******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Thanks ladies, I'm over the moon. It's been lovely the past couple of days telling all our friends and family, everyone has been so delighted for us. Feels so real now it's common knowledge xxx
That's wonderful Cosmo! Now the most enjoyable part of the pregnancy begins for you! Xx
Congratulations again Cosmogirl7. :)

Oh Lulu I'm sorry to hear that :( maybe they're hesitant if you've had a miscarriage before and they're worried for you. Obviously they should have been more supportive.

It's not that they don't want to be supportive. I have a very stuff-upper-lip, English family. It's always been the same. When I left for University my Mum dropped my bags on the path and drove off, my friend (who lives ten mins away from the university) had her Mum in tears, hugging her. My family don't really show their feelings. I sometimes wish they did, but I know they care really.
11 weeks pregnant today :) 1 weeks 2 days till my scan x
Feeling down today. Have finally come to the conclusion that I'm not going to apply for the promotion at work. Having just re-read my last review I think they will find reasons not to give it to me because I'm pregnant and there'll be nothing I can do about it. It's just so frustrating when I know I can do the job and would be good at it, and people before me have even got the job and were totally incompetent! Just going to focus on the targets set in my review, get them done, continue improving and then next time they'll have no excuse to say no.

I'm just waiting now for work at 4.30 and for some reason I'm sitting at home feeling lonely and upset. I'm probably hungry but I don't want anything in the cupboards. I'm feeling massively disillusioned and not even wanting to go to work now... :(
Is there any harm in applying and getting a no hun? Maybe worth trying - there still is a chance you would get it, right? X
If they say no again, I'll be upset and feel like an idiot and will probably resent going to work more than I already do. It's not worth the stress at the moment. I have something much more exciting to look forward to anyway.
That is very true :)

Honestly saying I can't get very excited about work anymore either. I have other things on my mind now :)
Anyone any experience with group strep b? As ive just got my results bacl to today i have it and on antibotics to treat it. 1st pg ive had it
Had brown discharge this morning ): doctors are sending me for an early scan Wednesday! Scared! ): gonna tell work tomorrow to explain the time off basically but not sure how to put it.. ?? X
Ser19 sorry you are going through this :(

I wouldn't go into too much detail. Just say that you are pg and you need to go to a dr appointment x
Thanks Ilove. I' think that's what I'll do but he will be so shocked cos I only started 2 months ago haha! Oh we'll, what will be will be! :) x
Ser19 it is scary I have bled twice with this pregnancy even red blood and it was fine I am sure all will be ok x

TTC no2 I have GBS but been told by a consultant it is fine until labour when they will put me on Intravenous antibiotics to stop the baby getting it but ok in pregnancy and they don't normally give you antibiotics yet I took a course before pregnancy but it didn't clear it

Good luck Ser19 :)
TTCno2 I think there is a GBS thread in pregnancy chat or a different tri, but you will be fine :) oops just checked and you started that thread anyway! Sorry, I'm still half asleep lol.

Bit scared today, I have my first mw appointment and no idea what to expect! Plus I want a nice mw but doesn't everyone?! :p
First midwife appointment is nothing to worry about, just a lot of questions. :) They might take a blood and wee sample too. They'll go through all the testing available etc etc.

I had mine with the student midwife and the actual midwife was in with us. She did get a bit funny about the fact I got pregnant on the pill. She was like "So it wasn't planned but you're still happy?" as if I'm not allowed to be happy about expecting my first child no matter the circumstances... Weird.
She got a lot nicer to me though when I said my mum is the president of the NCT! Told me to make sure I tell her they're promoting the nct antenatal classes.... OK! Hmm!
That's a bit weird that she said that! Funny that she changed her tune quickly though :p
I guess I'm worrying because my dad has type 1 diabetes and I know that makes it a big risk for me to get gestational diabetes :( I'm going to a birthing centre and I would really like to go there to give birth but if I do develop diabetes, I doubt they'll let me xxxx
Got my scan date yay!! I've had to change it due to my OH being away for a week tho which is annoying! Shouldve been 29/08 but instead its the 5/09 day before my birthday :) ill be 13+6 seems such a long time away! But im sure it will go quick xx
Got my emergency scan at midday. Strangely I'm not worried. Tbh I'm just not thinking about it. What will be will be. All my symptoms have gone though :(
Good - keep calm. Indeed, what will be will be, and stress is not good for babies. Best of luck!!
Best of luck to you today spin sugar. Hope all is well keep us posted xxx

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