******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Yup Jboogle, i have the same:) mine mixes in with strong aches but the weird fluttery feeling is there, i think its all the extra blood thats down there feeding the embryo, at least thats what im visualising, all the goodness i can give flowing in!

Can i be put down for 25th March please:) might change later after scans etc but thats what ff says from when I ov'd. squeeeee!
I'm almost 5 weeks and hadn't had any symptoms yet (which made me worry in itself!!) But last night started to get a strange sensation in my belly, like a achey fluttery sendation that feels a bit like being nervous. I've still got it this morning. Anyone else had this? Xx

I feel the exact same, it is like a nervous buzz feelin in my tummy.. I do mind feeling the exact same with my last pregnancy too..
Welcome Kester and congrats!! I've popped you down for the 25th I'm guessing there'll probs be a few changes after scans.

Aw jboogle don't worry I'm sure there's lots of symptoms to come. I feel like mine really start to kick in a 6 weeks. Maybe your one of the lucky ones that don't get any?

So has anyone seen the rumours that Kate Middleton is expecting again? Would be so exciting if she was a March mummy too!!! Xxx
I feel so awful Ive had to call the doctors and he has prescribed me sickness tablets because I've hardly had any water or food in a few days I just bring everything back up I drink or eat and it comes straight back up I feel so bad for my baby that I've hardly eaten anything so I've had to do what I didn't want to do and take tablets from the doctor I just hope it helps so I can drink more x

Cosmo - I hope she is and she might be a march mummy too :)
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I've been feeling much sicker these last few days. As a waitress its a nightmare!
Girls thought I'd say don't suffer with sickness get some anti sickness tablets from doctor and just take them when u need them totally worth getting xxx don't wait till it gets worse
Missbx I agree with zoehelen you've totally done the right thing. Baby is growing loads just now and needs lots of nutrients from you, if the anti sickness tabs help you keep stuff down that's much better than throwing everything up. I really hope they make you feel better.

Firefly I can sympathise with you, I work in an office in a hotel and walking by the kitchen seriously makes me gag so I can't imagine how you're handling being a waitress xxx
Hey ladies, it looks like I'm going to be a late March mummy! Although twins do run in my family so i may be earlier :)

Sorry to hear sickness has hit some of you pretty hard, but you have to do what's best for the both of you xx
Congrats Cakey and welcome to march mummies. What's your EDD and I'll add you? Xxx
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with the nervous flutters! I've noticed the last 2 days that it's mostly as I'm going to bed. Hope this isn't an early sign that my baby's going to be a night owl, haha. I'm still not getting any sickness, but then I'm only 5 weeks so maybe that's still to come. I probably shouldn't wish for it, but it's strange not feeling much different. Makes me feel like I need to do another test (although done 5 already!!) Really feel for you ladies that are ill. Anti Sickness tablets sounds like a great idea, I didn't realise that was a possibility.

Thanks Cosmogirl :) so far it's the 26/3, 4 days before my dads birthday!
I have cramps today that are driving me mad, I know bean is just getting comfy and making it's new home nice but how long does it take!! Lol.
Can you add me to the 28th, Test lines have been getting darker over the last few days and AF is a no show today so going to take the plunge and make it official

Michelle x
Yay Cakey and Michelle that's you both added, congrats again to both of you.

Cakey I'm 7+3 and still been getting cramps on and off. Mentioned it at my last scan and dr said it's totally normal and a good sign. I feel like my tummy feels quite tight today actually.

That's me just home from work, flopped on the couch absolutely shattered xxx
Thanks for adding me :) I'm lucky I've got the day off today, but it's so warm! I think the heat makes you more tired though. Xc
Hello :) It looks like my date is going to be 28 March :) could you please add me? Thanks x
Congrats I.love, I've added you. Love how many March mummies we have now :)
Congrats to cakey and iLove. Amazing news.

I've been excessively hungry today, none stop sandwich eating.....I had eaten my lunch by 1130am. Had to buy a sandwich at 2pm and then another one at 5.30.....and I'll have tea in an hour and I'm still starving!

my work trousers don't even fit now and I'm having to use a hair band! Stomach bulging much earlier than last time!
Haha tiggy! I must admit I'm hungry for lunch nearly a whole hour earlier than normal, so I just eat when I'm hungry now rather than waiting. Snacking on lots of fruit and drinking lots of water. I've been getting light cramps today which I'm hoping are just normal x
Yeah Tiggy I feel your pain I've been sitting at my desk with my skirt unzipped twice this week, not cool, but it feels so much better!!! Xxx
Hi all

Congrats to all who have recently joined!

I'm glad its not just me finding my clothes are getting a little snug.

Went to see my GP on Monday and came home to a letter tonight from the hospital saying my dating scan has been booked for 5 August (very efficient for the NHS!) By my calculations I'll be about 7/8 weeks pregnant by then, is this a little early? I'm new to all this so would be grateful for any advice... thx!

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