Long termers 6 months or more

Thanks pupperino. I remember you from before too! LTTTC really is the pits and I never thought I'd be one of the lucky ones that came out the other end!! I know it's easy for me to say now but he really was worth the wait. Hope you don't have to wait much longer .

Thanks for the kind words Moomin :) I'm still hopeful and accepted that we will need some assistance to get there x
Thanks pupperino....Just praying it sticks.

All sounds positive your end like you are moving forward as best you can. I hope we have some more good news on this thread to start 2019 xx

Thanks Nikki :)

Looks like a few of us are hoping for a better 2019 and might be doing IVF together!
I'm ok....not a huge amount of symptoms.

Have had cramps inside my right hip/bikini line since 4dpo consistently there. Get stronger seemingly when I'm more active.

Boobs are changing daily....nipples constantly changing colour and have had white dots one day but gone the next. Generally tho they feel engorged and huge (but I'm already a 36 FF so they are lol)

No sickness yet thankfully....altho I think a bit would be reassuring in a weird way. But for now it helped keeping things under wraps as we want to try and wait until 12 weeks to tell people which will be end of Jan.

Still all feels quite surreal. Can't bring myself to look for baby items or anything yet x
Hey I've not been on here much.

Congrats Nikki that's amazing news. Acutually so so lovely and glad so.epne on this tbread has fibially got a bfp
So glad you didn't need to suffer this any longer.
We didn't even try this cycle we have given up. It's so hard to face the dissapointment. Just waiting on IVF now whatever that looks like and whenever it starts.

You must be over the moon. It's so lovely xxx
I also want to say a wee goodbye to all the girls who has supported me on here. It's time for me to move on.

Al x x
Thanks for the kind words Moomin :) I'm still hopeful and accepted that we will need some assistance to get there x

I was the same. I had totally accepted that we would need help then we conceived naturally as we were waiting to start IVF. It really was unexpected after all that time. Nothing is impossible in this game.
I'm ok....not a huge amount of symptoms.

Have had cramps inside my right hip/bikini line since 4dpo consistently there. Get stronger seemingly when I'm more active.

Boobs are changing daily....nipples constantly changing colour and have had white dots one day but gone the next. Generally tho they feel engorged and huge (but I'm already a 36 FF so they are lol)

No sickness yet thankfully....altho I think a bit would be reassuring in a weird way. But for now it helped keeping things under wraps as we want to try and wait until 12 weeks to tell people which will be end of Jan.

Still all feels quite surreal. Can't bring myself to look for baby items or anything yet x

Honestly I needed the 20 week scan before I could even look at baby things! As I had so few symptoms the whole way, I sometimes forgot I was pregnant in a weird way and as I was so fit and well, it was almost as if I wasn't. If you're more comfortable with keeping things private (I was) that's much easier if you've not got symptoms. Plenty of people I work with were so sick there was no hiding it!!
Seeing you on here during your journey and come out the other end really does give me hope!

I’m starting ivf in the new year. My sisters has pcos too and were successful with ivf so I hope that we are lucky too.

Not sure how many rounds we can afford, it might only be one but I can’t even bare to think what we would do if ivf didn’t work and we came to the end of the road. DH is 100% against all forms of adoption/surrogacy/egg donation so it really scares me.

Thank you .I know I keep saying it but I never thought it would be me.

Wishing you so much luck on you IVF journey. It's really tough especially when you need to privately fund. I could never truly shake the worry of if things didn't work out but I found that focusing on one small step at a time really did help keep me focused on now rather than what might be.
Hey I've not been on here much.

Congrats Nikki that's amazing news. Acutually so so lovely and glad so.epne on this tbread has fibially got a bfp
So glad you didn't need to suffer this any longer.
We didn't even try this cycle we have given up. It's so hard to face the dissapointment. Just waiting on IVF now whatever that looks like and whenever it starts.

You must be over the moon. It's so lovely xxx

Thank you so much Alexis that really means a lot.

I'm so sad if you really are leaving us. I hope to still follow everyone's progress here.

It would just be amazing to see some IVF success for you and the others who deserve it so much and have been to tell and back xx
I hope everyone gets their dream to because hell you ladies all deserve it you have gone through hell and back.
I'm officially in the 2ww again oh joys
I also want to say a wee goodbye to all the girls who has supported me on here. It's time for me to move on.

Al x x

Oh Alexis!

Are you leaving the forum together or just this thread?

I really do wish you all the best and I hope you get your bfp in the new year xx xx
Not even sure how to process today.

A girl I manage, unfortunately seems to be basically a pathological liar...
She’s a complete nightmare and whenever I pull her up on her behaviour at work there’s some elaborate lie/crisis in her life.

Today was one of those days... and her response? ‘On Saturday I found out I can never have kids’.

As someone facing infertility I was in shock.

I know it can’t be true, she’s not got a bf, she’s 23 and no ttc, she’s not had any doctors appointments so can’t of had any investigations and finally, she wouldn’t get the news over the weekend when the drs are closed! They wouldn’t write a letter and unlikely to say ‘never’ in any event.

Plus a year ago she was telling people she’d had an abortion!

I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with this!
Not even sure how to process today.

A girl I manage, unfortunately seems to be basically a pathological liar...
She’s a complete nightmare and whenever I pull her up on her behaviour at work there’s some elaborate lie/crisis in her life.

Today was one of those days... and her response? ‘On Saturday I found out I can never have kids’.

As someone facing infertility I was in shock.

I know it can’t be true, she’s not got a bf, she’s 23 and no ttc, she’s not had any doctors appointments so can’t of had any investigations and finally, she wouldn’t get the news over the weekend when the drs are closed! They wouldn’t write a letter and unlikely to say ‘never’ in any event.

Plus a year ago she was telling people she’d had an abortion!

I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with this!

Irrationally slap her in the face....

Rationally in these situations I go for overkill on the support....what does she need...how can you help....time for appointments....has her partner had tests too.

Often I find then once you dig the lie starts to unravel as they can't keep it up.

If she genuine has issues that's super sad. But if she is like you say then she needs to sort her act out x
Irrationally slap her in the face....

Rationally in these situations I go for overkill on the support....what does she need...how can you help....time for appointments....has her partner had tests too.

Often I find then once you dig the lie starts to unravel as they can't keep it up.

If she genuine has issues that's super sad. But if she is like you say then she needs to sort her act out x

Yes that’s what I thought, there’s so many plot holes in her story and as I say this isn’t the first time she’s been caught out. I just never thought some one would joke about something like this! Although last year she did a similar thing saying her friend had cancer and that quickly unraveled too...
Yes that’s what I thought, there’s so many plot holes in her story and as I say this isn’t the first time she’s been caught out. I just never thought some one would joke about something like this! Although last year she did a similar thing saying her friend had cancer and that quickly unraveled too...

Crikey iris she sounds like a right handful.....talk about the girl who cried wolf
Not even sure how to process today.

A girl I manage, unfortunately seems to be basically a pathological liar...
She’s a complete nightmare and whenever I pull her up on her behaviour at work there’s some elaborate lie/crisis in her life.

Today was one of those days... and her response? ‘On Saturday I found out I can never have kids’.

As someone facing infertility I was in shock.

I know it can’t be true, she’s not got a bf, she’s 23 and no ttc, she’s not had any doctors appointments so can’t of had any investigations and finally, she wouldn’t get the news over the weekend when the drs are closed! They wouldn’t write a letter and unlikely to say ‘never’ in any event.

Plus a year ago she was telling people she’d had an abortion!

I don’t know how I’m supposed to deal with this!

Oh christ :shock: some people astound me! This is where i would love to do a course on how you respond to these kind of situations in a calm and collected professional manner, as my response would be quite frank and would possibly make her cry :lol: which is never good!
How is everyone ? Ready for Xmas? I had my family visit last weekend so we had early Xmas as I won't see them due to work. We will be at the in laws Xmas day which will still be nice. But anyhow meant I had to have all presents done for them to take with them last week.

Just the hubby to sort and secret Santa for work....zero ideas for either.

Not looking forward to this snow and freezing rain landing today. I just want to hibernate! Xx
I joined this thread a few months ago when I also hit the 6 month mark.
I started to really struggle with it all and took a break from the site.

I want to thank everyone for the support during the times I’ve been here and like to share the news I got my BFP a couple weeks ago.
Still don’t believe it but thank you all and send lots of luck and baby dust
I joined this thread a few months ago when I also hit the 6 month mark.
I started to really struggle with it all and took a break from the site.

I want to thank everyone for the support during the times I’ve been here and like to share the news I got my BFP a couple weeks ago.
Still don’t believe it but thank you all and send lots of luck and baby dust

AMAZING NEWS! Congrats xx
How is everyone ? Ready for Xmas? I had my family visit last weekend so we had early Xmas as I won't see them due to work. We will be at the in laws Xmas day which will still be nice. But anyhow meant I had to have all presents done for them to take with them last week.

Just the hubby to sort and secret Santa for work....zero ideas for either.

Not looking forward to this snow and freezing rain landing today. I just want to hibernate! Xx

I am all ready apart from a bit of wrapping and then this weekend I’ll be baking for the hampers I’m doing for the parents.

Been fighting an awful cold for most of the past week but finally seem to be coming out the other side!

How are you feeling?
I’d deco get out the hot choc and just hide until Xmas now! Xx
I joined this thread a few months ago when I also hit the 6 month mark.
I started to really struggle with it all and took a break from the site.

I want to thank everyone for the support during the times I’ve been here and like to share the news I got my BFP a couple weeks ago.
Still don’t believe it but thank you all and send lots of luck and baby dust

Congratulations! Xx

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