*****March 2019 Mummies*****

He's fine haha he's seen me in every state! He's used to it :)

I heard baby shows are good places to pick up diacounts and vouchers. I've only ever seen wedding ones advertised where we are though.

Hayz you can just do an intimate, small family gender reveal. We're gonna have immediate family and best friends. You could always livestream it on Facebook too so people can watch!

I've seen it where the parents reveal to other kids or the dad reveals to the mum. They're really sweet :) some great ideas on YouTube! Search 'gender reveal comp'

We're going for the confetti cannon approach, my sister will be buying pink/blue confetti then decorating the outside of the cannons so no one knows until they all go off on the count of 3! I can't wait :)
Ooh I like that idea sparky. In the 22 years we’ve been together I can count the number of times our parents have been in the same room on one hand. It’s not that they don’t get on, they’ve just got nothing in common and my dad’s an unsociable got :lol: The in laws are also fairly uninterested in this pregnancy but I’m sure I could do something for Facebook. For our last pregnancy reveal the hubby put the early scan on Facebook (they don’t immediately look like a baby) and asked the question ‘Does this mean it’s too late to trade in the Honda for an Ariel Atom?’ I went with ‘Had a scan today, it was pulsating. They told me it would be life changing’ it took people a while to realise what they were looking at.
Sorry summergurl, I probably haven’t mentioned it! I forget which thread I write things in and then just assume everyone’s read everything I’ve ever written.

Basically I work for the nhs, and as soon as I found out this time I got my gp to write me a letter to exempt me from night shifts to try and reduce my risk of miscarriage, since I’ve already had two. When I gave the letter to my boss, I literally burst into tears as I’m so anxious this time. So because she’s kinda important in the hospital she marched round to the early pregnancy unit and booked me a viability scan. It’ll be when I’m 6+2 so in 10 days. Im desperate for that reassurance as I’ve never had an early scan before. But I’m equally nervous it’ll be too soon to see a heartbeat and then I’ll feel worse. Basically I’m a big bundle of nerves at the moment
Akua, your boss sounds great. You know the early ones are transvaginal right? It was a bit of a surprise to me first time. We’ve affectionately named it the dildo-cam :lol: Good news is you need an empty bladder. My clinic does one at 6 weeks to see how many there are and if they’re in the right place, then another at 8 weeks to check the heartbeat. Since they’ve been so good to you so far you might be able to get them to do an 8 week one too for peace of mind, given your history xx
Last time I went for a scan at 11 weeks and they couldn’t see anything abdominaly and so had a transvaginal one to see if they could see anything then. All they could see was an empty sac. Had another vaginal scan a week later and still just an empty sac. So thoroughly prepared for it all!

My boss has actually been amazing. She changed all my shifts immediately so I’m not on any nights, changed some of my day shifts so I always have days off between shifts, and she offered to speak to all my day-to-day seniors so that I never get allocated a heavy workload (although I declined that one as I don’t want everyone knowing I’m case it’s not good news again) she also just hugged me whilst I cried for about ten minutes. I’m very lucky with her
My last period was the 11th of June got my bfp Tuesday just gone. Not sure what the expected due date is yet but I have my midwife appointment on the 1st of August xx
You're 10 days behind me Sarah, so I'd say you're due 18th March. Congrats!
Lmao dildo cam. Yeah they've warned me about that, never had a scan before 12 weeks before so there's every chance they'll need to do it this time, though I hope not, usually when something is up there my reaction is far from 'aww look how cute that is!'

I’ve had 3 early scans before and only one was ‘dildo cam’ :rotfl: they did try abdominal first though. It’s not bad even if it is that! Good luck x
My friend estimated about the 18th of March. Congratulations to you too sparky mum xx
Lmao dildo cam. Yeah they've warned me about that, never had a scan before 12 weeks before so there's every chance they'll need to do it this time, though I hope not, usually when something is up there my reaction is far from 'aww look how cute that is!'


...it’s the moment they roll the condom over the dildo cam... :shock:
I agree, the dildo cam isn’t even uncomfortable, it’s just undignified. Last time I had a male do it and the only thing I could think was ‘I’m so glad I trimmed this morning’ :lol: My place don’t bother with the abdominal scan.

Welcome and congrats Sarah.
Gotta say, if they whip it out I'm now gonna be laid there thinking 'heh... dildo cam'.
Sparky, that’s great. But what will you tell them when they ask why you’re grinning? :lol:
Akua your boss sounds so lovely.
I'm going to try and hold off telling work, not that they'll be funny as one of my best friends is now my supervisor but I'm off sick and have been since April so I'll only tell them when I'm ready to go back, and then I'll be back on staggered hours and then I'll see occupational health who will no doubt put me on reduced hours due to the nature and stresses of the jobs we deal with.

Hi sarahlucy, I'll add you to the list for 18th march.
We're all just estimating at the mo and no doubt it will all change when we get over into the second trimester thread!

Dildo cam :rofl: now I'm not so sure I want to book an early private one haha
Do they seriously put a condom on it?! :rofl:
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