*****March 2019 Mummies*****

I’ve got an appointment with the midwife on Friday. I’ve got no idea if that’s too early, didn’t know it was supposed to be 8 weeks lol x
My surgery says to book in with the dr as soon as you know, so I called them and have my appointment a week tomorrow. I left it a bit last time but since they’re so busy ended up late for my first midwife appointment. I’m not sure if all areas are the same but in mine you see the dr who pretty much just says congratulations, take folic acid, lets get you in with a midwife between 8 and 10 weeks, then sends you on your merry way, never to see you again. Midwife then does all the notes but you can’t see her without having first seen the dr. I’ve moved area since last time so I’ll let you know if it’s the same thing here. My dr appointment is the day before my private 6 week IVF scan so that’ll be strange. I’m fairly quick off the mark because I don’t want to have to wait past 12 weeks for my first nhs scan and I know getting appointments are like gold dust.
It's going to be very strange saying it out loud to somebody tomorrow! Ahhhhhh!
Think it's same for me let doctor know, then get passed on to midwife x
I just phoned the community midwives, says on the NHS webpage you don'tbhave to go through GP. Is everyone here UK? Maybe it's different in different parts of England.
I went to the dr for my first pregnancy but this one I feel like I should just go straight to the midwife.
Although, last time the dr did prescribe me a higher dose of folic acid so maybe I should call the dr?

Oh now I'm in a pickle :rofl:

I was intending on waiting until the 6 week mark then calling to book my 8 week appt with the midwife.

It's the midwives who send off for your scan appt though isn't it? So I don't think the dr will speed that process up. Sparky how did you find the community midwifes number? Xxx
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Hi Ladies,
Can I join your group please?
I got my BFP last week after months of operations, procedures and IVF and am due on the 7th March! I am so excited but doesn't feel real yet!

My boobs are so sore and the nausea is coming in waves. Today was the first day I have felt exhausted and slept most of the afternoon 😴 Feels nice though as hells me know there is something going on in there!

I forget who asked but I too am serial testing. Think I will until I have I my scan in 2 weeks!

I went in to the surgery yesterday and they booked me straight with the midwife for the 24th July. One of my friends said that's really early but I am just doing what I am told! Reassures me to hear you guys have appointments too!

Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend.
Hi flipper and welcome. I'll add you to the due date list.
Congrats on your :bfp:

I did another test this morning, my 3rd one. I'm now 18dpo and the preg line is so dark so looks like my hormone levels are rising nicely.

I'm going to phone the dr towards the end of this week and see what they say whether I've got to see the dr first or straight to midwife.

I'm struggling to sleep last 6am these last couple of days despite being exhausted.

How is everyone else feeling?
Did you all have good weekends?
We are due on the same day Flipper, I’ve definitely been a serial tester. Got a 3+ this morning on a Digi so I’m going to try and stop now. Hope your scan goes well!

Summer I’m super impressed you’ve only tested 3 times. I literally must have done about 15. And that’s being conservative cause I’m embarrassed that it might be more than that lol. Glad you’re getting lovely lines!

I’m tired and my boobs are sore (not agony), I find it so weird that you can just feel ‘normal’ sometimes and I can forget I’m pregnant x
It's helped not having the tests in the house. Although when I saw that Superdrug had frer 45sec tests for £6 yesterday I went and got a pack :)

It is weird isn't it that symptoms come and go. I'm assuming that's because hormones level out then rise again?!
Yeah that would help, I’m within a 5 min walk of a Tesco, asda and Superdrug so I’ve not been able to control myself :rotfl:

Yeah it must be that! I never had many symptoms with my daughter so I’m hoping it’s the same this time. The thought of being heavily pregnant and looking after another child is scary though!
Flipper, welcome and congrats. IVF is not nice but well worth it for the results x

Rainbow, I know what you mean about having a baby and a toddler. I’m just hoping it’s not twins :shock:

I’ve only tested the once this time on a clear blue rapid response. Had a cp 6 months ago which showed up on a frer but then disappeared 4 days later. I was devastated so vowed not to use frers again. Since I have a scan next week I’ve not felt the need to test again. It helps that I’ve had pregnancy symptoms every single day though.

I’m in Hampshire UK and my current surgery are pretty keen on you seeing a dr before a midwife. I really have no idea why though. Summergurl it is the midwife who arranges the scan but if you see her late, then you get scanned late too, which is what happened to me last time. I had a wait to get a drs appointment (they insisted), then a wait to get a midwife appointment, then a wait for the scan. Figured I’d start the ball rolling early this time and fx things will happen on time.

Pinkflamingo let us know how it goes today x
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What she is your older child hays? My daughter is 2. And we get married in 5 weeks so this was totally unexpected!

Oh I forgot my other symptom, MAJOR bloating. I can’t bear to wear my jeans. I had them on yesterday and they were so uncomfortable! I’m a bridesmaid for my friend next week too so I hope I feel less bloated by then x
Rainbow, he is 18 months. I’ve also got 1 at 18 years and 1 at 21! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I hate the bloating, but I hate the wind even more!why do most of the side effects have to be unpleasant (and the pleasant ones happen to other people, not me Grrr)
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@Summer I just Googled 'just found out I'm pregnant' and the community midwives number came up lol. Was an 0330 number iirc x
So had my doctors appointment today. I have a small amount of blood in my urine :-( she said it could be nothing or could be the sign of miscarriage. Have to wait and see x
Pinkflamingo, here’s hoping it’s nothing. x
It could also be a water infection. Did she check for that? X

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