Look what an online fortune teller told me!!!

glitzyglamgirl said:
oh deary me, Im sorry but in my circles I come across charlatans like this all the time, please dont take it too seriously - if you want to part with cash for a bit of fun then by all means do so, but its not to be taken seriously!

It takes a lot of time and energy to make these kinds of "predictions", even more to do it remotely, and if she really was doing this many then she would be dead by now of exhaustion, or in a mental home.

NEVER trust internet or phone pychics, simple as that! :)

Dito, I was thinking exactly the same thing,but didn't want to sound like a party pooper :?
After saying that though i had a women follow me once and she was talking to me and saying everything about me. I was dead freaked out and she couldnt have just guessed the stuff she said. In the end i bought something off her and she left me alone. She said she would put a curse on me :cry: I know its not the same but i kinda believe some people.
It's called cold reading jenna. Anyone can learn how to be 'psychic'.
There are a lot of genuine people out there, most use it for good but some, like the lady you encountered, will use it for bad. Its the ones that pretend and cash in on peoples grief, insecurities and hopes and fears that drive me up the wall :wall:
Yeah, you can buy books on it. It tells you all the things you need to do.

I'm not saying there aren't genuine people out there, but theres an awful lot of con artists out there to.
yep, think derren brown, and those guys on living TV who speak with the dead. Its all cold reading. The trick is to know the difference because there are genuine psychics out there, but I think they are far outnumbered by very clever cold readers.

EDIT - just to add - wether genuinely psychic or cold reading, its almost impossible to do that many remote readings - I used to do email tarot readings and could only do one or 2 a week as it takes up a huge amount of physical and mental energy.
i agree hun, theres loads of people that just say random rubbish and you know its 50/50, could be right could be wrong. But she was spot on with everything she said. It was years ago and i was very young at the time and there was no way i would part with my money for something i didnt want. In the end she got me so freaked out i gave it her and she gave me a black cat pendant thing. At first it was like "you play piano and love music and animals" and went on to some really serious stuff which you cant just pull out of the air :shock:
jenna said:
i agree hun, theres loads of people that just say random rubbish and you know its 50/50, could be right could be wrong. But she was spot on with everything she said. It was years ago and i was very young at the time and there was no way i would part with my money for something i didnt want. In the end she got me so freaked out i gave it her and she gave me a black cat pendant thing. At first it was like "you play piano and love music and animals" and went on to some really serious stuff which you cant just pull out of the air :shock:

sounds like she had a talent, and she was using it to scare people into buying her tatt, no-one could put a curse on you its just not real :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
yep, think derren brown, and those guys on living TV who speak with the dead. Its all cold reading. The trick is to know the difference because there are genuine psychics out there, but I think they are far outnumbered by very clever cold readers.

My friend went to see the guy from living tv and said it was obvies that the people he talked to in the audience were a set up. And there was a programme on that derik guy where he said the history of the house or something and they were like "errrm we just built this to trick you" or something like that :rotfl:
i worked in a gift shop a couple of years ago and this gypsie lady came into the shop and started to tell my boss loads of things about her life, it was so weird. These were things that you couldnt just guess.
She knew that her son was in trouble with the police, she even said his intiials, also that he had two boys (describing their personalitys to a t)and that he had a really bad relationship experience when he was 22 (true,he walked in on his wife in bed with another man!), and that the woman had left a curse on him. She said she would lift the curse for £100 :shock: .My boss didnt say anything or even nod her head in agreement she just stood there shocked that this woman was reading her like a book!
She probably did have a talent but like that woman wiht Jenna, she was using it to scam people out of money :roll: .
little*red said:
shell and donna have you got your replys yet?
i sent off for the $7 one just to see what she says, i think i should get it tomorrow or thursday. i'll let you all know what she says :D


Thats the one i sent for. I just wanted to see what she came out with. As u said its only £3, so its just a bit of fun. I had an email from her just asking if we were ttc or pregnant already and what number child it was, so i'm expecting her reply tomorrow.

I'll let u know what she says!

Michelle x
Yes I only paid £3.00 too and realise its probably a load of old rubbish but we did have a giggle at her reply. Its soon June so we will soon know if she can see my future.

Sorry if I offended anyone. :(
only £3!!!

you didn't offend me! i think its a load of old tripe anyway :rotfl:
reallyoldmum said:
Yes I only paid £3.00 too and realise its probably a load of old rubbish but we did have a giggle at her reply. Its soon June so we will soon know if she can see my future.

Sorry if I offended anyone. :(

No offence atall hun! I just wanted to make sure no-one took this person too seriously, I'll be interested to see the results anyway :D
This is what she said:

I am seeing JULY and GIRL so that is either birth month, concieve month or the month you find out in. I am also seeing a BOY relating extremely close in age, so would say that I feel that there are TWO under the age of two:)

Will have to wait and see.....!! Maybe after all this waiting i'll have one after the other!

Michelle x

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