*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Summergurl you could try but they tend to be quite happy with between 8 and 10 weeks. I know I want it to happen ASAP so I’d try to get it changed though. It may delay the scan a bit depending on how booked up they are. It’s kind of first come first served.
That's whT I was thinking Hayz.
I was hoping I'd get a scan on the week of me being 12 weeks and then that weekend I can plan a family get together and tell everyone. I think I may try but I'm not hopeful as the midwife only works Tuesdays or Thursdays at my drs.
I have my scan booked for 30th July!
Should be 8+3
Can't wait! So glad I don't have to wait until 12 weeks!

Anyone else using a doppler?
I found DD's heartbeat at 7+4
Haven't found Peanut's yet but it's still early days!
Problem is I don't know how high up the womb is at 6w, can't find a decent image online.
I vaguely recall DD being quite low, but I guess it depends where baby implanted.
Hi guys,

I have been feeling exactly the same today! I had terrible nausea this morning until midday and had to lie down. I've gut friends staying fir the weekend who dragged me round the shops all afternoon. I was so exhausted any shop that had a chair I sat diwn in it! Was such a struggle!! I couldn't buy anything anyway as two more months and I won't fit in to any of it!!

I hope to his I don't feel so sick tomorrow!,
Flipper you poor thing. I'm dreading the nausea/sickness so much. Mine's eased off the past couple of days but I know it will be back soon.
Goodness me I’m tired today. I’ve pretty much dozed on and off all day...
Akua, that was me yesterday.

Flipper it sounds like you need to take it easy. Hope you’re feeling better today x

Sparky, I’ve never used a Doppler and am not intending to now. Knowing me I’d pick up my own heartbeat, or moving wind or something else lol. I think though that you’d be looking just above your pubic bone. Later on you can feel the top of the uterus but I haven’t managed to locate mine yet. Good luck.

I’ve been feeling better today. Not so tired and the pain seems to have eased up, not completely gone though. Hubby noticed one of the women from my sons swimming group indicating to her partner that she thought I was pregnant. I’m 6 weeks. There’s no way I’m going to be able to hide it until 12 weeks.
Flipper I feel your pain, my mum dragged me around town today with my 23month old who is just testing my patience at everything.

I've got such a short fuse at the minute and then I feel so guilty about telling her off or getting frustrated with her then end up crying because I feel so bad ... the pregnancy hormones are such a trying time. My DH said to me earlier why are you in a fowl mood, I just looked at him and ignored him. Come on, I'm pregnant, I'm tired, my hormones are haywire and I've dealt with our toddler all day who has been very teasy and a damn right pain in the butt :rofl:

I haven't got a dopppler and I'm too scared to get one as I'd be constantly on it.

I a man however really considering booking an early scan. It's £89 and I'll have to put it on my credit card which DH won't be happy about but I feel like I need the reassurance more than ever right now.

We also went to smyths today and had a good mooch and saw the pram I want and also a babylo snug sleeper which we are going to get so the baby can sleep somewhere downstairs. I was considering a Moses or poddle pod but this looks much better.

Has anybody started buying anything yet?
Summergurl, you’re on it! I did feel the need, last week, to go and look at the pram that I think I’ll buy if we have twins :roll: we’ll find out on Tuesday if it’s needed but I’ll wait until the Olympia baby show to buy as it’s so much cheaper there. Other than that, the only bits we’ll need are clothes if it’s a girl and at some point another high chair. We had the next2me crib for the first 6 months last time and it was amazing so that’ll be coming out again.

I know what you mean about the hormones and mood. I think my dh is feeding off me because he’s been as snappy as hell the last couple of days. I keep pointing it out but he doesn’t realise he’s doing it. Of course I’m not exactly stable and rational either so it’s all fun and games here.
I just balled my eyes out cuz DH put all his clean washing away and not mine and his expcuse was that he didn't know where I put it ... honestly the tears are ridiculous I know they are but they keep coming.

I've not heard of the Olympia baby show, where is it?

Oh twins! Is it a high chance you could have them then? Did you have 2 eggs planted?
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I only had the one put in but apparently they have a higher than usual chance of splitting and my symptoms were so early and so strong that it’s left me wondering. I seriously hope I’m wrong.

The baby show is at London Olympia 19-21st October. It’s amazing. If you google the baby should find it. There’s another one in September I think, at Sandown Park race course. It’s smaller but also very good. I love a baby show.

I honestly think that letting out the tears is far better for you than trying (and failing) to hold them in. It’ll pass....eventually.
I've not bought anything yet because I can't find any nice gender-neutral stuff.
There's plenty of things out there, but the things I see I either think 'I wouldn't put a girl/boy in that' or 'that's so plain and boring'.
I wish there were just things in plain colours, like a multipack of rainbow vests or something.
You never see it it's always cream & grey.

Gonna hang on I think :) As hard as it is lol. Need maternity clothes first anyway!
How are we all on deciding if we're going to find out if we're having girls or boys?
Does anybody have a gut feeling yet?

I will be staying team yellow. DH is a little tempted to find out as we have all of DD clothes stored away so he's a little eager to know.

We also kept all of the neutral stuff we had for DD as we were team yellow with her also but I still want to get a couple new neutral bits once I find some.

Oh sparky I went to primark the other day and picked up a few long sleeve tops in bigger sizes to wear with leggings when it's colder. Also a couple of dresses that have sleeves that I can wear with thick tights. I've loads of maxi dresses too that I'll just carry on wearing until either I get too big or it gets too cold :rofl: but I did that last time just stocked up on bigger sizes from primark & new look. In fact the only maternity thing I bought was a pair of over the bump jeans from next which I still have, thankfully xxx
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I got some great stuff in the New Look sale last time (maternity) so I'm keeping an eye out for that! The jeans were so comfortable but she was due in June so for my two biggest months it was too hot! I basically lived in maternity joggers and shorts lol.

We are definitely finding out, we want a gender reveal party, my sister is going to plan and set it all up, she's already working on the games! Gonna be so exciting!
With my history, I won’t even consider buying anything til I’m out of the danger zone. But I have a scan booked for 6+2 so hopefully I might worry less after that.

We will definitely be team yellow when the time comes though.

What are baby shows like? Are they similar to wedding fayres? What are the benefits of going?
Hello ladies

Im not a March Mummy but I am a March Daddy, I am Sparky Mums partner. Mind if I join in please?
Oh sparky, a gender reveal party sounds amazing. We should have done that with our last one. This time we’re in a new area, I’m not working anymore and we hardly know anyone. Wouldn’t be much of a party. We’re definitely finding out. If there’s any way that I can avoid the arguments of choosing a boys name then I’ll take it. No feeling here but desperately hoping for a girl. Our last girl didn’t really turn out to be much of a girl. Couldn’t do any of those girly things with her so it would be nice to have the opportunity to do that. Saying that, I wouldn’t be heartbroken if it’s a boy, I just wouldn’t know what to call him lol.
Akua, baby shows are amazing. There’s so many money off offers. I haven’t been to a wedding show so I can’t compare. There loads of stalls with just about anything you could ever wish for, many things you wouldn’t have even thought about, some useful, some useless. I LOVE them. We managed to get £400 off our pram/travel system. My friend got her amazing swivel car seat for half price, then when it was recalled, got the next model up for no extra cost! A £600 seat for £150.

Jon, welcome. If you can handle the rather frank talk of pregnancy and all that goes with it then I certainly don’t mind you being here. I think it’s great that you want in, but beware, subject content will not be moderated to take into consideration a male audience :lol: seriously though, welcome.
Hi Jon, of course we don't mind. Welcome.

Oh baby fairs sound like a good opportunity then. I may have to look up if there are any around us. I doubt they'll be as good as the big ones in London etc.

Oh my god a gender reveal party, how amazing!
Have you seen that video where they crack eggs painted in blue or pink on their heads and the one that isn't hard boiled is the gender? You should totally do that :rofl:

I've got a feeling girl but then I'll be more than happy with either. This time around we are struggling with girls names where as last time her name was set from the moment we found out. We have 2 boys names: Reggie and Freddie we just can't decide on girls!

Akua have you booked yourself an early scan? Did I miss you mentioning that? If so sorry xx
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