******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

:bunny: So hyped, just had an offer accepted on a house and our next scan is only 22 days away :bunny:
Ohhh thats such an exciting feeling, I remember when we had our offer accepted!! Congratulations! Hope it all goes smoothly :)
Ah hope it all goes smoothly nightwoolf. We have been trying to buy a house since February! Hoping to exchange contracts in the next couple of weeks and by god I'm so stressed out about it! We have already had one house fall through :-( and now our mortgage co won't extend our mortgage so if we don't exchange by next Friday then we won't be able to move ! Gah!
Thanks :) Hope you get yours to run smoothly tiggy

Best part on our house is that it's right across the road from my current house lol, 15 odd seconds closer to work :D
Can't stop throwing up now sorry if tmi. Being sick every half hour. Felt pants all day and now feel weak and shaky too. My oh was like this all of Saturday night so it would appear there is a tummy bug going around. Great fun xx
Oh no, it def sounds like a tummy bug, keep sipping water until the bulk of it passes. Poor you. Xxx
Dioralyte might be good for you too Rhonda, it'll replace all the salts/sugars you've lost. I hope you feel better soon! Xxx
I have my first early scan tomorrow morning at 10:30am, so excited but so nervous. Just want to know everything is ok and it would be great to see a nice healthy heartbeat but I know it's probably to early for that

Michelle x

Good luck for your scan today Michelle. I had a scan at 5+3 and it was too early for heartbeat, went back at 6 weeks and there it was. Let us know how it goes xxx
Thanks had it both ends last night until around 10pm last night didn't sleep brilliantly was cold and shaky. This morning I ache like mad and I'm very hungry so going to try some toast and tea. Got the day off sick so will just rest for the day x
Just back from our scan and everything is looking good. Too early for a heartbeat but I knew that anyway. Next scan is next Wednesday

Michelle X
Aww, brilliant. We had ours done yesterday x


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Aw glad everything went as well as expected Michelle, there'll defs be a heartbeat by next wed.

Congrats on your scan too. Sammyjoe, great pic.

On dear Rhonda sounds like you've got it bad. Have you called the dr? Xxx
Feeling so distressed today, nothing to do with the pregnancy as such but the neighbours 8 month old. Managed to get mother and both daughters out of a house fire but 8 month old came out not breathing. Did my best with CPR and she was taken to hospital, no idea how she is. It's my job but is also my first house rescue and easily the most distressing thing I've seen

Wishing everyone here to stay safe with their children whether born or unborn

Not sure if this is appropriate to post here or not, just needed a little vent I guess
Aw nightwolf sounds like a horrible day, makes you appreciate what you've got even more and want to keep your family safe.

Congrats Springbump, I've added you for the 29th.

NightWolf oh dear... How scary :( I hope the little one is OK!!
Sorry you have had a bad day night wolf it does bring everything into perspective.

I have spent most if the day in bed starting to feel more myself again eaten a little bit and tried to keep drinking. I'm going to have some rice and a cool shower then settling in to watch my favourite program's. Back at work tomorrow xx
I've only just looked back at the first page and realised there's a list! How awesome! Can you add me to the 7th? :D

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