Hey ladies, how are you all doing?
I'm CD9 and still bleeding, although quite light.
I last tested Wednesday/Thursday and the lines were still really dark, I was starting to worry about retaining the pregnancy. I re-tested last night and it's much fainter.
Also, I saw a TikTok today which made me physically feel like I was about to burst a blood vessel. Maybe all social media is toxic?
I have re-started taking my BBT to confirm, if or when ovulation happens.
I can only remember one other cycle where I was TTC & had a MC, I usually ovulated on CD15 and ovulated CD24, So I think tracking my BBT will be mega helpful to see if I do ovulate this cycle.
Top photo - Wed/Thu (Can't remember which)
Bottom photo - Saturday evening. A few more days and I think it'll be negative.
I think I'm still in SHOCK that this happened again, in shock that we actually fell pregnant (after 29 long months) and in shock that we've miscarried again. As if December & Januarys' wasn't enough.
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