******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Scan today, aaaahhhhh!!!!! Feel so sick and nervous, can't sleep!!!! Please let my wee baby be ok xxx
Aww, good luck with the scan. Make sure you get some sleep after. x
Glad you got it sorted Chrissie!

I keep thinking I really should go and refer to the MW. Last time I almost has to have a scan without booking in as the service was so full the MW couldn't see me till I was 15 weeks!
I'm really unsure of my dates. I think im about 7 weeks. Is that too early to refer?
Cosmogirl thinking of you today want a progress report the minute you are out xx

Chrissie cool glad you got your mw and scan sorted. Sometimes folks say things thinking they are helping but get it all wrong lol xx
Good luck for today Cosmo. I have a good feeling for you.

Spin I referred myself to midwives when I was about 5 weeks as I too remember in my last pregnancy not getting seen till later.

I have my midwive booking in appt when I'm 8 weeks which suits me as I'm probably moving house the week after! And therefore I need to register with a new gp and midwive after all the kaos!

Glad your sorted chrissie, good job you rung to check! Sounds like the women just has a way with words! Grrr!
Good luck Cosmo!! Can't wait to see the pics :) xx
Thanks ladies, I don't think it's too soon spinsugar as they seem to take their time getting things sorted, good luck Cosmo xxxx
Just about to leave for scan now, will update you all when I get home although I'm booked in for a bikini and eyebrow wax straight after so might be a while. What a lovely day of prodding at my bits I have :)

Hope its went well ..:) cant wait see little pic
Sorry for late reply....

Our wee baby is perfect, was dancing about my tummy. So so happy and excited :)
Fab news Cosmo!!! Get a pic up when you can ... I like to imagine the siZe of my little one too :)

Absolutely brilliant news, so so pleased for you. Now let us see a pic of your cute little bean

Michelle x
Sorry was busy really busy last night after the scan didn't really have time to be on here. The scan yesterday was amazing, everything was just perfect, our wee baby was dancing away in my tummy, was so weird seeing he or she moving about. I'm measuring a bit ahead again at 10+4 plus she said because I'm on the clexane injections I'll be induced before my due date so I'm more than likely to actually be a feb mummy. Such a happy, lovely experience. So nice for it to be like this after all the heartache we've gone through. 12 week scan booked for Sat the 16th of August, can't wait as we'll tell our parents after that. Xxx

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