*****March 2019 Mummies*****

Not nervous about being with you lovely ladies just nervous about the whole pregnancy thing. Every time I wipe myself I'm looking for blood, waiting for AF.
Are you changing your diets much? I just had kale for dinner :sick: I'm not great with vegetables, but will be trying my best x
Not really, I love fruit & veg anyways I just need to get back into the swing of it after my holiday.

I followed slimming world last time and have followed it since so I'll carry on with that.

It's hard to force yourself to eat the stuff you really don't like. Kale is good in a smoothie though as it loses its taste with fruit, as does spinach xx
Hi everyone! I think I’m in this group. I’ve worked my due date out to be 7th March - might change as I’m not 100% on when O was. I used this forum too in 2015 when I had my daughter and still keep in touch with the girls. It’s a great support so hoping to do the same again!
Welcome & congrats rainbow. I've added you to the list :)
That's a good tip, thank you. Yes was differcult chewing and chewing! Ha! X

Welcome rainbow1234 x
I don’t mind kale with loads of butter! 🤣
Am also on slimming world, been since last October and I go weekly. Think will try and keep it up but never gonna get to target weight before I start expanding!!

My boys are Owen (7) and Arthur (4) and I was on here for both, less so with Arthur but still on here and found it so so supportive. I need to sort my signature and ticker out

I’ve given up caffeine which has been hard but enjoying decaf tea. ☕️
Minchin I didn't drink coffee on my holiday and knew I was ovulating whilst on holiday so I haven't gone back to drinking it since I've been home. It's been a dream doing it that way but I don't envy you at all trying to ditch it now.

I stayed to sw when pregnant it's DD but I'm not going this time, I refuse to pay my money to put on weight. I've heard some groups let you not pay when pregnant and I really begrudged that last time so I'm not going this time I'll go back once I've had the baby most likely. My friends are on it so hopefully I'll be able to find out syns etc that way. And me and you can help each other too.

Will you find out the sex of your baby this time minchin?
Good plan with the coffee on holiday. Feeling pretty good now re the caffeine ����

Yes will find out sex, we did with number one but not number 2. I expect we’ll be having another boy!

It’s such early days I’m excited but don’t want to take it for granted. Does that make sense?!

My day off with Arthur today(I only work 4 days) his new teacher is coming for a home visit ! (He starts school in sept ��)
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Wow! Due in March babies already! Congratulations to you all!

It only seems moments ago that the Due in December thread started!

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Has anyone had really dull pain at the left side at your hip (or any side)? It doesn’t feel sinister, feels kind of muscular? Doesn’t help that I’m running around after a 2 year old. And she is shouting ‘mummy’ every 2 seconds today.
Has anyone had really dull pain at the left side at your hip (or any side)? It doesn’t feel sinister, feels kind of muscular? Doesn’t help that I’m running around after a 2 year old. And she is shouting ‘mummy’ every 2 seconds today.

Thread hopping here! I had pains right inside my left hip bone for weeks in early pregnancy, I even had an early scan to check for ectopic. Baby now seems to prefer hanging out on my left hand side all the time so not sure if I'm just a bit lopsided but I had the same thing and everything is fine here!
Thank you wolf mamma! I feel fine when I’m sitting or lying down but my daughter won’t have it for more than 2 minutes lol x
Minchin let us know how his home visit goes. I've never heard of teachers doing home visits before. Do you feel the same as your other two pregnancies with boys?

We are trying not to et carried away but I'm just so over the moon about it. DH keeps bringing me down to earth and telling me to calm down it's still early days etc etc but I'm just so excited.

No pains here but a few little twitches on my right side almost like the twitches you get in your eye and not painful at all.

The only thing painful is my back but that's probably because I'm carrying a few extra lbs anyways.
Also feel a little bit achey in the tummy at times but otherwise ok. Feel the same as did with boys boys, just really tired. Didn’t have sickness with their pregnancies so fx

The home visit went really well, very low key, they chatted to Arthur a bit and asked me a few questions 👍🏼 Lots of schools do them, there’s pros and cons.

Called gp today to make an apt, got that next week. Also had dentist with the boys and didn’t pay as now exempt! It’s the little things! ♥️
Ah that's really quick minchin. I can't book in until 8 weeks and even then I have to wait for the maternity excemtion card to come through which is a bummer as I'm due dentist this month!

Glad the home visit went well.
Is it just a thing that's done up in Surrey?

Down here in Plymouth I've never heard of it being done. The most is that if the nursery the child goes to is attaché daughter or has links to a local school then they'll take them for visits.

I have a very bloated tummy which is really uncomfortable come the end of the day. Also a little achy too with a bit of discharge.

I forgot to say I tested again this morning (as you do!) and the line was defo much much darker straight away too. Xxx
Has anyone had really dull pain at the left side at your hip (or any side)? It doesn’t feel sinister, feels kind of muscular? Doesn’t help that I’m running around after a 2 year old. And she is shouting ‘mummy’ every 2 seconds today.

Hiya just wanted to share with you. I had pain in my left side, quite bad so they scanned me for ectopic. All was fine but scan showed a "corpus luteum" which is apparently very common and was the cause for my aches. Xxx
Sore boobs here, alongside an upset stomach, regular hip pains and backache that drifts in and out.

Also seem to be getting restless leg syndrome again, I suffer with it anyway but it was unbearable when pregnant with DD. This little monkey appears to be doing the same to me!
You're added Frankenstein, and welcome.

Oh sparky I hope the restless legs don't get too bad too quickly.

I'm a little worried that my back ache is bad already. It's only in the mornings and I keep putting it down to being bigger and laying in bed for too long, can't be the pregnancy just yet can it? Xx
It sure can, your uterus is expanding and there's an increase in bloodflow too :)

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