*March and April mums and babies*

So true, he is my 5th and I still felt like crying lol good luck, hope it goes well xxx
Hiya niknacnoo I had a post physio appointment and it was so great. He helped my back loads and I didn't even realise it needed working on. He cud tell which side I was carrying the baby on and told me to alternate so I don't strain muscles. Very beneficial tho :-)
Hi all, another unsettled night for hubby bless, she manages well during the day but it seems at night between 12 and 4 doesn't settle, unfortunately my hubby has that shift as I take a few hrs kip then, mine starts at 5 til 11 when hubby wakes up. This pattern works well for us whilst we're both off work (hubby a contractor) and now means a week on we are starting to feel more alive. I also manage approx an hour nap with her in same room between 5-7 so approx 4-6hrs kip a night not too bad with a 1 week old eh? Her stump has also fallen off so that's good as was hanging on by a thread for two days and was making nappy changing awkward...Yes Phoebe stretches a lot in crib and sometimes in our arms but as they are so used to being in womb she loves the sling and over the shoulder frog pose too...they don't say its the fourth trimester for no reason lol

Rolling the head took some getting used to on the first few days but have now worked out when its likely to happen. we've also introduced tummy time - 2 x 2mins per day on a spare changing mat...the first time was scary as hard to turn a baby fully onto their front at first but she has been trying to take her body weight on arms and legs and has turned her head a few times so all good...oh and she has learned to suck her thumb as of yesterday too...bless...today gonna make some finger puppets as suggested by my babycentre weekly update email as she is responding well to visual stimuli a few inches in front...im sure she wont mind my poor attempts at animal faces lol
Hi, Can I join too please? Baby Connor was born on 3rd April. He's doing great and has gained lots of weight. I'm bf him and he was doing so well but last few days he's been feeding more often and for shorter periods of time. Anyone else experiencing this?
Thanks Aimee! Now to check it doesn't clash with my health visitor which i think it does...
Welcome and congrats babbybo!
Advice please my little boy has a 100% tongue tie & I still don't know what to do about it & it seems to just have been brushed under the carpet by midwives & health visitors. It's really confusing for me as I'm being told different things from different professionals so doesn't help. Ive never heard of a tounge tie before so I have no idea what to do! I'm scared ive now left it too late & that he will feel it more now if I get it done than if I had had it done @ 2 weeks. It's starting to make me anxious as I just want to make the right decision for my little boy & I don't want him to have any pain which I feel he may have now unlike if I'd had it done earlier! Really beating myself up over it.
Allthingsgirly, get it done. We got zach done privately as nhs waiting list was so long. Best decision ever. In hospital we were told it wasn't significant enough to be referred, health visitor said we should, midwife said we shouldn't , another midwife said we should... It goes on. Bf specialist said it was significant and we should so took the plunge. Procedure takes seconds and caused him no bother. Feeding immediately improved and he started gaining weight.
There are no nerves in the tissue they snip so it's more discomfort at being held down than pain. X
my youngest boy had tongue tie and we were given the option to have it done at the hospital there and then or wait and decide later on down the line as it wasnt as bad as it can be.
but we did decide to go ahead to get it done and went through our doctors to get it down and at 6 months old and 3 days after xmas he had it done, it doesnt hurt them as its just a snip and there isnt any nerves or anything there for it to cause any pain.

My little boy is bottle fed & he's gaining weight well, he's feeding really well it's just the advise being given is conflicting & a lot is going towards it isn't affecting him don't do it! I don't know what to do for the best it's my little boy & I want to make the right decision I don't know what could happen now or later on down the line but thinking about the what ifs is causing me anxiety & stress! I'm not sure how long I would have to wait ive been told to book via a baby cafe which seems bloody ridiculous to me but that's how the doctor told me I had to do it. She runs a clinic every Tuesday and also does them at the local baby cafe but I live about an hour away from that hospital but I think I could be fitted in or I hope I can be as I don't want to be waiting months ESP when she said come back in 2 weeks if you still want it doing.
Mia has decided that tonight will be a night where she thinks she'll scream and cry, put her in her bouncer and she went straight to sleep.
shes had a few good nights as well.
oh well whats a night of rubbish sleep ay? lol suppose i'm used to it by now with her being my 4th lol still doesn't help the fact i'm knackered lol.
Took her to my sons family assembly today at school, they done a welcome song and introduced her everyone couldnt get over how small she is and all the teachers had a munch of her lol.
was pulled to the side by one of jays teachers and was told how much he adores and loves his little sisters and brothers :) made my heart burst with pride :)
think i should get my head down in abit anyway before mia wakes up for a bottle

hope you ladies have a better night or continue to have good nights sleep x
She wouldn't do it their & then at the hospital she just came to see me had a look at it then gave me this book to read, told me that I needed to wait to see how he was feeding & that he was still too young & to come back in 14 days if I wanted it doing. Bearing in mind I live an hour away from the hospital he was born in it would have been ideal to have had it done their & then but she wouldn't do it! I really should have booked an appointment before the 14 days to have it done for when he turned 2 weeks but ive been getting different advice from different people that I sort of brushed it under the carpet & the midwifes & health visitor haven't mentioned it since I brought it up with them when they first came to visit
I can't complain really im only being woken up once in the night around 4.30am for a feed and he is back down again come 5.30am it's during the day where he decides he doesn't want to sleep & will be quite ratty. It can be hard work when you know that they aren't hungry, got a clean bum but yet nothing is soothing them it makes me emotional seeing him so upset & I can't seem to be able to settle him no matter what I do!

Today has been a great day though we took him on his first bus ride & mommy got to do some shopping lol he was as good as gold slept until he needed a feed then he let everyone know he was there haha. Didn't know that I had him he was that good. Had a lot of people swooning over him & telling me how gorgeous & tiny he is! I still can't believe he is mine as everyone that sees him just falls in complete love with him & adore him can't believe ive made such a beautiful little boy.
If he is feeding well then it sounds like it isn't necessary, but consider whether it may affect his speech in the future. There are a couple of older threads in baby and toddler about tongue tie if you have a chance to scroll through.
Gosh emmalouise, number 4 eh?you must enjoy the sleepless nights to do it that many times!!
We've just gone 6 hours and we're both wide awake now. Hopefully he will settle soon but he is just so cute! We've just had a little chat.
Yay! Alex's cord came off today!! :-D nappy changes should be a breeze from here on! :-D

Any other first time mums still finding it hard to believe that you are actually a mummy? X
Me Cossie I can't stop staring at him!
I thought I was struggling to believe it because of the way he made his arrival and me not meeting him until he was 2 and a half hours old so glad that someone else is feeling the same.
I'm the same guys, can't quite believe its for real and I get to keep her! Such an odd feeling!

Anyone else out there expressing rather than breast feeding?

I've tried and tried to get her on the breast and she just won't take it. Each time I try its become increasingly more and more frustrating and upsetting, until I was in tears every moment of trying, which was obviously no good for either of us.

I have decided today to not keep trying her on breast, as I need to make sure my mental health is doing ok, (am still baby blues-ing hard), just wondering if I'm the only one...

Hi emma not the only one. We tried for one full day n night to get the colostrum into her which was hard. All the way through she wudnt latch n my nipples wudnt stay erect making it harder. Now im combi expressing and formula both thru bottle n she is putting weight on, developing a feeding routine n much more content. its only when saw midwife on day 10 that she reckoned I had flat nipples n she's not surprised I struggled. Either way BF or EBF she is gettin goodness from me n im not stressed at trying to do exvlusive BF(expressin 3x day approx 150ml). Whatever works for you n baby
Cossie/cdx - Phoebe's now a week n a half old n still cant believe it either. Her stump fallen off n yesterday she had her first bath (captured on vid) she didnt flinch or splash seemed to love it. Perhaps cos she was a waterbirth baby - who knows...

She didnt even mind the dry up afterwards...

She has also learned to suck her thumb n yesterday was practically holding her bottle with both hands!

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