Just to let you all know AF came! Which I'm happy about because last month it was 24th so it's starting to regulate a bit just a week off!!!

tapatalking so cannot see tickers! sorry for typos also!
Good to hear, its probably weight off your shoulders.
Hope you can get things sorted quickly and get long term contraception soon

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Great Charlene, good to hear things are regulating a bit! Hopefully your hormones will start to normalise and you'll be able to get something sorted soon xx
I am going for the coil tomorrow, Im just not going to tell them that I need to be sent for a scan cos to me now I am feeling alot better and the bleeding is no where near as heavy as last month, stil a bit painful though but I just think that's my body getting back to normal after having cabhan, I hope they can fit it for me cos i don't want another pregnancy scare. I know it sounds awful but when I seen blood (tmi) I was more excited than Ive ever been because its made me realise that infact I do not want another baby.

thanks for all the advice ladies xxx
good luck let me know how it goes im off for mine fitting after she is born. im off none hormonal because it sends me funny and it lasts 10 years!! love i won't have to think about contraception until next time we ttc in about ten years! lol xx
Ooh that's fab news charlene, glad you're feeling more in control of the situation now that AF has arrived! GL with your appointment. I'm considering the coil too. Non hormonal is prob the way forward for me.
I had the hormonal mirena coil fitted today, worst thing ever experienced felt like my insides were gonna explode. but on the other hand I am now protected till 19.11.17 :)
Wow 5 years!!! I'm 100% getting one of these after I give birth :) x
That's awesome, well done hun! 5 years is brilliant. I'm still undecided cos I know I wanna TTC before 5 years is up :/
Fab Charlene I'm glad u got it sorted out ok. I've got the coil too and it's much less hassle :)
That's awesome, well done hun! 5 years is brilliant. I'm still undecided cos I know I wanna TTC before 5 years is up :/

I'm getting the cop coil fitted on Wednesday, and I've already told my GP it won't be staying in for more than a year! Xx
I want the copper one too :) - not yet obviously lol!! But it sounds good :)
You just make an appointment to have it removed when you want to TTC xx

With the copper coil fertility returns to ormal immediately, but with the hormonal one it can take a while xx
That's awesome, well done hun! 5 years is brilliant. I'm still undecided cos I know I wanna TTC before 5 years is up :/

I'm getting the cop coil fitted on Wednesday, and I've already told my GP it won't be staying in for more than a year! Xx

how do they get it out though?

You cough and they pull it by the threads, it's out in less than a second x


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Oh I didn't think she meant to actually describe how they get it out xx

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