*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Ahh, your poor little guy getting upset! I know it’s a typo, but the “eat him up” made me giggle! We always talk about ways in which we would eat our little guy in a cutsy way and I thought we were nuts until I head my MIL doing it too!

Summergurl - sorry can’t remember what I’ve posted where!! Had a nightmare time with return to work, and said to my parents, oh well could be pregnant in a few months anyway. To which dad said, I hope not! Thomas is such a busy boy and needs lots of attention and I’ll be pulling my hair out!! So to find out a week later that I am... I’m sure they’ll be happy but I think they’ll think too soon! Xxx
Hello! :wave:

I'd like to join please!

I found out yesterday and am due on 20th March.
Welcome and congratulations to the newcomers!
Won't be long before we're adding our delivery dates in our 3rd Tri thread :)

How's everyone feeling?
I'm tired and uncomfortable. My trousers/jeans all fit but I'm aware of them digging in, I'm bloated and my boobs have blown up like balloons. Need to go bra shopping!
Ah ok selly, I'm sure they'll be happy, even if a little worried for you but plenty of people cope with 2 young babies, imagine those with twins, triplets etc.

Welcome mirrorfish, I'll add you to the list. Congratulations.

I too have the really uncomfortable bloatedness. I can't wait for that to disappear but I guess it's all good signs.
My boobs last time were so sensitive to the point where I used to dread having a shower as the water was hurting them but I've not got that this time, yet!

I'm hoping I get a date for my scan the end of August but I'm not 12 weeks until the first week of September so I don't hold much hope of an August scan. Hope you manage to get one minchin xxx
I already feel like I’m really struggling! Since this is my third time in the first trimester you’d think I’d be used to it by now. But no! I’m an emotional wreck that cries at the drop of a hat. I’m exhausted. I’m nauseous.

Delighted to feel so rubbish though :lol: but I’ve never been like this so early. I’m only 4+3
Thank you Summergurl :)

Another here with the uncomfortable bloatedness. I'm already looking around for maternity leggings :lol:

Gutted really because I've only just lost a load of weight and was edging towards my tiny jeans :roll:
Hey everyone! Hope you're all well & congratulations on your BFPs! I got mine on the 7th July and I'm estimating my due date to be the 11th March!
Sounds like a strong & sticky bean in there, Akua!

I really hope so this time. I keep getting cramps too so hoping that’s just little bean nudging in nice and snug.

I feel very dramatic though for feeling so crap so early :lol:
Evening, welcome to all our new ladies, lively to have more join us.

I ah e exactly the same as you guys the bloat is so uncomfortable and my boobs are busting out of my bra!

I've had a total nightmare yesterday. Someone crashed in to the back of me on the m25 whilst I was in traffic!! Started having really bad cramps and they didn't go away so my work colleague drive me to A&E! Was there 9 hours before a doctor examined me and gave me a scan. All was OK and nothing damaged inside which was a relief but this morning I woke up and I was bleeding and got the scare of my life. It stopped pretty quickly and think it was a reaction to the internal ultrasound. Have been worried all day. Luckily I have a scan booked in Monday so I will check everything is still ok.can not believe this is happening!!
Sounds like a strong & sticky bean in there, Akua!

I really hope so this time. I keep getting cramps too so hoping that’s just little bean nudging in nice and snug.

I feel very dramatic though for feeling so crap so early :lol:

I've had cramps and nausea since 4DPO with this one! Only got tiredness with DD. I was concerned at first but it's been going on that long now I'm not worried anymore. I understand your concern though, I lost one too, the paranoia never goes away but I'm a lot better this time around.

I used to wake in the night panicking and check for blood with DD. I'd poke and prod her all hours of the day and piss her off to make her move and kick lol. When she was born, I'd tickle her nose while she slept to maks her respond, now she's six and I can hear her snoring and farting all hours of the night lol.

Anyway, enough of my tanjent haha, cramps are normal in the boring dull form, if they get painful and sharp I'd phone the midwife x
Evening, welcome to all our new ladies, lively to have more join us.

I ah e exactly the same as you guys the bloat is so uncomfortable and my boobs are busting out of my bra!

I've had a total nightmare yesterday. Someone crashed in to the back of me on the m25 whilst I was in traffic!! Started having really bad cramps and they didn't go away so my work colleague drive me to A&E! Was there 9 hours before a doctor examined me and gave me a scan. All was OK and nothing damaged inside which was a relief but this morning I woke up and I was bleeding and got the scare of my life. It stopped pretty quickly and think it was a reaction to the internal ultrasound. Have been worried all day. Luckily I have a scan booked in Monday so I will check everything is still ok.can not believe this is happening!!

Good God you poor woman what an ordeal! I'm glad baby is ok, just try to get some rest and recovery time. How's your car? X
I've had a total nightmare yesterday. Someone crashed in to the back of me on the m25 whilst I was in traffic!! Started having really bad cramps and they didn't go away so my work colleague drive me to A&E! Was there 9 hours before a doctor examined me and gave me a scan. All was OK and nothing damaged inside which was a relief but this morning I woke up and I was bleeding and got the scare of my life. It stopped pretty quickly and think it was a reaction to the internal ultrasound. Have been worried all day. Luckily I have a scan booked in Monday so I will check everything is still ok.can not believe this is happening!!

:shock: how scary! Hope you are feeling ok now.
Welcome and congrats Kelly, I've added you to the list.

Oh flipper what a scare. Glad you got yourself checked over though and hopefully that little bleed was just a reaction to the internal. Try and rest up if you. Hopefully Monday comes around quick for you. How are re you feeling this morning?

I woke up this morning and did another test. The pregnant line was so dark the test line was barely visible! All good signs. I've got to stop testing now though.

What's everyone up to over the weekend?
What a shame flipper! Hope you’re ok and the weekend goes fast for you!

Summergurl I’m so tempted to get more tests. I’ve not done any since I got a 3+ on a Clearblue on Monday. I told myself I’d stop at that point. I’ve got none left in the house but really want to buy some lol x
I haven't tested since 2-3. My symptoms are maintaining their strength so to me that's my body's way of telling me it's cookin' up a bambino!
Flipper, you poor thing. Take it easy this weekend xx

Welcome to all the new ladies.

I know what you mean about the bloat. Have also been feeling slightly nauseous every day this week and ridiculously tired. Think I might be having a pyjama day today lol. Unfortunately my lo has worked out how to open the door between the living room and kitchen. Our only stair gate guards the stairs and the front door so it looks like I need to invest in another one. He keeps being really helpful and putting things in the bin, like sun cream, t-shirts and whole packs of baby wipes. :roll: He’s down for his nap now so at least I get an hour or so.

I think we’ll be tiling around the new bath this weekend and hopefully finishing off painting the outside of the house (or watching the hubby paint the outside of the house lol).

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