******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

That's me updated you I love.

Sooooo......had my 12 week scan today and it was amazing!!! Our wee baby is just perfect, it was kicking its legs and moving about. So relieved and excited xxx

Congratulations! I can't wait for mine! Have you announced it to friends etc? I'm planning to after my scan if everything's okay. Do you have a pic ? :D
Hi ladies, can I join? Due date 8th march, even though this may change after my 12 week scan. Cosmo- could you add me in please xx
I've added you colourmeblue, congrats.

Yeah Missbx we done some announcing yesterday, told our parents, husbands brother and sister and a few close friends. Quite a few knew we'd miscarried before and had been trying so don't think many were shocked but but happy that we'd got to 12 weeks and no complications.

Yeah I got a pic, it's not that great though. Will post it later. Can't believe I've finally made it to 12 weeks, I honestly never thought this day would come!!!

Congrats Cosmo, thoughts I'd track you down to see how things were going, glad to hear all is well :) x
Congratulations Cosmo!! Fab news for you :) so happy to hear this

That's great news Cosmo...the 12 week stage is a massive milestone and you've made it :)
Hi ladies, I had my 12 week on Wednesday and my due date has been put back a few days so it looks like I might be a march mummy instead of feb. Official due date is 2nd march now but think i will go between the February/march threads. Hope you are all keeping well! X
Congrats niknaknoo I've added you onto march mummies anyway.

I actually measured 12+1 yesterday so technically I think my due date is 27th of Feb but I want to stay with you lovely march mummies although I keep popping in to see how the lovely Feb mummies are xxx
Officially 12 weeks today, 12 week scan Tuesday!
The last 7 weeks have gone soooooooooooooooooo slowly!! :shock:

Feel like a complete hippo today :( :preg:
Congrats to the ladies at 12 weeks :) it must be such a relief!

I told my mum and dad yesterday :) I was expecting my dad to just go to pieces but it was my mum lol. They were both so shocked but really happy. They had no idea what to do with themselves after lol xxx
Congrats to the ladies at 12 weeks :) it must be such a relief!

I told my mum and dad yesterday :) I was expecting my dad to just go to pieces but it was my mum lol. They were both so shocked but really happy. They had no idea what to do with themselves after lol xxx

I rung my dad so he could hear baby heartbeat when I was playing with the Doppler the other day and he cried his eyes out! Lol! This is his second grandchild but he didn't get any of this with the first as my brother and wife live in Australia, so he's making up for it with me!
My mum is yet to show emotion on the situation, but that may change later when I ask her if she would like to do the honours of cutting the cord when bibs arrives!
Congratulations Cosmogirl7 and Niknaknoo! :D

Wow! I wish my parents were that excited. My parents do already have four grand daughters, so maybe they will get excited if I find out I'm having a boy. My Dad said "congratulations" and my Mum said "that was quick" (six weeks after miscarriage). That was about it. :/
Gf91 that's lovely :) my OH doesn't want to cut the cord and I don't know if I'd want anyone else to (other than the doctor lol).

Oh Lulu I'm sorry to hear that :( maybe they're hesitant if you've had a miscarriage before and they're worried for you. Obviously they should have been more supportive.

This is my mum and dads first grandchild and the past few years have been pretty sad for us as we lost my brother October 2011. The little one night just give them a bit more of a reason to smile again I guess xxxx
So pleased for all you lovely ladies that have or are about to reach that amazing milestone of 12 weeks. It all becomes so much more real now!!!

Michelle x
Gf91 that's lovely :) my OH doesn't want to cut the cord and I don't know if I'd want anyone else to (other than the doctor lol).

My OH is unsure if he even wants to be in the room. He's not good with blood gunk or stressful situations. He also hates seeing me in pain and is worried that he'll stress me out even more.
He doesn't want to go down that end, he's said he won't even cuddle the baby til it's been bathed!

This will be my mums first grandchild (my brother is my half brother, same dad diff mum)
We haven't always been close, but we've grown close in recent years and she's really excited about being a mogs (she's welsh, mamgu means grandmother - she outright refuses to be called nan, nanny, grandma, gran, granny ect) so I thought it would be appropriate! I was there when my little sister was born 6 years ago and I cut her cord :)
So happy for you Cosmo, now you can relax a bit (although I still worried up until my 20 wk scan) Now I'm feeling it kick, it calms me down! We did it!!!!!! :) xxx
Aww Cosmo so pleased for you this has been a long time coming for you xxxxxxxxxxx
I just popped in to check on you Cosmo, figured your 12 weeks would be up! So thrilled all is good in there xxx

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