******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

My husband missed my scan this week so I've just gone and booked another one for next sat as a surprise for him, eek, excited!!!! It's probs more a pressie for me for reassurance as don't think I can wait till 10 weeks for next one but know he'll be delighted. Xxx
We have a scan booked week after next which would make me 6 weeks. My gp has warned it may still be too early for a heartbeat. Did you see and hear much at your scan?xx
Yeah I had my scan at exactly six weeks and heard the heartbeat. If you scroll back through this thread you'll see my picture. There's not a lot to see but it was comforting to see and hear the hb. For some people it can take a bit more time before heartbeat shows so don't be too worried if there's not much there yet xxx
I really hope we get one. The last mc wasn't discovered until 13 weeks but baby died at 5 weeks. I'm nervous about next week being the end I will feel much better if we can have a decent scan. Will have a look at your pics chic thanks. Did you get offered a 10 week?x
Oh god it must have been so hard discovering the mc so late, my heart goes out to you. I've had 3 previous miscarriages and they've now discovered I've got a blood clotting disorder so they're kinda considering me high risk so I'm seeing a specialist. She's actually on holiday for the full of July though so getting the scan at 10 weeks as that's when she gets back.

I just think it's rubbish how you have to wait till 12 weeks for a standard scan, they really should be doing them a bit earlier to try ease peoples nerves xxx
I agree I had a few symptoms which I was told were perfectly normal don't worry it's all fine and yet it absolutely wasn't fine. I had a massive skin rash that covered the whole of my chest and torso it looked like ring worm but I was told it was dry skin. It started when I would have been 5 weeks but didn't realise I was pregnant. I told the gp when I first went and she said moisturise. Then the day after I started miscarrying the rash dissappeared as quickly as it appeared. I said to a different gp (who is also an experienced Gynochologist) how it's funny that it appeared at the time the baby died and went as soon as I missed. She said there are 3 skin conditions that could seriously affect a pregnancy. So why was I fobbed off with dry skin?! Anyway she tested me for the antibodies for all 3 it didn't answer why we lost it but I know that any skin conditions this pregnancy then it really isn't serious.

But yes if scans were done earlier then even if problems can't be resolved anyone who has missed won't have to carry on thinking they are pregnant. A 3 month miscarriage is far more physically painful than I 5 week and I was obviously quite emotionally invested in the little bean by then.

I just really hope that everyone on the forum gets a healthy bean this time. I don't know what I would do if I lost this one too but it's the chance I have to take xx
Oh Rhonda poor you sounds like you had a tough time of it. When did that happen? I totally agree by 13 weeks you're so much more emotionally attached. I've never gone past 8 or 9 weeks and obviously I was emotionally attached and devastated when I lost each of my babies but I took a little saving grace that I found out earlier, I had bleeding though so a bit more obvious.

I just wish it could be easy for everyone, life can be so cruel sometimes. We just need to be positive that this is our time and we'll be taking our wee babies home in 8 months or so xxx
This was in October last year. I'm thrilled to be expecting again but bricking it that something will go wrong. I can't stop talking about it today think my hormones are a bit out of control. I'm making my oh pull out all the furniture so I can Hoover behind it and I want to move things round a bit. He just asked if I had hoovered a bit of carpet and I jumped down his throat.

Feeling proper ugh today hopefully it's those pesky pregnancy hormones and it's a good sign.

And no miscarriage is easy chic no matter how early as a mother you get attached pretty much straight away xx
Just brought a doppler :) hopeing in a few weeks I can hear the heartbeat I've seen some youtube videos of people useing it at 7+ weeks
Just told my mum I'm having moods swings was meant to be a joke saying that's why oh bought me up a cuppa when I went for a lie down and mum said oh god hope you not getting moods because you gonna start period. Great thanks mum I told her I was pregnant to get support not get negative comments like that. Now I can't stop bloody crying xx
Congrats sammyjoe, that's you added.

Aaww Rhonda I'm sure your mum just didn't think before she said that. I've been having mood swings too, totally normal that your emotions are all over the place xxx
Well I had to break the ice so after a good cry I text again and said mum you won't recognise this lounge and she said I should have a baby more often so I think she knows she upset me without us having an arguement.

I know she is concerned about the possibility of us losing it again. I told her I can't go thinking things like that and upsetting myself I'm trying to stay calm.

Anyway congratulations sammyjoe xx
Can I join too (feels tentative at the moment,) Got my BFP yesterday! It's my second pregnancy and I think my due date is 19th March, although I'm not 100% sure on the dates.

How are you all feeling?
Can I join too please? I got my first ever BFP yesterday!! Early days and still can't quite believe it as I'm not getting too many symptoms other than headaches at the moment. I think my due date is roughly 19th March :) xx
Hey ladies, can I join you? Got my bfp earlier this week & think my date would be 13th March which would be great as 13 is my lucky number! x
Congrats Tiggy, JBoogle and Blondie!! I've added you all to the list.

I really wanted to do some exercise this afternoon but I'm feeling so sick I can't face it. I've bought stuff to cook a nice healthy dinner but also can't be bothered doing that either and just wanna phone a big fat pizza in xxx
Well I was going to cook a nice cottage pie with lots of veg but now you mention it pizza sounds good lol

I tried something different today I usually go to bed if I get tired around 2pm and I can stay there until tea time and still want more sleep. But today I lay on sofa with TV on and told oh to wake me in 45 minutes. I woke up naturally 5 minutes before and feel refreshed again x

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