******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

I really hope we both get great news today Linz. There has been enough bad news on the March Mummies thread recently.

Michelle X
On a plus side all my symptoms seem to of multiplied in the last couple of days. Boobs hurt, feel exhausted and oh my good the nausea. I feel like I am going to throw up all the time. Really hoping this is all good pregnancy symptoms.

Michelle X
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Well that sounds encouraging. My main thing at the moment is wanting to clean and disinfect everything. I'm doing it at home and at work I just can't sit still for longer than 5 minutes. But I'm really enjoying doing it I find it rather satisfying x
On a plus side all my symptoms seem to of multiplied in the last couple of days. Books hurt, feel exhausted and oh my good the nausea. I feel like I am going to throw up all the time. Really hoping this is all good pregnancy symptoms.

Michelle X
That's really positive signs hun, have everything crossed for you xx
Not good news. Gestational sac has grown and there is something in the sac but it's not clear if it's a yolk sac or fetal pole, definitely no flickering heartbeat so we have to go back on Tuesday for a more detailed scan on a better machine and take it from there. It's not looking good. It's more than likely a missed miscarriage.
We are absolutely devastated, I can't stop crying :cry::cry::cry:

Michelle x
Hi ladies i have not been on for a while and i cant believe the amount of heartache the march mummies are having :-( i just want to say i am so sorry fo your losses. I really cant imagine what you are going through. I am thinking of you all xx
Sorry to hear this Michelle you must feel awful. Love and hugs xxx
So sorry Michelle, especially when you do so much to support everyone else. Sending you love. Take good care of yourself and know that many people are thinking of you xxx
Oh Michelle I'm so sorry hun, I feel awful for you having to wait till Tuesday wish I could help xx
At least we will get a answer on Tuesday, if there is progress then there is a chance the pregnancy could continue healthily, we will just be behind on dates which is fine. if no progress then I will be booked in for a D&C on the Friday. I guess we just have to hope and pray that our little bean is just a slow grower. I need all the luck in the world the help us get a good outcome on this one.
There has been a lot of heartache in the last few days for us March Mummies, please don't let there be anymore

Michelle x
I had a miracle today and I have everything crossed that you do to. I was earlier than they thought even after a scan. I've heard lots of stories of late starters and wrong dates and your symptoms are such a good sign! Wishing you all the luck in the world you Michelle xxx
Hey everyone! I'm due approx 18th march so just over 8 weeks gone :) how's everyone doing? Xx
Aw Michelle I'm sorry this is dragging out and no clear cut answer. You're not out yet though, I'll say a prayer for you xxx
Hi everyone. Can I be put down for 22nd March please, also my 12 week scan is 10th September xxx
Michelle - so sorry you are going through such difficult time! I so so so hope it all turns out to be OK! Waiting until Tuesday must be so hard :( please hang on in there - let's hope for the best! Xx
Michelle I don't know if you remember her story but lillmisshopeful had something similar happen to her in tri1, I can't remember the exact deets but I'm sure a scan at 7 weeks showed nothing, went back 10 days later and then there was hb and everything fine. Don't quote me on those dates maybe ask her but she's now just about to drop. I'm praying for you xxx
Congrats eldra and ser I've added you both, hope you're both keeping well xxx
I don't post on here often (more of a lurker) but Michelle I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and best of luck for Tues. Got everything crossed for u that it turns out alright xxx

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