******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

It was great thanks Tiggy.

I'm feeling very lucky. No symptoms at all yet. Last time I was sick as a pig and exhausted by now. Hopefully it stays this way as I go back to work full time next week! X
I had my booking appointment yesterday and I have my 12 week scan on the 27th :D
Wow what a morning baby has grown and is now measuring 7 weeks. They haven't changed edd cos it's still early but got a good heart beat and we feel much happier now. Nothing beats seeing your child's heart beat for the first time I'm thrilled to bits. Gone from wanting to cry in fear to wanting to cry in joy and relief xx
Ahhh rhondalou amazing news! I welled up just reading that!

It's such a fab feeling isn't it :)

It's amazing isn't it. We going to tell oh parents this afternoon it's their second grandchild the first one being the one we lost last year so to have a pic to show them will make their day. I'll try and post the pic up later too xx
That's really lovely news Rhondalou :) let us know how your OH's parents react :) xx
Can anyone else see a bunny?x


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So happy to hear your news RhondaLou!! You must feel so much more relaxed now. Once you get to the heartbeat stage the risks fall dramatically so you are a huge step further forward today :) Been thinking of you all day and the first thing I did when I got in just now was come and check if there was any news of your scan! Hearing that it went well gives me a little bit of faith that maybe mine could be ok too. Big hug to you xxx
Oh shania I do hope so. I convinced myself last week that I had lost this one too so to see that scam today was great. I knew straight away that it was ok cos I saw the sonogrophers face as she saw the heart beat and reached up to turn the screen towards me. Have you got a scan booked yet? Xx
I'm having a down day today. :( I'm getting so tired of spending every day terrified of losing my little sprog. I'm 9 weeks on Saturday and I know the risks decrease as every week passes but my mum had a miscarriage at 9 weeks and my sister had one at 10 weeks so I still feel like I'm just waiting for it to happen. It's torture. :(

I want to just go to sleep and wake up at 14 weeks and still have a healthy baby :(
Podpie sorry about the losses in your family. Just wanted to say that I saw some stats recently and chances of a mc fall dramatically around 8-9 weeks, and then stay constant for the rest of Tri1 (possibly later, the graph ended there). So if you reached week 9, the worst time is over! X

Rhonda oh this is so lovely :) very glad for you x
Thanks, that's good to know.

It's hard to believe some people don't worry about miscarriage at all but I suppose when you've had bleeding and your family have had a miscarriage it stays much more at the forefront of your mind.

One thing that did make me kinda happy today is that my tummy is definitely starting to look podgier than it did. I'm pretty chubby anyway but I used to be able to suck my tummy in and now I can't!
Oh Rhonda that's fab news congratulations. And yes I defs see a bunny lol!! Hopefully you can relax a tiny bit now.

Just wondered if you ladies would like me to update the first page with 12 week scan dates? Xxx
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Podpie, it's understandable to be worried. Make sure you just take care of yourself and baby will be fine I'm sure :) as you said yourself, every day that passes you're further out of danger.
That would be good Cosmogirl :) I'll get my 12 week scan date on a few weeks.
Really frustrated right now! Me and OH can't agree on many girl names at all :( plus there's people we know who have names that we do like. I hope for baby's sake it's a boy because we have 2 names we both love :)
Oh Rhonda that's fab news congratulations. And yes I defs see a bunny lol!! Hopefully you can relax a tiny bit now.

Just wondered if you ladies would like me to update the first page with 12 week scan dates? Xxx

Yes please mines on 27th :)
Aaahggh my head is spinning! Yes I have had great news today and it's a great feeling and I sincerely hope that every one of us on this thread continue to get great news. But all of a sudden everyone wants a peice of me!! Left oh mother doing the "I'm gonna be a grandma" dance. I know my dad will ring me tonight and my mum is trying to talk me into allowing her to buy me a new stairs carpet that she has seen so the one I was gonna put down can go in the nursery but there is no rush I can wait until tomorrow to decide. Tomorrow?! I have 5 hours free tomorrow to clean the house do some laundry break the good news to my grandma and take care of some business before oh gets home and we go shopping cos I'm working all weekend. I don't have time to think about a carpet!!!

I have treated myself to a pregnancy yoga DVD so think tonight is long bath and yoga night while I have the house to myself cos it would appear I'm going to be very busy lol.

Anyway rant over. Just all of a sudden got quite overwhelmed with folks trying to help x
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Podpie I am sending you a massive HUG. If I wasn't in Finland I would come to Hampshire and suggest going for a coffee. I am living in complete paranoia as well and it would be so nice to be face to face with someone else who gets that completely. I think about the possibility of things going wrong about a thousand times a day. From what you say I guess you do too. I am only seven weeks and haven't even told my partner yet because I am so nervous about saying anything before I have seen a heartbeat. And probably not even then. I can't take away yor fears (except to say that i.cake is completely right...8-9 weeks is a massive and significant step forward. But I can say that I really do know how you feel. Sending you all the positivity and love I can to get through the next couple of weeks <3
Aww podpie please try not to worry. Easier said than done I know especially with those hormones out to get you xx
Thanks ladies, my partner is very positive so he keeps me on the right track. I wish I was a millionaire so I could pay for a private scan every day or just buy my own ultrasound haha! It's the waiting that makes it harder!
Hugs pod pie. It's sooo hard not to worry. ...It's all consuming isn't it. Have no words of wisdom though. Just hang on in there and in a few weeks you will get to see a tiny heartbeat :)

I'm Hampshire. Where about a are you?

Rhonda great news about the scan! xx

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