******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Well today I feel like I have run a marathon my abs and waist ache think my little bunny bean is working on my expanding tummy x
I have given up I was in asda today and they have some beautiful neutral baby clothes in so I caved in to a snuggle suit a pair of booties and some scratch Mits x
Thank you all for the support. :) And, of course, congratulations to you as well. I'm already nervous about the next scan, but after seeing all was well this time, I have managed to tell family.

RhondaLou, know what you mean about tired. Three weeks ago (before I found out) I ran the British 10k through London. Not sure I could run for the bus now. :p
Lulu I know only too well the fear you are feeling. However much anyone tells you to "stop worrying" it just isn't that easy when you've had one loss and desperately want to avoid another. I am just a couple of days behind you at 7+3 today and I have spent the morning crying...for no real reason other than I just feel so vulnerable. I haven't even had the courage to go for a scan yet because I am scared about whether I will hear the same as I did last time.

It's great that you've been for a scan and everything was ok...they say that getting pregnant quickly after a mc reduces the chances of it happening again anyway..and it sounds like everything is on track to go perfectly this time. Sending you a big hug and lots of babydust!
Woo hoo 10 weeks!!!! I can't believe I'm in double figures, so delighted!!!! I'm actually counting 10 weeks as yesterday as both my scans have measured me that but hey what's a day?!! Got my next scan tomorrow, eek feeling v nervous and keep worrying that baby's heart has stopped beating, praying not though. Please please make he or she be ok?!! I'm still feeling very pregnant so taking that as a good sign xxx
Lulu I know only too well the fear you are feeling. However much anyone tells you to "stop worrying" it just isn't that easy when you've had one loss and desperately want to avoid another. I am just a couple of days behind you at 7+3 today and I have spent the morning crying...for no real reason other than I just feel so vulnerable. I haven't even had the courage to go for a scan yet because I am scared about whether I will hear the same as I did last time.

It's great that you've been for a scan and everything was ok...they say that getting pregnant quickly after a mc reduces the chances of it happening again anyway..and it sounds like everything is on track to go perfectly this time. Sending you a big hug and lots of babydust!

Aww, hugs! I was really worried about the scan too. I told my husband to expect tears whatever happened, but then it was so quick. I was expecting to have an internal scan (like the last time when it had already miscarried) but the doctor said it should show from an external scan. She literally put the scanner down on my stomach and said, "there's the baby, and you can see the heart beat, there." I was too shocked to cry.

My reasoning to convince myself in there though, was that I'd be better knowing, one way or the other. I wanted to either see a heart beat and tell all my family, or see nothing working and be able to move on. I am very glad it was the first option though.

I thought I'd stop panicking after the scan, but I'm still constantly worried. I check for blood every time I go to the loo. It's emotionally exhausting.
Lulu yes I'm glad it was the first one for you and that everything is ok. I'm not constantly worrying now I do keep checking for bleeding but I know I feel so much different in this pregnancy than I did in my last one that ended in mmc. I said I had a good feeling about it when I was waiting for the second scan and I was right and through my mc I knew that things weren't right I told 3 dr and was brushed off only the pass the sac four months later so again I was right. The day that happened I spoke to a doctor on nhs direct line she said what do you think it is I said I think it's my baby and she said then it probably is because mothers are usually right. And I was right. I'm learning to trust my instincts but to do that I need to stay calm if I was to panic I would be a mess x
Yeah, I'm always trying not to panic, and I see your point. Thanks RhondaLou. :)
It's hard though I know especially after you have already lost a baby or for some people more than one x
Is anyone else going mad cleaning and organising? Think I'm nesting lol x
I had a Cleaning burst on Friday, totally gutted our en suite as there was so much rubbish in it. After that I was knackered and the rest of the flat still a tip lol xxx
Today I slept til 12pm... The weekend must have taken it out of me! I woke up and took OH to work at 8, then went back to bed, slept til 10.30 and then woke up for a minute and went back to sleep til 12!! My eyes were so tired I could have easily stayed there drifting in and out of sleep but the pooch needs walking and the house needs cleaning haha... And I have work at 4! Hopefully I'll be full of energy!
I've made myself a list and stuck it on the fridge. It's very satisfying crossing things off. Could do with a lottery win though I was to redecorate every room x
10 weeks tomorrow and still no midwife appointment, so no scan booked yet either, worried about what will happen if 12 scan is late, I'm 39 and really wanted it done at the proper time :( everytime I call, they say they are sorting it but nothing seems to be done :(
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Hmm have you got a good gp who could help you rather than reception staff. It does seem unfair that you are having to wait when some of us have already been scanned at 6 or 7 weeks. Make sure you get the right treatment x
Hmmm I think you should kick up a fuss!! Ask them who you can contact to make a complain. Or call the hospital direct. This is not acceptable!! Tell them you have important questions to ask - they can't risk not dealing with them!
I called the hospital today, was put through from number to number but finallllly got to speak to the midwife, they had my dates all wrong, they weren't going to send me my first appointment until September, told her I would be 10 weeks tomorrow and she couldn't believe it so she has me booked in for Thursday now and my scan has been booked for the 19th when I will be 12 weeks. Feel so relieved as I have people telling me, well you are an older mum now, u should be getting checked, anything could be wrong, nice hey?

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