******* March 2015 mummies to be *******

Congrats to all the new ladies and yay for 7 weeks Cosmo, me too tomorrow :D wish these weeks would hurry up, can't wait for first scan xxx
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Just had a funny turn in the shop. Standing in the queue which was quite long and everyone in front of me wanted cobs making up so I was standing there quite a while. It was warm in there which didn't help. Came over all nauseous and light headed my knees turned to jelly and I had to resist the urge to either run from the shop screaming or crawl into the drinks fridge next to me to cool down x
Yay for your 7 weeks tomorrow :) have you got a scan booked yet?

Oh Rhonda poor you, I think standing a while can do that. We have a morning briefing at work every day, it only lasts 15 mins but everyone stands and I really struggle, by the end of it I'm running out the room back to my desk xxx
It only lasted while I was in the shop been feeling a bit crap today but nothing major really other than that. First shift after two weeks off though and 13 hours is a long day. Been one of those non stop days too. Only another 2 and half hours and I can go home for a shower lol x
Hi ladies,

I am 5+4 today and my due date is 12th March 2015.
Feeling so paranoid something will be wrong when we go for our scan, know it's all in my head, always is considering. Felt nothing but excited and impatient but now just feel sick with worry
I'm sure all will be fine NightWolf, it's natural to feel that way, no I have no scan booked yet as I can't afford to go private so will just have to wait Cosmo xxx

welcome leean10 and congrats :wave:

Hope you are feeling ok now RhondaLou xxx

I had some cramps this evening but they seem to have passed now, hope it's not the start of something bad :(
Morning the crap feeling subsided about mid afternoon I was tired yesterday but as I said after 2 weeks off it's a shock to your system.

I had some low down pains last night sharper than cramps but not enough to make me worry. They have Gond this morning though.

Not sure how I feel today not been up long I need at least one more cup of tea xx
Sooooooo hungry all my food is being eaten by my gf lol <3 Her current craving is for bacon and Rolos together which honestly sounds yum, the chocolate with Philadelphia cheese does not. Hope you're all doing well
Congrats Leanat.

Ttc no 2 would you like me to add you for the 24th? Xxx

Maybe put me down for 25th... fingerz crossed..
Hate early stage pg.. its a worrying time. I will book myself into early scan around 7weeks make sure im not imagine this all :)
Nightwolf chocolate with phili cheese is just like a choc cheesecake, yum!!!!

Ttc no 2 that's you added. Think we've only got about another week of March mummies left to add then it'll be onto April due dates, yay we're progressing :)

Just back from the gym, forced myself but feel all the better for it now. Now to vegetate on the couch for the rest of the night xxx
Well it's been a long day today had to go with my mum to hospital she is fine just a check up but was in there for 3 hours and went the longest route possible on the bus. Was dozing off in waiting room the nurse said they should offer blankets and pillows like the airlines do.

I'm home now oh on lates so I have the house and the TV remote all to myself. I love being pregnant it's a great excuse to sit with feet up :)
Been having awful sickness can't seem to keep anything down not even water or juice I fell awful might give the midwife a call tomorrow x
Sorry about the sickness missbx. Hope the midwive suggests something? Can you have sips of water? Sounds awful.

Well done for going to gym Cosmo! Good stuff!

I've had a manic day at work today. Looking forwards to my day off tommorrow! Feeling well today :)
Missbx have you tried nibbling on a dry cracker or a ginger biscuit? Hope you feel better soon xx
I can't even have sips of water without throwing it back up 10-15 minuets later and dry crackers where helping this morning but there not now xx
Oh Missbx poor you. I defs think you need to call the midwife or go to hospital. If you can't keep anything down then they'll probs want to get you on a drip to make sure you and baby are getting all the nutrients you need xxx
I'm almost 5 weeks and hadn't had any symptoms yet (which made me worry in itself!!) But last night started to get a strange sensation in my belly, like a achey fluttery sendation that feels a bit like being nervous. I've still got it this morning. Anyone else had this? Xx
Raging back ache this morning I'm quite uncomfortable mega emotional and scared as hell I'm going to miscarry :-(. Probably being irrational but can't find a positive mood today x

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