******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Spinsugar that's an awesome bump :)
Podpie that is naughty!! Be selfish at work, I know I am a little atm. It's nice when people offer to do things for you because they want you to be careful :)
Blimey spinsugar....you havent half "popped" lol. People keep asking me if i have put weight on....i just look a bit fat atm!!! Gorgeous bump tho hun xxxx
Omg spinsugar, what a bump!!!! How far gone are you? Love it!!!

Podpie!!!!! You need to be selfish for your wee baby!!!!! I honestly think I'd have passed out if I hadn't eaten all day. You need to look after yourself xxx
I start waiting for my lunch break at 11 am. By 12 I get all weak and shaky from hunger and am always the first in the cafeteria queue when it opens at 12. I don't know how you could do this Podpie, I just couldn't. Please take care of yourself - don't keep that little bean hungry x
SpinSugar that's a very proper bump!! Awesome :)
Wow... Amazing bump, especially for 8 weeks!!! Lol xx
OK so woke up to this little bump this morning and a new symptom. My boobs are leaking milk!!!! Not a lot but enough for me to notice. I didn't produce any milk with my son, not a drop so this is definitely new. Please tell me this is a good sign that my little baby is OK?

Michelle X
2014-08-16 11.34.40.jpg
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OK so woke up to this little bump this morning and a new symptom. My boobs are leaking milk!!!! Not a lot but enough for me to notice. I didn't produce any milk with my son, not a drop so this is definitely new. Please tell me this is a good sign that my little baby is OK?

Michelle X
View attachment 50519

Hey hun,
I have been leaking since about 7 weeks, not as much now though.. I told my mw about this and she said that its fine its just all the hormones in your body. How far are you? xx
I don't have a bump to show off yet but then I was bigger when I got pregnant so my flab just hides it. My mum did comment that I'm starting to look pregnant but my oh said that could be because she knows. When I lay down and have a feel around I'm definitely getting a little bump under there xx
Getting there slowly...deffo in a getting fatter stage lol (apologies for the mess in background lol)

OK so woke up to this little bump this morning and a new symptom. My boobs are leaking milk!!!! Not a lot but enough for me to notice. I didn't produce any milk with my son, not a drop so this is definitely new. Please tell me this is a good sign that my little baby is OK?

Michelle X
View attachment 50519

Hey hun,
I have been leaking since about 7 weeks, not as much now though.. I told my mw about this and she said that its fine its just all the hormones in your body. How far are you? xx

Going by LMP I am just over 8 weeks but going by scanS I am 6/7 weeks

Michelle x
Yeah Michelle I'm slightly behind going by scan.

I been given a Doppler by a friend and we just had a little play about. I think we may have found the heart beat you know. We now desperately checking you tube videos to check if other heart beats match what we heard lol xx
Yeah Michelle I'm slightly behind going by scan.

I been given a Doppler by a friend and we just had a little play about. I think we may have found the heart beat you know. We now desperately checking you tube videos to check if other heart beats match what we heard lol xx

You should find it very low down just above your bikini line and it should should like a little puffing train if that makes any sence

Michelle x
Cosmo could you please add my scan date to 2 Sep? Thanks x
That's me updated you I love.

Sooooo......had my 12 week scan today and it was amazing!!! Our wee baby is just perfect, it was kicking its legs and moving about. So relieved and excited xxx

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