******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Oh Cosmo I'm so happy for you it's a great feeling isn't it xx
Cosmo what an amazing pic! I love it!!! Weird but just seeing that it looks like a proper baby rather than a blob or a kidney bean lol! Your defo gonna end up having him/her before me lol and your 12 week scan is only a day after me eeeee how exciting!

So lovely that we can go through this together in a postive way this time

Just thought I'd say Cosmo same day as us for scan congrats my darling xx I posted ours on February
I have my midwife appointment this morning. I don't know why I'm so nervous :( my mum was going to come with me as my partner is at work but she text me this morning to say she can't come and now I'm scared all over again... I hate my stupid anxieties about things like this.

Also it was rather an inconvenience waking up this morning bursting for a wee and having to run all the way downstairs (two flights) to get the pot I'm supposed to wee in for the midwife! I nearly forgot and would have had to force myself to drink a load of water to try and get a few drops out of me by 10am if I didn't get the morning wee hahaha!
Such a brilliant pic Cosmo, not long now til your 12 week scan then you can tell everyone your fab news.

Podpie good luck this afternoon, it will all be fine just lots of questions and filling in forms.

I have my 2nd scan this afternoon, please please please let their be a healthy heartbeat!!!

Michelle x
Michelle ru gonna be getting regular scans the whole way through?

Referred to MW yesterday but got told they don't even contact mums till 10 weeks at the earliest! !!
Such a brilliant pic Cosmo, not long now til your 12 week scan then you can tell everyone your fab news.

Podpie good luck this afternoon, it will all be fine just lots of questions and filling in forms.

I have my 2nd scan this afternoon, please please please let their be a healthy heartbeat!!!

Michelle x
Good luck Balthazar I have my second scan Monday and praying for exactly the same thing. Everything crossed for you xx
I think so, I was scanned every week from 5wks until 16wks with my last pregnancy, hopefully I will get the same this time. The women who does my scans is absolutely lovely and said she will scan me until I fell happy and reassured everything is fine.
Scan us at 2:30pm, wish t would hurry up. I just want to see that healthy heartbeat as once you see that between 6/8 weeks chances if miscarriage drops dramatically.

Michelle x
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Cosmo what an amazing pic! I love it!!! Weird but just seeing that it looks like a proper baby rather than a blob or a kidney bean lol! Your defo gonna end up having him/her before me lol and your 12 week scan is only a day after me eeeee how exciting!

So lovely that we can go through this together in a postive way this time


Aaww thanks love, I'm so delighted with the pic because it actually looks like a baby. Lol I think we're destined to have our babies on the same day. Love that it's going well for us both after last time. All good news from now on :)
Not good news for me. Sac is bigger than last week and there is a fetal pole which measures 6w exactly but no heartbeat. She said it could just be too early for heartbeat so I have to go back next Wednesday, she also saw some blood beside the sac so said I have to phone of I start bleeding or get any pain.
I just have to pray I have a slow grower and that everything is going to be ok. I just can't go through a 4th Miscarriage. The last one was horrendous I am not strong enough to cope with another loss.
Just so scared at the moment

Michelle x
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Oh Michelle I really feel for you and have everything crossed for you on Wednesday, try not to worry in the mean time (impossible while you have to wait I know) sending you lots of positive thoughts and luck xx
My head is spinning, going by my LMP I should be 7 weeks today, we only DTD once which would put us at 6w 4 day. But fetal pole is measuring only 6 weeks.
It's going to be a very long week and I am going to be constantly on knicker watch. I just want a Nice, simple straightforward pregnancy!!!

Michelle x
It's so frustrating on my scan on Friday they told me I was 5-6 weeks and no heartbeat when I know I was 6+1! Now have the same as you a long wait of worry tears and fear till Monday it's like de ja vu of our mmc. All we can do is hope for the best hun I honestly know exactly how you feel xx
Girls look back through the thread I had the same thing my dates and the size didn't make sense and I had to go back and when I did it had caught up and had a heart beat I know it's hard not to worry I too had mmc last year and I too thought it was happening again but please know all is not lost yet it could be fine on your next scans and I really hope it is for both of you. Lots of love and hugs coming your way xx
I really hope we have good outcomes too, it would break my heart to loose another baby.

Michelle x
Girls look back through the thread I had the same thing my dates and the size didn't make sense and I had to go back and when I did it had caught up and had a heart beat I know it's hard not to worry I too had mmc last year and I too thought it was happening again but please know all is not lost yet it could be fine on your next scans and I really hope it is for both of you. Lots of love and hugs coming your way xx
Thank you really sweet of you, stories like yours are so reassuring at the moment xx
Ditto Michelle dr/nurses keep telling me the blood I'm losing is old blood and not to worry but like you till I see our babies heartbeat I'm petrified of having another loss xx
Michelle those early scabs are notoriously vas for accurate sating and don't look at your dates by the day you DTD - could be days either side - dates are so variable. Hope it's good news for you next week xxx

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