Look what an online fortune teller told me!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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HI Jane

THanks for letting me know

I am seeing JUNE and GIRL, so this is either birth month, concieve
month or the month you find out in.


Now I thought I was a sensible person but I confess I received this email and felt a tingle!!!
Wow... think i would be a little convinced too lol x

Which website did you use.. i will see what she tells me lol
lol it is called www.angelfire.com - she only charges something like 7 canadian dollars and we thought we would do it for a giggle - her email actually told me all about what was supposed to be my new daughters personality but the strangest thing is she described my 20 year old perfectly - even down to what she is studying at uni (which is not the normal type of degree!!!)

As I say I am secretly hoping she is for real x :pray:
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :D
I've emailed her! I'll let u know what she says. Really hope your prediction comes true.

Did you email her 1st before u paid. It wasn't really clear on the website!

michelle x
He he... I have gone for the 25CAD reading and have paid already.... cant wait to see what she says.

I will let you all know.

Just realised I have 2 days to testing and I have no AF symptoms what so ever... that is a first for me?????????????????????????
I emailed her first and then sent the payment through paypal - I had to tell her if I had any other children or pregnancies - it took about 3 days for her reply - I sent it when I was late and had had a false BFP last month but didnt tell her - now this month it looks like I have actually ovulated for the first time since I had the coil removed - keeping my fingers crossed that she is genuine - god I would love a BFP in June - I will be 13 DPO on 1st June - lol x x x x
I did this a few months ago when i first started TTC, and she got it wrong,

Good luck girls

shell and donna have you got your replys yet?
i sent off for the $7 one just to see what she says, i think i should get it tomorrow or thursday. i'll let you all know what she says :D
reallyoldmum said:
HI Jane

THanks for letting me know

I am seeing JUNE and GIRL, so this is either birth month, concieve
month or the month you find out in.


Now I thought I was a sensible person but I confess I received this email and felt a tingle!!!

may i ask how much she charged you for that? :)
lets hope it comes true! :cheer:
oh deary me, Im sorry but in my circles I come across charlatans like this all the time, please dont take it too seriously - if you want to part with cash for a bit of fun then by all means do so, but its not to be taken seriously!

It takes a lot of time and energy to make these kinds of "predictions", even more to do it remotely, and if she really was doing this many then she would be dead by now of exhaustion, or in a mental home.

NEVER trust internet or phone pychics, simple as that! :)
I read my star sign thing and it said i was going to have a baby and it would be a boy. I dont believe it but i thought it was odd that it said that. I just randomly found it in an old newspaper! :shock:
glitzyglamgirl said:
oh deary me, Im sorry but in my circles I come across charlatans like this all the time, please dont take it too seriously - if you want to part with cash for a bit of fun then by all means do so, but its not to be taken seriously!

It takes a lot of time and energy to make these kinds of "predictions", even more to do it remotely, and if she really was doing this many then she would be dead by now of exhaustion, or in a mental home.

NEVER trust internet or phone pychics, simple as that! :)

I agree glitzy, i just wanted to see what she would say it only cost £3, im a sucker for being ripped off :rotfl:

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