****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Yay Atlantis and birdo!!! So glad you got the birth you wanted and sorry for your complicated one birdo, you can fill us in when you feel better. Enjoy your beautiful babies x
Congratulations everyone thats had their babies :)

Demi-Grace is 8 days old already!

Same as Birdo, we had to stay in hospital for 7 days while baby had antibiotics. But she decided she didnt want to stay any longer then 6. Her canuler came out itself and they decided she was fine to go home :) hope your not too bored like i was in there, all baby did was eat n sleep haha.

Goodluck to those still waiting!! Get star jumping ;)
well that was fast! Baby boy 7lb 14oz born at 2.30 am. Waters went at about 10.05pm and I was fully dilated on arrival at the hospital just had to push for about 2 hours! Quite fortunate boy, they found a 'true knot' in his cord but he was thankfully OK!! He's gorgeous too!!
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Aw Mel we've all started going for it at the same time lol . Congratulations !

Aubree is going for a lumbar puncture today , I'm so frightened!!! .... She's so hungry all the time , my boobs have given in and can't keep up , I can't bare to put them in her mouth , had no sleep , she won't let me ... So I think I'm swapping to formula which was not in the plan , I breast fed my daughter until she was 11 months old , I feel like a failure , but she's far happier and settled on the but they've given her xx hope everyone is well xx
Birdo I was the exact same and didn't have the extra pressures you have! Youve given her all the good colostrum. I couldn't get Ruby off me so no sleep with a toddler, engorged boobs and cracked bleeding nipples, I was miserable and literally couldn't put her on me again. I'm expressing now tho which is working out well so far.

My dd1 had one at 7 months cos she has epilepsy and I was terrified too, they are toughies tho and it's amazing how resilient they are. Hugs x
Congrats Mel :)

Can't be too many now x
Mel huge congratulations! Enjoy your gorgeous bundle!! I knew it wouldn't be long for you ;) X

Birdo I really feel for you. I'm sure it will be fine. They know what they are doing. Hugs!!

I've got a milk monster all night cluster feeder here too - went 10pm-9am this morning hanging off me. I was sleeping through some of it by dawn, ha! Surprised I didn't drop her - had to lie propped up and lay her across my chest and just swap her 180 degrees all night long. I can see how this can easily force people into FF - if my nipples crack that might nudge me in that direction.... It's SO HARD X
Congratulations Mel!

I'm trying to persevere with breastfeeding but am supplementing with some bottles too as we didn't have a very good start. I'm still sore from my episiotomy, went for my first walk today and could only manage a little way, just want to get back to normal :( I'm a bit haunted by my labour, gets me emotional at times. But he's worth every bit of it x
Emcb are you getting enough support post labour? If you have had a traumatic delivery it can impact you. I had PTSD last time round... Haunted by recollections, flashbacks, etc. Something like this needs addressing before it becomes a concern. Talk to your MW, Hv or gp. I went back to hospital to have our birth story reviewed and explained and it helped a great deal
My midwife and health visitor have recommended that we go back to the hospital at 6 weeks for a birth debrief. I still don't really know everything that happened so think that would be helpful. I'm hoping with time it will get better x
Definitely - glad they recommended it. Do please consider doing it . I found it hard going (I was nearly physically sick in the middle of listening) but then I was so glad we reviewed it - they knew how to approach presenting it and explaining it. 3 days after my debrief "the dust settled" and I found flashbacks stopped for me then. Wish I'd told them about my issue earlier and not waited 3-4 months... Good luck!
She's had a formula feed and guzzled 70ml straight away , she's having the lumbar puncture now , I sent OH . I've cried hysterically all day about what a failure I am in every way , the birth traumatised me ... It doesn't seem as bad as some but for me it was ... Then I've given her an infection and I feel guilty , then all my dreams of doing the same as I did with DD1 have fallen to peices and I failed at feeding her myself , since formula she seems so much more settled , but I'm heartbroken ,,,, but I just want her to be happy going through all she is , and she's crying constantly as soon as I stop feeding for me to feed her again x
Glad your getting some support emcb, it must be horrendous :(

Birdo I'm sure nothing we say will stop you feeling how you do but the fact you feel so guilty and beating yourself up means your an amazing mum that cares a great deal

Atlantis the cracked nipples were the breaker for me! On day 4 I had been feeding from 12am til 630 non stop and the pain, as well as exhaustion was the final straw. Sooo much happier expressing and will move to ff once I wean myself off expressing. Don't wanna go cold turkey and get blocks and engorgement!
Birdo, i know your pain. Little Demi had to have 2 lumber punctures both of which was unsuccessful. I cried hysterically when they told me she was having them. Its not nice at all. But we are on day 10 now and shes perfect. I got myself through the pain of bf'ing and almost feel like a pro with it now. I do express too so dad can have the odd go at feeding her aswel. Being stuck in hospital really doesnt help with emotions! Once you are home u will feel so much better!
Hi everyone - congratulations to everyone else that has finally popped!

There is absolutely no doubt that breastfeeding is hard. It hurts, it makes you feel like a failure when it isn't working, it makes you feel guilty when you see them hungry and then on top of that you get the midwives/health visitors out plaguing you to try other things to improve it all just when you are likely to be going through baby blues. For some people it ends up working and that's great and for others it's too tough and ruins your first few days/weeks and formula is the way forward and that is fine. There are too many people out there that want you to think that their way is the 'right way'. I've got a lot of what I like to think of as the 'formula feeder defensives' in my family, they all tried breast feeding and gave up very quickly and went to bottles but clearly someone made them feel guilty about that at the time because they have now gone to the other extreme and are totally anti breast feeding - for example claiming it stunts the growth long term of the baby. Just totally mad stuff like that and it drives me nuts. I was successfully breast feeding my daughter and yet one of them suggested I mix in formula with my breast milk because I couldn't possibly be giving her all she needs! For me those people are as bad as the 'breast feeding brigade' who think formula is the devil. Whatever you choose is the right thing for you and your child and no one has any right to comment on that or make you feel guilty about it. Whatever you've chosen you are doing great!!

With my daughter (15 months) I breast fed her for a couple of weeks until I got thrush and she started refusing and I switched to exclusively express breast feeding which was mega hard work but if anyone wants any advice on that please feel free to ask. In the first week with her she lost 10% of her birthweight and HV were trying to get me to use formula but I was adamant I really wanted to try to make it work and I was right to stick to this as on day 5 she turned a corner and out on weight and from that point couldn't be stopped - she was always well above the 75th percentile line for weight. She was a terrible latcher though. Once I was pregnant with my son she was 5 months old and my milk started to dry up, I managed to stay with it until 7 and a half months but then there was nothing left and I switched to formula and she never noticed and I never noticed a difference in her either - formula was great from then on and I will use it again whenever I feel I need to.

This little boy is a great latcher but terribly lazy and lost 9.6% of his body weight (a full lb) by day 3 because he would be on and off all day but fall asleep as soon as something was in his tummy. Again the midwives were talking about formula top ups and 'plans' for how to get his weight back up but I said no, I wanted to preservere until at least day 6 to see what happened when my milk came in. I was right, yesterday they weighed him and he had put back on 4oz despite still falling asleep in the middle of feeds and they aren't going to want me to do anything else except feed him as I am now.

So I've been lucky twice that things have worked out but absolutely none of it has been easy and I've sat and sobbed about failing them in those first few days, about not being there for my young daughter as she adjusts to me not having time for her while I feed etc. Us mums are great at beating ourselves up in these first few weeks but we really have no reason to, we are all doing a great job and shouldn't ever let anyone make us feel anything different! Xxx
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Great post Rose. May it continue working out for you. With you 100% on this. No one has the right to judge all the tough choices we have to make.

Last night I did something I said I'd never do after an unsuccessful attempt with DD1 4 years ago - cosleeping and BF whilst doing that. I was desperate for something after an 11 hour cluster feed of the night before. Last night, it finally worked for me and DD2 and I found a position where I would not roll onto her in my sleep which is what I did 4 years ago to my absolute awful horror... So I slept and DD2 nursed throughout the night as she wanted.

When we've all had our babies are people going to stay in touch or just vanish off here for ever and ever? Xx
I'd like to stay in touch and watch the babies grow

2 failed lumbar punctures and here until at least Sunday . My milk has kicked in and I feel ready to try and offer her a breast , I've been using lanisol and now I have milk I'm sure I will be able to fill her xx
We could start March mummies chat over in baby section for carrying on chatting. I'll start one now x
Meeeee!!!!! 8 days over had a sweep yesterday but MW said she thought I would need another to get me going so back in again tomorrow for sweep number two induction booked for 31st!

Congratulations to all that have had their babies. Not sure there is anyone left still waiting?

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