******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Oh I can't wait to officially join this group in a few days. AF is due on Thursday so just going to wait for that day to pass and I will be right here with all you ladies

Michelle x
Michelle I still can't believe you're pregnant again, nearly fell off the couch when I seen your test pic earlier. So happy for you xxx
Pizza sounds good, we are just about to tuck into steak. Not craving red meat yet but last pregnancy I had to have red meat a lot!

That's interesting regarding your nap Rhonda. I wonder if it has something to do with only doing one sleep cycle? I should try that. I had to nap yesterday and I asked hubby to let me have an hour and I actually had three?.......whoops! Still slept 9 Hours last night!
That's what I have been doing 8 or 9 hours at night 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon and then 8 or 9 hours the night after. Not been napping every day but if I'm tired I will lay down at least. I do feel much better this afternoon for having less than an hour x
Congratulations to all the new ladies who have joined :)

I've had awful sickness today fancied a takeaway it got here started eating it and I couldn't do it but was forcing myself to eat left most of it now feeling even more sick now the smell or look of food sends me running to the toilet

I'm not bothered though I'm so greatful to be pregnant x
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Hope you ladies are feeling less tired and sick today, my girlfriend has dozed off for a bit. I'm too excited about our early private scan this week to even think of sleeping :D
18th, feels so far away. Have never been so excited for something before. Already finding it well worth going private just to be sure all is ok
Lol I just put Robbie Williams Angels on and randomly grabbed Riley for a dance and now she's crying, crazy crazy hormones... or it was my singing that brought the tears on :x
7 weeks today, aaaahhhhh!!! I love a Monday when my ticker goes up another week. Also absolutely delighted that I've made it to 7 weeks without one single bit of bleeding. Very happy nauseous tired pregnant lady today :)
Oh great, nausea. Just what I need on first day back at work x
Just a little hello from me... got my bfp saturday and i think af due tue/wed.. so fingers crossed she doesnt show.. goin to buy a digi today.
Hope your nausea is manageable Rhonda and Cosmo. And fingers crossed for no sign of AF for you TTCno2. You look like you have a nice strong line so I don't think you'll have any worries.

It's my non working day and I've got so much shopping, cleaning and sorting boxes for our house move to do. I'm so knackered I don't feel like doing anything. Just having a shower seems like a mission at the moment.
Congratulations ladies x

I've been throwing up since 6 this morning! x
Haven't got sickness just nausea wobbly knees sore boobs gas and want to cry. But other than that I'm fine lol x
I haven't had any sickness just absolutely knackered all the time! Not complaining, I'd take anything if it meant my jelly belly was healthy x
I know what you mean my oh doesn't quite know what to do and keeps checking I'm alright. I mean like every 5 minutes bless him. Yesterday I said I'm going to sob today for absolutely no reason. Nothing has made me sad there is nothing you can do to help I'm just going to sit here and cry but I'm alright. I don't mind though I'm just happy to be pregnant x
Congrats Leanat.

Ttc no 2 would you like me to add you for the 24th? Xxx

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