for first couple of nights he swore by his ear defenders (yeah I know v comical looking) at maintaining his sanity! now we understand her cues and dont try to sleep much during our nighttime shifts she is a lot happier but those first few nights were hard on him lol...
Gabriella had an awful night last night. She was up crying for probably about 4 hours. This included 3 napply changes and millions of attempts on the boob. She eventually got to sleep but putting her down is still an issue.
Going for her first weigh in today and getting her registered so got a busy day ahead!
We got Mia registered yesterday me being the daft sod that I am forgot her red book but they still registered her :) now I just gotta sort child benefit out and child tax. Health visitor comes today to weigh her be interested to find out what she weighs as she's still only a Lil dot. Shes now 4 weeks old and still takes 3oz at every feed. She had an great night last night. Went up to bed at 11 she woke at quarter to 4 had bottle and back to sleep til quarter past 6. But I now have a flued up 2 year old and 4 year old.
Couldn't believe it yesterday when we had to pay for the longer birth certificate shocked me tbh didnt realise that we had too x
Gosh I didn't even realise that you had to take the red book! I'm getting Gabriella registered today so I'm glad you said that Emma!
we're getting this organised next week, good to know red book is needed but was going to take it anyway
My little one is now 9lb 13oz. 2lb 4oz gain from birth weight and he's 4wks old tomorrow. Feeding can still be a challenge sometimes and as bf I've no idea how much he gets which makes it difficult at times especially as recently he seems to be hungry more often and wants to feed though I think sometimes just for comfort.

We registered him last week and got long birth cert for £8 lucky we got it though because to get it at a later stage is £15 apparently.
Got Eva weighed again today, she's five and a half weeks and weighing 9lb4oz which is great weight gain from birth weight of 6lb1oz :-)
We registered Alexis yesterday, but didn't need the red book or any forms of I'd, apparently just turning up with her was enough! I guess it depends on your area.

Is anyone else struggling with low mood? I'm finding myself getting really low and detached from everything. Have made an appointment to see my GP this pm (at the insistence of my health visitor) but I'm scared she is just going to pass it off as baby blues and send me on my way with no help...

Mia is now 7lb 8oz. Shes gaining steadily and shes doing well :) my 2 year olds flu is steadily getting worse he is really clingy and isnt drinking much ive tried giving him juice in his fave spiderman sports bottle but he just doesnt wanna know pretty tempted to take him docs to get checked over x
We didn't need red book or id, we didn't even have zach with us when we registered him as registrar was in hospital and he was having his top to toe check at our appointment time!

Emmajane hope your appointment went well and gp helped. Remember we are here if you need a moan or support. most important thing is that you are doing something about it. X
I was told to take red book and ID but we didn't need either in the end. Probably worth taking them though as it'd be sods law that you'd need them if you didn't take them!

Hope things went well for you emmajaine. I've been feeling a bit down too but I'm putting mine down to tiredness as it's usually only evenings and early mornings that I find myself getting weepy. You've got my number emma so drop me a text if you need to chat, even in the early hours as I'll probably be up too! :-) xx
Thanks niknaknoo, the appointment went as OK as can be expected, I walked in and burst into tears! I've been prescribed anti depressants and referred for an assessment to see if its PTSD (due to the traumatic birth experience I had), PND or just a reoccurance of the depression i suffered in the past. I've had to move onto formula feeding, because of the medication, but I know its better for Alexis to have a healthy mum than a few more days of breast milk.

I've wanted to put something on here about how I've been feeling for a few days, but have found it really hard to know what to say, as most of the time I just feel numb and like what I have to say isn't worth writing down.

Thanks Nicki, I appreciate it.

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