******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Michelle try not to worry you may just have a baby that grows slower and early scans are not accurate on dates when I had my scan a few weeks ago I thought I was close to 8 weeks but I was measuring 3 days behind so you may just be to early to hear a heartbeat x I've got my fx for your scan next week x :hugs:
Ok so I just got a phone call from my EPU. It was the sonographer who scanned us last week and who scanned me all through my last pregnancy. She apologised for not being able to scan me this afternoon but heard all about the scan and heard how upset I was. She said that if I wanted her to rescan me she could fit me in on Friday afternoon at 1.30pm. I know how incredibly lucky I am and I am so greatful that I don't have to wait 7 days for an update. If there is any progress even the smallest progress on Friday then I know it's not completely over.

Michelle X
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Wow that is so lovely!!!! I can't believe that, what a fab EPU! Everytime I've been.... And it's been a few times over the past year and have never seen the same sonographer!!!
That's fantastic it's good you have someone on your side and it shows you will be looked after through your pregnancy. Not long until Friday now then xx
Oh that's great! Hope it all goes well on Friday - I will keep my fingers crossed for you xx
AwMichelle I'm so sorry things didn't go as planned yesterday but what great care that the sonographer called you and getting you in tomorrow. I'm saying lots of prayers that your wee baby has grown and everything ok. Like the other girls have said its so difficult to accurately measure baby at this early stage when everything is so teeny tiny. Good luck and try just concentrate on Riley to get you through the day xxx
Hi Michelle just wanted to give you some hope all is ok. I went for a scan at 7 weeks knowing my exact ovulation date as this baby was military timed lol oh in the army and only home certain days. On that scan I had just an empty sac no fetal pole or signs of one. Was told it was bad news but the rules are the sac has to measure 25mm before they can remove it and mine was only 18 so had to be re scanned in 10 days . I was admitted in lots of pain and they brought it forward by 2 days and said to go in having not eaten or drank from midnight and they would do an erpc the same day. I prepared to lose my 8th. Scan day comes and the nurse who came in with us nearly fainted when she see the screen. There was baby with a very obvious heart beat. Consultant said he was just a late starter. Late but my strongest and he will be getting cuddles this time next week.

Don't give up hope hun sometimes it's all we have xxx
Oh wow lilmisshopeful that's an AMAZING happy ending! X
Thank you lilmishopeful that does give me some hope. I never slept a wink last night just lay in bed going through all the possible scenarios and of course crying my eyes out.
I am just praying this little one is hanging in there

Michelle X
Bad news for me too I am afraid...finally plucked up the courage to go for a scan yesterday at 7+6 and there was no heartbeat. So it looks as though I am out. Wishing you all love and good luck and that you all have healthy and happy pregnancies. So hope things work out for you...especially those who are currently waiting for more news. even though we have never met, my thoughts are with every one of you more than you can know. xxxx
Ahh so sorry to hear this shania. Look after yourself and take the time to re cooperate x
I am so so sorry to hear your news Shania, sending you lots of love and hugs x

Michelle x
Hoping this is 3rd time lucky just seen a hb on a screen so would be great if you can now add me for the 23rd March x
Bad news for me too I am afraid...finally plucked up the courage to go for a scan yesterday at 7+6 and there was no heartbeat. So it looks as though I am out. Wishing you all love and good luck and that you all have healthy and happy pregnancies. So hope things work out for you...especially those who are currently waiting for more news. even though we have never met, my thoughts are with every one of you more than you can know. xxxx

Oh Shania, I am so so sorry. I've been there and it's just heartbreaking and so unfair. I hope you're ok and hope to see you back in tri 1 very soon xxx
Oh shania I am so very sorry. I know what you mean I feel like I know everyone personally on here and it's so sad when things don't work out. I feel your pain Hun make sure you look after yourself message me if you need a chat. Hope your day comes soon love xxx
Good luck today Michelle, let us know how it goes. C'mon wee baby Liddle xxx
Good luck Michelle hoping and praying it's good news for you today xx

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