******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Think he is just happy there is stuff out there in our price range lol. And anyway if he does all that then it leaves me to do th fun stuff like decorate the nursery :)
Aww, sounds fab. How exciting!! Now, once your partners have gone through all the safety stuff with prams etc, can you let me know what they come up with, then it'll save me sitting through hours of the very same thing!! ;)
Well my day suddenly got better hearing that we are planning a girly evening with Podpie, Rhonda and Springbump watching pointless telly and eating anything that we can stomach. So far on the list is wotsits, minstrels, coconut and pineapple juice, cheerios and sausage sandwiches. I am adding in feta cheese and red pepper. Do you think we might be pregnant?

OH just turned up wearing an aftershave I normally like but today smells like insect repellant. Can't even say anything as he doesn't know yet - so will have to put up with it for now.

What's the weather like over there? Here in Finland it's still hot. OH in the mood to go swimming in the lake. I just want to go to bed and eat cake. Wishing you all a lovely evening and looking forward to our pyjama party :)
It's mind boggling isn't it there is so much stuff out there to choose from. We are doing the food shop tonight is it too early to purchase a baby grow?xx
Hey all, hope you are well, I'm trying to catch up, been potty training my LO, took ages to even get him to sit on a pot but he finally doing everything in his pot now, only thing is I almost threw up on him when I cleaning it out! poor kid lol
Gosh I look 6 months gone tonight I'm that swollen
Feel abit down this afternoon can't help but think something will be wrong when I go for my 12 week scan :(
my chart says I should be 9 weeks today but by my early scan I'm 8 weeks 4 days.

My scan on the 23rd of July I was measuring 7 weeks 2 days and thought I should have been 7 weeks 5 days?? Will my due date likely change again?
I'm 9 weeks tomorrow. Looks like we'll be due around the same time :)

Early scans are never accurate, it's best to wait for the 12 week scan for a better idea.

Tonight I had a massive Chinese with my friends and as soon as they left, a massive argument with my OH :( sleeping in separate beds tonight and I'm about to try and sleep with this insane headache I have.

I think he's underestimating how difficult being pregnant is because he doesn't seem to care or sympathise at all. He had a go at me for not doing house work today but I've done just as much as he has all week! It's one set of rules for him and another for me and I feel like all he does is have a go at me at the moment... He doesn't control his tongue when he's pissed off and it's me that gets the worst of it, it's really beginning to get me down. Especially as he keeps saying things like "See this is what worries me about having a baby!" and calls me a tramp even though I'm not that untidy! I'm going to cry again if I keep typing so I think I'll just try and sleep. Work in the morning.

Night ladies xxx
Aaww Podpie, I hope you're ok, what a rotten argument to have. Men are right pigs sometimes. At the moment nothing has really changed for him, you don't have a big bump yet so he's probs not really taken in that you're actually growing a human being in there. Hopefully he's calmed down this morning and try speaking to him again and explaining just exactly how awful you feel all the time and that it's a struggle for you. You're doing your bit, he needs to do his by helping out more. Hope you get things sorted xxx
Feel abit down this afternoon can't help but think something will be wrong when I go for my 12 week scan :(
my chart says I should be 9 weeks today but by my early scan I'm 8 weeks 4 days.

My scan on the 23rd of July I was measuring 7 weeks 2 days and thought I should have been 7 weeks 5 days?? Will my due date likely change again?

Oh Missbx I'm having this worry too!! Everything measured bang on for me but I'm still panicking that there will be no heartbeat when I have my scan on Tuesday. It's so hard to accurately measure when so early on and you're only a few days out. Only natural to worry but you seen the hb so that's the main thing xxx
Missbx...if I can reassure you a little bit I've had several healthy pregnancies in the past and it's quite normal for the early scans to change the dates a little bit...they are dealing at that stage with measurements in millimetres so it's totally normal for your due date to change by a day or two. It's only when there's a really big discrepancy (as in weeks) that there is any need for concern. so try not to worry too much.

Podpie...sorry to hear that you've had a horrible night. Pregnancy is tough enough without being nagged by someone about everything we're not doing. Hope things are better today and that he is being a bit more supportive. Perhaps he is also feeling anxious about the future and expresses it (in the wrong way) by taking it out on you? In any event I hope you are feeling better...and for god's sake don't give the housework a second thought. It just isn't important right now...hopefully your OH will see that too. Sending a big hug to everyone :)
Girls who are worried about dates. I had the same thing last week by my dates I was 6+2 by the first scan I was 4-5 and yet on Thursday at my rescan I was 7 weeks and the heartbeat was flickering away. I won't say don't worry but only because I know it's impossible not to. What I will say is everyone told me the scans aren't massively accurate and there is a very strong chance all will be fine and they were right xx
Feeling better this morning. Had just under five hours kip, was up all through the night needing to pee so at 5 I woke up, stayed awake and gave up at about half 6 and got up for the day. Have tidied the kitchen, fed and watered the rabbit and the dog, taken out the recycling and been around the house replacing loo rolls in all the bathrooms. I also made the OH pancake batter because he said yesterday he wanted pancakes for breakfast soooooo even though he doesn't deserve it, I still love him so I've left it in the fridge for him. I've just got ready for work and I'm about to put my shoes on and set off.
No sign of OH yet. Hopefully he'll crawl out of his pit, find my lovely pancake batter, realise he was being a big idiot and treated me unfairly and I'll get a text at work to say sorry. Then I can use my leverage to get him to take me to the cinema tonight :) that's my plan anyway. I'll let you know if it works!

Also... I was about to brush my teeth this morning but instead of putting Toothpaste on it I held it under the hand soap and squeezed a lovely dollop of soap onto it instead!!! Is that tiredness or early onset baby brain or probably just both hahahaha! I had to laugh at myself as I was trying to rinse it off!

Hope you all have a lovely day ladies! No doubt I'll be checking in from work now and again :)
Hello everyone. After a miscarriage in June I've been nervous to tell anyone or admit to myself that I'm pregnant again, but after a scan yesterday and seeing the heartbeat, I feel ready to stop posting in the "after loss" forum and come to say hi. :) EDD: 16th March. Not sure how to add the scan picture. I'll keep trying.
Has it worked?


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Yes! What a lovely little blob :D looks just like mine hehe!
Aww lulu yes it's worked what a lovely pic. Congratulations. There are a few of us who has experienced mc so you will have lots of support xx
What a lovely scan congratulations. Ive gor my first scan appointment theu the door. Il be near 8weeks by then. Its 11th august. Hope the times goes quick.
I found my scan days came round faster than I thought they would. I had to wait 9 days after my first scan cos it was too early and cos we couldn't confirm it was all ok I thought it would go so slow but it actually flew by and before I knew it I was back and getting good news. I tried to keep myself as busy as I could to keep my mind off it x
Congrats Lulu, great pic, glad everything is well. Like Rhonda said there seems to be a few of us March mummies that have had mc in the past so we all know how you feel right now it's so nerve wracking xxx

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