******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Ughhh.. think the nausea is here. For the 1st time yesrrday i thought was goin to be sick and this morning im feelin the same. Not going to conplain though. Its a bit more reasurring.
Hi March Mummies, I've been reading this thread for a while but hesitated to join until now. After a mc last year i won't quite believe that everything is ok until I see a heartbeat. Going for a scan next week so am hoping and praying that everything is as it should be then. Until then, could you add me for the 19th please? Thanks and hugs to you all
Hi shania

There are lots of us in your situation and I for one have found loads of support on here. Congrats on your bfp Hun xx
Have you been for a scan yet RhondaLou? And have you had symptoms apart from that horrible sickness bug? I have mild symptoms all the time (sore boobs, very mild nausea, sweating at night etc) but not as strong as in previous pregnancies so doing nothing to reassure me right now. In fact last year was so tough I haven't even told my partner this time. Don't dare to until I have a bit more confiidence tat things are going to be ok <3
Shania this must be very tough :( we all worry Hun, let's just try to keep positive.

Have you booked a scan yet? How far along are you?

I don't have many symptoms at all myself, but I didn't have any with my first pregnancy either and it was all fine x
NightWolf oh dear... How scary :( I hope the little one is OK!!

She is, the neighbours dad and sister came round yesterday to thank me and let me know she's alright

Hope all of you are doing ok too
Hey ladies. Hope your all ok, keeping my fingers crossed for those with early scans, think positive!

I'm feeling better nausea wise today, actually felt hungry earlier and enjoyed cream cheese on toast! It was lovely to enjoy food again without wretching! Still feeling v tired though and as it's my day off I'm still in my PJs! Thinking of staying in them all day!
Shania I had a scan last week but it measured small it was very early should have been 6+2 got a rescan tomorrow to check bits developing. It's scary but I have a good feeling all will be ok.

Night wolf so glad the baby is ok I have a lot of respect for people like you putting your life on the line you do a very good job

That's you added Shania, welcome and congrats. I hope you can try relax soon, can't believe you've not even told your partner. Having had 3 miscarriages myself I know the feeling of worrying. Fingers crossed we all get our sticky beans this time xxx
Went to the GP today to inform them of my pregnancy and got my booking in appointment with the midwife for 19th August. Not too far away.

Michelle x
Extremely willing and happy to RhondaLou especially when you see the thankfulness in those you help, it's an indescribable feeling :)
Good luck tomorrow RhondaLou...I'll be thinking of you. Hope that you get some reassuring news and that everything is just as it should be.

Thanks for your message I.love...I'm seven weeks tomorrow, and haven't booked in for a scan yet. I live over here in Finland and it's very quick to book a scan here. Last time I went early for reassurance but the results were unclear so I was left in limbo for the next two weeks until eventually it was a mc. So I decided not to go so early this time to avoid the same thing happening again. Hopefully I will find the courage to go early next week so that at least I know one way or the other how things are looking. It's so strange because in life normally I am not a nervous or paranoid person at all, but on this issue I'm finding it almost impossible to relax. Still, as RhondaLou said, there are lots of us in the same boat at the moment, and somehow it helps just knowing that. Hard to understand early pregnancy fears if you've never been through it yourself.

Sending angel dust to everyone and hopefully we will all be a bit more at ease soon. :)
Shania I think going for a scan just after 8 weeks is a good time, as this is when the chances of a mc fall dramatically. So you know that if you get this far, you can breathe a bit easier.
Shania, I hope everything is well at your scan when you get it :)
Sorry to hear that some of you ladies are having bad nausea. The other day when I felt a bit sick I found granola was really helpful :)
Curled up on sofa eating Cheerios straight from the box blubbing away to one born every minute. It's my new Wednesday night ritual xx
Hi ladies. May I join you? I think im due around 26th. But cycles quite irregular. Hope you are all well x
Congrats spin sugar that's you added.

I'm still so tired and seem to constantly feel sick. I have zero motivation for work, feel like I just stare at the computer screen. Even at home all I want to do is lie on the couch and do nothing, I feel bad for my husband as I must be so boring xxx
I read yesterday that the more morning sickness we experience in the first trimester, the lower our chances of a mc are! Maybe this will make those ladies who are currently suffering feel a bit better.

I think I just started having the first signs of morning sickness. I hope this is what it is, and not the fact that I had very little for breakfast (not through a choice of my own!)
Congrats spin sugar. How was your holiday?,

Cosmo I feel just the same and I just have no idea how I'm gonna get through the next few weeks. I just want to sleep and stay there. And the sickness is driving me insane now,

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