******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Thank you ladies, really hope I am still a March Mummy after tomorrows scan

Michelle x
Well guys today I have felt quite rotten light headed and lethargic seriously hardly had the strength to lift my arms. Also had a mild headache and been seeing dark shadows out corner of my eye. I'm thinking I may go and have my blood pressure checked. Anyone else experienced this?xx
Hi everyone,

Not been here for a while.

So sorry for those who have experienced losses x

Chrissie-I wasn't given one either, but mw said for me to and get one, can't remember where from now!

Good luck today Michelle. Hope you have a strong little bean there hiding away xxxx
Morning everyone. So its been a little sad in here lately. While we are all waiting on Michelle news why don't we play a game. What's the most un glamorous thing so far you've discovered about tri 1. For me i think it's the wind and the discharge lol.
Thinking of you today Michelle fingers crossed hun xx
Most unglamorous thing?

Wind. Assuming the frog leg position for examinations. Wind while IN the frog leg position and trying desperately not to let it out.

And constantly being on knicker watch!
Good luck for today Michelle ! Praying you've got a wee sticky bean love.

Unglamours thing so far, I have to agree, is the wind and knicker watch!
I just realised I wasn't given any form for my maternity exemption card, has everyone else got theirs?

Not yet. I'm 9+1 and only just got the date for my first midwife appointment (two weeks time - I'll be 11 weeks! Is it normally that late?) I gave up on the doctor and referred myself. No exemption card yet, but I sent off the form about two weeks ago.

Knickers watch is no fun. Esp. as that is how I discovered my previous miscarriage. Super paranoid.
Yes I discovered my last mmc through knicker checking. Not glamorous at all. This time I would say it's definitely the wind that's been the most unglamorous is most definitely the wind. Especially in the frog legs position. It's been very hard to conceal my windy symptoms lol xx
For me it might be using a rubber band to extend my jeans and constantly worrying that my shirt will move up and someone will notice! It's just too early for maternity clothes (plus I worry that they will be a give away).
When you have to lay with your legs wide apart while they examine you. Not a very lady like position. But they do say that modesty goes out the window when you pregnant.

Michelle what time is your appiontment Hun?xx
Had my scan this morning, still in limbo. My gestational sac had grown quite considerably, also saw a very visible yolk sac which wasn't there on Friday but no fetal pole. Got to get another scan to see if I am maybe just behind on dates.
It's just all very confusing. Going by LMP I should be 7wks 6days, we only DTD once on the 5th July and got a faint positive hpt one week later on the 12th July but going by scan I am round about 5wks!!!

Michelle x
Oh hun sorry it wasn't more reassuring for you, fingers crossed for hb next time! the progress sounds positive again xx
Wow! Lots of March mummy's!
Can I join in too? I'm 11+2 with my first baby- due on the 1/3/15 :dance:
I hope everything works out for you Michelle!

Anyone else think the wait to the first scan is worst than the 2ww? Haha! I just wanna make sure little egg is happy in there!!
Also, i got my scan app on sept 3rd eeeeeek
Being a first timer I went and had a private scan done. I had to know if everything was ok and if what I was feeling/how awful I felt was completely normal. Plus what was meant to be a secret until 12 weeks wasn't as my fiancé told his friend who told his wife and she asked me how far along I was in front of about 50 people at our summer BBQ. Wasn't impressed :-(
I'm trying to hold out cos I'm thinking there'll be more to see then! Aaaw aha oh dear! I couldn't control myself and told my mum and dad the day after I found out hahaha! Most of mine and the oh friends know but still trying to keep it on the downlow from Facebook etc because of work!

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