******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

TTC no2 be careful though, you don't want your scan too early as they won't be able to do all the necessary measurements x
I had my scan today I thought I was 6 weeks but it's measuring 4 or 5. It's concerning me cos I was so sure of my dates and my previous mmc. They said everything looks healthy and they will rescan in 9 days to check it's progressing. Not a very reassuring reassurance scan x
Sorry your scan hadn't reassured you. I think at that age bean is so small so a few days makes a huge difference size wise, I have heard of plenty measuring under dates that then catch up at a later date so please think positive.

Lots of hugs, xxxx
Our place scans between 10-12weeks so i should be at least 7 weeks by the time a letter comes.. i was goig to book a private scan between 7-8 so hoping i wont have to if it all goes according to plan. I knw if it comes earlier than that i may not get to see as much as i want. Will wait and see. :)
Doc said they would just see how far i am and prob would have to go back again.
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Oh well if you just get an extra free scan and can go have another one again later, then it's great! :) lucky! X
Thanks tiggy85 I'm coming round to the idea now that all is not yet lost xx
Yeah Rhonda I agree with what Tiggy said, it all changes so much in the early weeks. It's so small that it's difficult to measure properly too. Good that you have another scan booked xxx
Hello :) Congratulations!

I am new here and my due date is the 25th march xx
Thanks guys I do feel a bit better about the situation. Feel amazingly sick this morning keep thinking I'm gonna have to make a run for it. I'm taking that as a good sign I don't remember feeling this nauseous last time.

Hi demaris :) xx
Hi everyone I am 19th March. :) Baby number 3, I have a 4 and 2yo already xx
Congrats and welcome to all the new ladies, I'm trying to catch up xxx
How are all you lovely March mummies doing? :)
Aaahhhh I can't sleep!!!! Anyone else struggling with sleeping already. Got up about an hour ago to pee and have lay awake since. Xxx
Yep I'm awake because it's so damn hot, the weather is appreciated but the humidity is not!!
Sorry i haven't been on here for a while I have a bit of a update I was admited to hospital Tuesday night and put on drips and medication to ease the sickness and I do have hyperemesis gravidarum was not nice I became really ill im now on the mend and come home last night I had emergency scan and they put me to 7 weeks 4 days and due on the 9th march x
Aw Missbx poor you what a shame. Are you feeling a bit better now? That's good you had a scan. Hope you're taking it easy xxx
Aww missbx hope ur feelin better..

Hows everyone..:)
Hiya all am new to site
Am due on March 25th 2015 with my 5th baby x
Congrats to everyone x

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