*****March 2019 Mummies*****

I’ve got everything crossed for you pinkflamingo x
Pink Flamingo am keeping everything crossed for you that it is good news!!

Rainbow we are due date buddies! I am exactly the same as you, tired and my boobs are sore. I have noticed they are growing more each day and hurt a bit more too. Today has been a killer with the nausea and it was a struggle to get through work.

It does feel strange though as at times when I am doing normal stuff I forget I am actually pregnant. But the the nausea reminds me!! I really hope i am not sick as I can't stand it.

I think it is the midwife that books the scan appointment and not really sure what the doctor will do. I don't think it is like the old days where they used to confirm you were pregnant!!

I am going to try and shake these symptoms and go to the gym shortly and do a class. It will either do the trick or kill me!! I am trying to keep going for as long as possible in case I get sick or can't physically carry in with it!
Thread crashing to wish you luck, PF— will they take blood to monitor HCG levels?
PinkFlamingo fingers crossed it is nothing.

I am struggling already running around after a 22month old and the tiredness :rofl:

Oh the bloating is unreal. Come the end of the day I can't bare to wear anything other than a massive baggy tshirt and big knickers haha

Oh I'll call the docs in a couple of days then and get the ball rolling just in case then. There's no way I want a late scan!
Struggling with nausea today too
Still getting brown discharge, midwife said as long as it’s brown it’s ok and pretty normal. I have 2 weeks left of work and then I’m off for summer, I can’t wait to put my feet up!
Bit of cramping here n there, nothing painful it’s just the sore nipples and nausea at the mo keeping me on my toes :-)

Pinkflakingo I hope it turns out ok xx
Thread crashing to wish you luck, PF— will they take blood to monitor HCG levels?

She didn't mention anything about taking blood?? The more I think about it she didn't really say much about anything. Just to go back if I get pain x
Hi ladies, can I join you all? An unexpected BFP for me yesterday. Mummy to 2 and my youngest only being 7 months. Absolutely terrified. Estimated due date March 5th xx
Welcome Lulu. Don’t forget, babies change a lot in 9 months. You’re little 7 month old will be so much more independent by the time the next one comes along. We’ve already got our list of things to teach our lo in the next 8 months :). It’s going to be interesting.

Well, the sun is shining but it’s a lot cooler today. I’m rather glad.

How’s everyone doing?
Congrats Lulu!
How are you feeling Pink?
Hayz not too bad thanks just exhausted! And you?
It's the end of the road for me :-( cramps and heavy bleeding today. Have just come back from doctors and she's pretty certain I'm having a miscarriage. Couldn't send me to EPU as I'm 5 weeks not 6.

Hope all you ladies have a happy and healthy pregnancy. Wishing you all the best of luck x
Oh PinkFlamingo, I’m so sorry. Take care of yourself xx
Oh pink flamingo, I’m so so sorry to hear this. Massive hugs. Xxxx
I’m so sorry pinkflamingo, look after yourself and I hope we see you back here soon xx
So sorry Pink, was really crossing everything for you.
Lots of us have been through it, you can talk to us if you need to x
Hi lulu, welcome and congrats. I've added you to the list.

Oh PinkFlamingo I'm so sorry to hear that. Look after yourself and I really hope you're back here very soon. Big hugs xxx
Pink Flamingo I am so sorry to hear your news totally gutted for you. Look after yourself and hang in there. Sending you a big hug xx

I think my tiredness is getting worse and probably not helped by multiple trips to the loo at night! Can't wait for sleeeeep tonight!!

Hope you are all doing ok?
Well me LuLu and congrats xx

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