*March and April mums and babies*

Seeing my oh snoring makes me want to slap him GF :wall2:

welcome CD, how scary, so glad all is ok now for you and congrats xx
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Ladies a bit off subject and not about babies but what is the best treatment for thrush? I've only ever had it once before and that was forever ago :( xx
canesten duo with the pill u swallow, think its OK to take when bf x
Thanks Chrissie. Is that over the counter or can I get it in somewhere like Tesco do you know? Xx
Vaginal thrush? A fluconazole tablet . It's over the counter x
Should be able to get it in tesco, I got mine in sainsburys b4 xx
Ring your Dr and ask for a prescription...it's free!!
Oh god yeah, I forgot we have it free for a year duh :wall2: yeah ring your GP lol
Hi ladies

Can I join here please? Baby Theo arrived on 10th April via ELCS. We've just been to register him today :) hes so perfect and a very content little baby :)

Seriously can't understand how this LO of mine has so much energy! Only 8 weeks and yet he was up every 2 hours last night and has been awake pretty much alllll day apart from 2 10 minute naps and he is still awake! Surely he should be worn out by now lol I so wanna sleeeep ugh
Im so knackered!!! Mia has decided that for the last two nights she wants to wake up screaming and crying! From hald half 1 I got an hours sleep and then from half 2 til half 3 sh. Done nothing but cry and moan so brought her downstairs and she was soon Asleep!
Lots of non sleepers around!
I'm expecting a bad weekend, we are going back to Ireland tonight to stay at my mums and see all the family and friends over there. Everyone is going to want a cuddle but I think it will unsettle him, plus he is going to be sleeping in the carrycot from his pram...he doesn't sleep in his Moses basket so I'm worried the pram will have the same effect! Worst case mum has a couple of spare rooms so if he doesn't settle I can send oh into another room and we can co sleep. I'm petrified to co sleep with hubby in the bed too, he sleeps so soundly!
Seems we have another non sleeper! Arran's first night didn't go well for OH, Arran would only settle if he was being held. Now we have managed to pull ourselves together he is now of course sound asleep in his moses basket.

I feel so clueless about what blankets to use and how do you know they are warm enough?

Would you wake baby during the night for a feed? Arran is taking 35-40ml every 3 hours but in the hospital he would sleep through.
Hi ladies,

Haven't been here for some time. Hope everyone is doing well!

I was wondering if you girls read the Wonder Weeks book, and noticed any sleep regressions with your los? Apparently there is one coming for us shortly. Not looking forward to it :(
I haven't read it, what age does that happen ilove because I am getting very little sleep, he was much better when he was younger :eh: I would wake him CD to be honest as your LO is very young, I would leave Caleb unless he woke at the age he is now but I do check on him a lot and he is in the cot right next to me, it's the only place he really does sleep when he sleeps! as for at night time I just put a babygrow on him with no vest and a light blanket and it's really warm in my flat xxx
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Chrissie the first one is at 5 weeks apparently (or earlier/later, depending if your lo arrived bang at 40 weeks or not), then at 8 and 12... I wonder if this is true!
I haven't read it yet, but thinking of buying the book on iPad. Chrissie I think the first one is at 5 weeks.
CDx I doubt sleeping through will continue but I don't like the thought of waking them. X
I didn't want to wake either but when I was in the hospital they went on and on telling me to wake him to feed him so I dunno for sure, i think Caleb must be going through this sleep thing, he doesn't sleep much at all really for his age :wall2:

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