*****March 2019 Mummies*****

I dont believe in jinxing, I mean it really comes down to having to tell more people if things don't work out, it doesn't mean that it went wrong becausd you told them? We all have very sticky babies though anyway so we are all good!

I had to tell work the first time I fell pregnant as I worked in a dangerous job and had to be put on desk duty. Second time my eldest wss in hospital getting all sorts of tests and I had a CVS etc so we told folk but there was zero excitement because Aaron was on life support and we just wanted people to know the situation.

This time I'm really enjoying having a little secret, it's a real novelty. I don't know how long it will be a secret as my tummy is enormous, but I'll try!

I get to meet my SIL baby today I'm really excited!
Ah chase newborn cuddles!! Enjoy.

Ah you won't necessarily get a scan at 14 weeks I guess it all depends on how busy the scanning unit are and when the midwife sends off to get you a date. But I think the first scan can be anywhere between 12&14 weeks.

I just really hope mine is sooner rather than later as it'll scupper our plans of telling the family in a oner and I won't be able to tell my other brother face to face.
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Chase, sounds like you have a great day ahead.

I called the midwives today and although they have my referral they don’t tend to see you until 10 weeks! They’re happy to scan up to 14 weeks!! I’m losing patience. I want my booking appointment *stamps feet. At least I’ve still got my 8 week scan to look forward to.

Heading down to see my mum today after a miserable start. DS2 cried his eyes out when hubby had to leave for work. Stood at the window calling Daddy for ages. He likes his Nan so hopefully he’ll cheer up a bit. I’m back to feeling like crap today. Isn’t it fun.
My booking Appt is at 9+5 I thi k and scan at 13+4... Its a long wait!
I’m waiting til I’ve had my early scan to arrange my booking appointment.

Think your dating scan can be anywhere from between 11-14 weeks. But they prefer it a bit later than 11 in case you get your dates wrong and they can’t do the nuchal fold measurement.
I'm still trying to decide if I want DS testing. Hubster will want it, he wanted genetics again but I can't go through that again, it was cold and heartless and I hated every minute of it.

So getting a high chance result on the dual testing probably won't make any difference to further testing for me.

Such a conundrum!

I'm out getting my eyebrows done and my fringe cut and getting a balloon for the baby, which I'm very excited about
I'm a little quiet in the group as still taking everything in, and I think still nervous that my BFP will turn out to have been false.

I've only done the one test & quite nervous to do another so avoiding it.

How many weeks is everyone? I will only be 5+2 so very early.

I’m 4+2 EB, actually got my bfp last Tuesday so would have been 3+2. But if this marshmallow is anything like their older sister then my date will be brought forward. Never know though.

Think you would have had your af by now if it was false wouldn’t you? I’m worried too, feel so different this time round, not symptoms other than being r ally quiet ?!? Hubby is having more symptoms than me haha
It's reassuring to know you're not the only one worrying or fretting over little things.

My OH and I have been casually TTC since last year and I made the mistake of over rrsearching and learning all the stats etc...so now just fretting 'what if it's not true' or 'what if something goes wrong'. Goodness, I never appreciated how much just finding out you're pregnant can make you anxious.

I have some early symptoms but also not sure if I'm over analysing or if they're even symptoms at all. Lol

Hi everyone, I’m new to the Forum. My due date is on 20th March . I would love to join you all & chat with you. This is my third pregnancy. I have 2 boys . 8years & 6 years. I feel that I totally new as its been a long time since my last 1.
It's reassuring to know you're not the only one worrying or fretting over little things.

My OH and I have been casually TTC since last year and I made the mistake of over rrsearching and learning all the stats etc...so now just fretting 'what if it's not true' or 'what if something goes wrong'. Goodness, I never appreciated how much just finding out you're pregnant can make you anxious.

I have some early symptoms but also not sure if I'm over analysing or if they're even symptoms at all. Lol


Hey EB I'm also very early 4+5. I was saying yesterday the reason I joined us because I was worrying about everything and feeling a bit lonely! This is my first and it's so hard because you just don't know what to expect! It's like u get your BFP and tell the GP but then nobody wants to see you until 8-10 weeks unless you have a problem and in the meantime your brain is going overtime! :shock:
Also is anyone else serious struggling with the HEAT!! Trust us to get pregnant in record breaking summer weather! It's so hot outside and I feel like my core temperature is the same as the flipping centre of the sun! Haha
Also is anyone else serious struggling with the HEAT!! Trust us to get pregnant in record breaking summer weather! It's so hot outside and I feel like my core temperature is the same as the flipping centre of the sun! Haha

Im due in april but like to follow this thread too. Im only 4 weeks along and this heat is awful. Constantly feeling faint and dizzy! At least we arent heavily pregnant in this:preg::preg:
:sad::sad:Oh Lordy I know Laura! I can't imagine how all the heavily pregnant mummas are coping! My friend at work has 4 and guessed I was preg before my BFP as I was complaining for weeks about the HEAT before my BFP haha!

Also symptom development just yesterday and today my boobs have started to hurt! :sad:
Hi all! Sorry I’ve been quiet so far. Been taking it all in! Little background on me...
I used to be in this group in 2014/15 with my son, but have rejoined with a new name. Last year my sons father and I separated. His behaviour was far from acceptable. A few months later I began seeing someone I’d known for a while. He’s the most perfect human I could wish for and we are both incredibly excited to extend the family with this pip. We haven’t told many people as we are unsure how people will react as we have only been together about 8 months. But when you know, you know, right? Anyway, I’m technically 5w today but think I will be put back a few days. Symptoms so far include sore boobs, bloat and bloody hot! I hope the rest of you are doing well and I look forward to getting to know you better!
Hi everyone, I’m new to the Forum. My due date is on 20th March . I would love to join you all & chat with you. This is my third pregnancy. I have 2 boys . 8years & 6 years. I feel that I totally new as its been a long time since my last 1.

Hi Rasha. Welcome and congrats! We're all a friendly bunch here and it's lovely to have so many other women to talk to especially when a few of us are keeping a quiet until our scans.

It's reassuring to know you're not the only one worrying or fretting over little things.

My OH and I have been casually TTC since last year and I made the mistake of over rrsearching and learning all the stats etc...so now just fretting 'what if it's not true' or 'what if something goes wrong'. Goodness, I never appreciated how much just finding out you're pregnant can make you anxious.

I have some early symptoms but also not sure if I'm over analysing or if they're even symptoms at all. Lol


The worry never goes away. I'm on my 2nd pregnancy and have booked an early scan because I'm so worried. Then once they're born you'll have even more worries. The joys of motherhood :)

Also is anyone else serious struggling with the HEAT!! Trust us to get pregnant in record breaking summer weather! It's so hot outside and I feel like my core temperature is the same as the flipping centre of the sun! Haha

Ah goodness yes. I love the sun and heat but right now I'm a shade lover. I'm surprised nobody has guessed just from that :rofl:

Im due in april but like to follow this thread too. Im only 4 weeks along and this heat is awful. Constantly feeling faint and dizzy! At least we arent heavily pregnant in this:preg::preg:

Yep, I really feel for all the ladies that have been heavily pregnant in this heat but it has been so nice that we're finally having such a lovely summer with such long periods of sunshine.

Mlbaby2, you are right. When you know you know :love:

We've had a lovely family day today. We went for a picnic in the park and now finishing with KFC for tea :wall2: oops!
I'm sooooo bloated. Like ridiculously bloated, I'm no flat stomach normally but jeez....I look 4months already!!

Assume bloating is normal??

My due date (if correct) will be 24th March.

I'm sooooo bloated. Like ridiculously bloated, I'm no flat stomach normally but jeez....I look 4months already!!

Assume bloating is normal??

My due date (if correct) will be 24th March.


I'm bloated but thought it was trapped wind! :)

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