******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Being a first timer I went and had a private scan done. I had to know if everything was ok and if what I was feeling/how awful I felt was completely normal. Plus what was meant to be a secret until 12 weeks wasn't as my fiancé told his friend who told his wife and she asked me how far along I was in front of about 50 people at our summer BBQ. Wasn't impressed :-(
Can I ask where you had private scan done? We are in east Sussex to and only found one place so far! Xx
I'm trying to hold out cos I'm thinking there'll be more to see then! Aaaw aha oh dear! I couldn't control myself and told my mum and dad the day after I found out hahaha! Most of mine and the oh friends know but still trying to keep it on the downlow from Facebook etc because of work!

Oh our parents know- but hard not too as his mother is a midwife :-/
Was going to keep it quiet until 12 weeks.

Can I ask where you had private scan done? We are in east Sussex to and only found one place so far! Xx

Battle Hun. Place called discovery ultrasound. Xx
Aw I don't think you could've kept that secret no! Haha! I'm just dreading telling work as I'm young so they won't expect it and i only started two months ago!
Oh our parents know- but hard not too as his mother is a midwife :-/
Was going to keep it quiet until 12 weeks.

Battle Hun. Place called discovery ultrasound. Xx
Oh battle is the one we found to! £69? Were they good? We're booking one for two weeks time as only just had one at epu xx
Oh battle is the one we found to! £69? Were they good? We're booking one for two weeks time as only just had one at epu xx

Yeh that's the one.
They where brilliant. Really kind, understanding, reassuring.
The sonographer I had, Emily, she actually works at Eastbourne hospital as the sonographer. There is another one there that works at the conquest.
I'm going back at 30 weeks with my step daughter for a 4D scan as she's desp to go to at least one scan with me but as it's at Xmas that's one of her presents.
I've got my scan on Monday, but it's the next one I literally can't wait for!

I think ill book a private one at 14-16 weeks for gender.
3 more sleeps till my 12 week scan, aaahhhhh!!!!! So excited but so nervous incase we fall at the last hurdle. Everything has gone so perfectly this pregnancy I just hope baby is ok come Sat.

Are you all planning on just telling everyone after 12 week scan or waiting a while longer? There are quite a few people we've told already but waiting till Sat to tell our parents and OH's brother and sister. Already told my sister. Will seem so much more real when it's all out in the open xxx
We have already told friends and family don't want it plastered all over social media yet though. We figured as we have a heart beat and are past the stage we lost last time why not. They would have figured it out anyway. And I had to tell them at work because it greatly affects what I do I felt guilty telling my work colleagues and not my oh parents. My mum knew we talk about everything and my best friend turned up with a bottle of wine and figured it out when I said no thanks I'm on the robinsons lol xx
We've told our parents, siblings and one friend and our nanny. Was going to keep it quiet from the nanny til next week as our scan is in Monday, but I knew she knew and I was hiding it so I had to come clean, lol!

I think we're going to tell others after scan on Monday. No big announcement, just as and when we see people.

Thinking of telling daughters in Monday too. They are going to explode with excitement! They keep asking asking for a baby to be in my tummy.

Going for a private scan at two!! Literally just can't wait, it's like Christmas for OH and myself!!
How exciting!!! Tomorrow can't come fast enough for me! :) Can't wait to see your photos!!
Oh that's awesome Cakey! I'm thinking of booking one myself too... 12 weeks are so far away :(
Impatient for Tuesday and our 12 week scan. Days are feeling like they're dragging
How exciting Cakey, will be checking in for updates and pics

Michelle x
I just gave in and booked a dating scan for this Saturday. I should be 8 weeks exactly. So excited!! :)

Found a place that charges £65, thought it was quite reasonable.
It's really worth the money I think :) on the way there now and I don't know if I feel sick from anxiety or the baba! Xx
Cakey- good luck :)

I've told 3 friends and all the family and i will tell everyone else when I have my 12 week scan with a picture 2 weeks to go! :) x
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Good luck for all the scans coming up. My next scan isnt til 3rd sept so wee wile to wait but ive things on so im hoping it will help distract me ..:)
On question of who knws so far that im expecting we told our parents, OH nana as she has terminal cancer so wanted to knw just incase anythin happens. We will tell rest of our immedate family after next scan when i should be about 11weeks if all is still well..
I think the best advice I read as to who to tell is basically to think who you would tell if you had a mc. So I told all our close friends already.

Also, my friend got pregnant some time ago and only told me after the 12 w scan. We had a holiday together just before that, spent a whole week together and she never mentioned it. I confess I felt a bit annoyed that she felt she had to keep it secret :( I would never wish her ill, and she knows that. I know it's a very personal thing, but I just couldn't help feeling a bit upset that she didn't want to share something that was obviously constantly on her mind with me.
The sonographer said baba has a lovely heartbeat! :)


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