******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Basingstoke :)

We've seen the heartbeat already on the 7 week scan we had... But I'm so scared still. I'm so silly, but I can't help it lol.
Ahhh close to me. I'm Havant :)

It's not silly at all. Honestly.

Don't know if this will work for you but you could try dome pregnancy meditation to help dispell the unwanted thoughts?
Anybody else awake at this ridiculous hour? Oh on lates got home at two he came straight to bed went straight to sleep and now I can't get back off. Grr
I was awake!! Refused to open my eyes!! Hope you managed to drift back off. My sleep pattern has changed dramatically since the bfp. Congratulations on the scan by the way, great news!!

I've just started getting sickness symptoms, only mine tend to be in the evening/nighttime. I hate being sick, I'm such a wimp but want the feeling of nausea to be stronger just so I know things are ok!! Seriously contemplating a private scan at some point to check!
I did eventually get back off and slept quite well woke up half an hour ago full of beans. My mum was always sick at night with both me and my sister don't know why they call it morning sickness. And I know what you mean I only get nausea but I want the full on sickness which is wierd cos I hate being sick x
I had a rubbishy sleep too... There we're see people outside laughing in full voice at 4 am, and I just felt very awake anyway. Funny how it works this way.
I was ready to thump my neighbour at half 9 last night he was drilling and hammering and all I wanted to do was sleep. It was a very long and emotional day yesterday. A good one but it took it out of me. Managed 6 hours in 2 lots though so do feel refreshed this morning. Got lots to do today my house needs serious attention x
My sleeping has been a disaster from about 5 weeks pregnant, have not slept right through once. Lay awake for a good hour or so after my 4am pee this morning. I don't think I'm going to get a proper sleep for the next couple of years now lol xxx
Hello, I've been for a scan today and they've moved my EDD to 1st march so I m joining you ladies!
Hi Ladies! I am sorry to hear none of you got much sleep...I know the feeling. My thoughts for the day are that a) catfood smells disgusting, b) so does after shave, deodorant and kitchen cleaner, c) I can now actually taste the chemicals in diet coke, so it's off my list of things I can drink, d) I feel sick enough to be annoyed but not sick enough to be reassured, e) I am in a bad mood pretty much all the time, f) yesterday I was obsessed with eating chocolate....today it is tomatoes and eggs, g) as soon as I have stopped eating I want to start eating again, h) if I could I would spend all day in bed watching The Great British bake off and eating minstrels. That's it. My news for today. Sending hugs to you all :)
Shania... Can I join you for the bake off and minstrels plan? Sounds perfect!
Count me in too! Although you can keep the minstrels, since a couple of days after finding out I'm pregnant I have not touched anything sweet; ice cream, cake, biscuits, sweets, chocolate, nothing!! I feel a bit sad but did smile when I went out for tea and cake earlier with the mother-in-law and ordered water and a sausage sandwich, looked a bit strange when she was eating Carrot cake!
It's ok, I'll bring you some wotsits or something hahaha xx
Now you've mentioned it I really want a sausage sandwich... Might have to pop to the shop!
Can I join in with Cheerios? Love Cheerios. Everything is good with Cheerios.

Well just been to tell my grandma the news she kept looking from scan pic to me and asking if I was alright bless her. There was a big World War One event going off and my aunties were helping out so I told them too. They both screamed at me. And they will if course tell the rest of the clan (I have a big family) so all family and close friends now know.

OH is obsessed with reading up on the safest travel systems and the best baby monitors so think I'll give him the final decision on that. His mum had already started buying clothes cos it never occurred to anyone that I might want a say in what my baby wears lol. And my mum is obsessed with decorating my house.

And me? I'm obsessed with Cheerios. And pineapple and coconut juice. Not together though, not yet xx
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Haha that's awesome.

I'll be leaving baby technology up to my partner too, he loves reading everything and picking the best one (it took months for him to choose our tv) so I know he'll do a good job!

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