My surgery says to book in with the dr as soon as you know, so I called them and have my appointment a week tomorrow. I left it a bit last time but since theyre so busy ended up late for my first midwife appointment. Im not sure if all areas are the same but in mine you see the dr who pretty much just says congratulations, take folic acid, lets get you in with a midwife between 8 and 10 weeks, then sends you on your merry way, never to see you again. Midwife then does all the notes but you cant see her without having first seen the dr. Ive moved area since last time so Ill let you know if its the same thing here. My dr appointment is the day before my private 6 week IVF scan so thatll be strange. Im fairly quick off the mark because I dont want to have to wait past 12 weeks for my first nhs scan and I know getting appointments are like gold dust.