******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Cakey great news!! :) did they changed your dates at all? Xx
Lovely picture glad all is well :) I'm so excited for my scan! :)
Thank you all :) I hope you all have such a lovely scan like I did.

Olya, the sonographer said baba measured at 7 weeks 1 day but they say you can either add or minus 5 days. I'm at 7 weeks 6 days from my last period so it's all measuring good :)
So had my scan today and it turns out im only 7 weeks and 4 days so can i be added to 29th march please? X
Congrats nikki I've added you.

Oh girls I'm feeling rubbish I had a bit of brown discharge today :(

I know it can be really common and normal but I've gone through this pregnancy with no probs so far, I'm 11+6 today going by last scan measurements. Feel so close to that all important 12 weeks and don't want anything bad to happen now. Roll on my scan on Saturday, I hope my wee baby is ok in there. So tired today as well xxx
I really wouldn't worry if it's brown hun. I've had red and pink on and off for weeks and the doctors are still telling me not to worry. Impossible, I know!
Thanks Podpie. I know if this was any of you girls asking I'd be saying the same but I'm just worrying as this is how bad news has started for me before, really hope nothing comes of it. It was only a little bit. Xxx
Aww, Cosmo sorry to hear you had a scare. I am sure everything is ok. This is your take home baby I am sure of it. I won't say try not to worry because I know you will but Saturdays scan will bring you fantastic news and an amazing pic of your healthy happy baby

Michelle x
Follow your own advice and try not to panic. You're only a few days ahead of me, we'll make it there together! :) Not long left now!
Thanks girlies. I feel better now I'm home in my bed with my dressing gown on and had 2 slice of toast. Got a meal out tonight though that I really could be seeing far enough.

Roll on Saturday, so nervous and excited xxx
I'll be leaving for my scan soon and I'm really struggling not to be upset. I just have an overwhelming feeling that they're going to tell me it's all over or that the baby stopped developing. My partner is getting so annoyed with me because of it but I just can't help myself! I'm convinced. I just KNOW. Am I mad? :(

I really hope I'm wrong but still. :(
Thinking of you so much. Totally feel for you and know how your feeling. Keep us informed, I really hope it's good news xxx
Whatever the result Podpie...there are loads of people out here thinking of you and keeping everything crossed that you are ok. Keep strong and lots of love xxx

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