Long termers 6 months or more

Thanks Peony. Yes just feeling very down. I feel like every other day is a down day. The next day I am up and strong. I keep torturing myself of all the people I know who are now pregnant & will be going into the new year expecting their babies. I keep feeling so sad and angry thinking we have to go through IVF. So angry helpless & out of control because of all the boxes to tick and tests to pass to get on to it. I can’t be at work at the moment because I’m just an emotional wreck - and nothing has even really happened yet. Perhaps I will feel better when it does start happening. I’m trying so hard to try and not think of things to de strsss so I can ovulate to give us a chance this month - but I honestly don’t know how! I’ve given up drink but maybe I just need to have a good old drink to help me relax! I feel miserable! But I know that I should be now prepping my body for what is to come, so incredibly guilty if I go against any of it.

We are going private and our heads are swimming in fees and fertility packages - it’s all so much of a head mess.

Peony I’m glad your tests are ok. I can completely relate to your anxiety. Hopefully you have some reassurance today that can make you feel better. I don’t want to be one of those people who say stress is bad etc etc but it is amazing what it can do to you and I’m only just learning that! X

Mandy here is your safe place to rant and we are all here to support however we can.

Regarding flexible working...stand firm....all employers are duty bound to accept flexible working requests unless they can provide a viable business reason why they can't

For example if no one else works part time where you are. That actually goes in your favour as you are not putting added pressure on a tight workforce. We deal with them a lot at work as we have a predominantly female workforce. And whilst we do negotiate shifts or days....ultimately we always accept the request....just come to a sensible agreement that suits the person but also the team within which they work.

I hope you can get it sorted to take some pressure off and let you focus on you for your IVF. But also if you want to go get smashed and just forget it all for a day....that's ok too! We all need an outlet and there is nothing wrong with a good drink in your situation if it will help you relax.

Sending hugs (and vino) your way x
Thanks Nikki.

I work in a male dominated office/industry where I run my own projects and basically me going part time will not be convenient or practical as I will be unreliable for meetings etc. I had considered a career break or walking away all together but I don’t want to lose my independence just yet. Plus I don’t know how I will be during ivf I might be ok I might not . It’s not that I want both (career & baby) I’m just stuck in a very demanding job that I need to fight to be heard to want to break the mold (by going part time) and I don’t want to give everything up to perhaps have nothing at the end (no baby). I’d feel like a complete failure.

Yes your probably right re the drink - it just feels like everything you do around ttc is constantly there to remind you why perhaps your not pregnant. Did I eat or drink the right stuff or too much or not enough etc etc! Especially at the edge of IVF i feel I must do everything right for best chances. Sigh. It is tough all this! X
Thanks Nikki.

I work in a male dominated office/industry where I run my own projects and basically me going part time will not be convenient or practical as I will be unreliable for meetings etc. I had considered a career break or walking away all together but I don’t want to lose my independence just yet. Plus I don’t know how I will be during ivf I might be ok I might not . It’s not that I want both (career & baby) I’m just stuck in a very demanding job that I need to fight to be heard to want to break the mold (by going part time) and I don’t want to give everything up to perhaps have nothing at the end (no baby). I’d feel like a complete failure.

Yes your probably right re the drink - it just feels like everything you do around ttc is constantly there to remind you why perhaps your not pregnant. Did I eat or drink the right stuff or too much or not enough etc etc! Especially at the edge of IVF i feel I must do everything right for best chances. Sigh. It is tough all this! X

It is so unbelievably tought. It still amazes me how women come through this battle years down the line. Every single month is so so difficult.

Remember that your health and happiness is important too though....So if you need to have a drink and relax....don't let yourself feel guilty.

In the end most of the things we do to improve our chances don't make the blindest bit of difference in the end. I think this is completely a game of luck and fate.....things just happen when they decide to or not. Which just makes it all the more brutual x
So We have signed our consent forms and got the protocol we are on. To phone on1st day of next period to book in to start IVF but they said its so busy do could be 2 months wait maybe 3 to get booked in
So We have signed our consent forms and got the protocol we are on. To phone on1st day of next period to book in to start IVF but they said its so busy do could be 2 months wait maybe 3 to get booked in

Alexis that's great news.....you are so nearly there now. I hope you don't have to wait another 3 months and they can get you in sooner. Keeping everything crossed for you, I want to see your BFP in 2019 so much. You deserve it after such a tough journey x
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

Pretty sure you can. Don't think I've ever read anything that says it would affect results x
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

I got told not advised to so I held off! I think it wasnt for any reason other than smear eticate for want of a better word! (Basically so no swimmers are hanging about etc ? Who knows
Alexis - amazing news, everything crossed

Thanks was over welming as its much more to it than I thought. I'm on a longer protocol so in a nutshell it goes like this

Call in on 1st day of period to book day 21 virology bloods and to get prostap injection (which puts you innto a menopause sort of thing with all the symptoms if your unlucky)

On the next bleed which isn't a proper bleed you then attend for a scan then you will have another blood get and pick up protocol injections

I then have about 3 injections per day for 10 days and start daily nasal spray 24 days post prostap injection .

On day 10 of injections I attend unit for another scan and blood tests then continue the daily injections and go to unit every 1 -3 days for scans u til follicles above 17mm.

Then they will call me to advise when to take a HCG booster injection and stop the daily injections. I will also stop nasal spray the and be prepared for theatre for egg retrieval about 36 hours later...then after egg retrieval they will call me to advise of how many eggs collected and start progesterone pessieries and then go for egg transfer .... then I think I continue the pessaries for 2 weeks when we will then take a HCG test for the outcome.

So yeah it's a lot but worth every single side effect IF it works!
L x
Hi everyone, I’m new to this thread. We officially started to TTC in May when I came off my pill. Since then I had 2 MCs in cycle 2 and cycle 3 :-(

I know everyone’s journey is hard and different but I feel like I’m really struggling at the moment. Hoping that by joining this thread (as well as the many others) will continue to help me whilst we have the agonising wait to hopefully get our sticky bean sometime soon... x
Alexis - amazing news, everything crossed

Thanks was over welming as its much more to it than I thought. I'm on a longer protocol so in a nutshell it goes like this

Call in on 1st day of period to book day 21 virology bloods and to get prostap injection (which puts you innto a menopause sort of thing with all the symptoms if your unlucky)

On the next bleed which isn't a proper bleed you then attend for a scan then you will have another blood get and pick up protocol injections

I then have about 3 injections per day for 10 days and start daily nasal spray 24 days post prostap injection .

On day 10 of injections I attend unit for another scan and blood tests then continue the daily injections and go to unit every 1 -3 days for scans u til follicles above 17mm.

Then they will call me to advise when to take a HCG booster injection and stop the daily injections. I will also stop nasal spray the and be prepared for theatre for egg retrieval about 36 hours later...then after egg retrieval they will call me to advise of how many eggs collected and start progesterone pessieries and then go for egg transfer .... then I think I continue the pessaries for 2 weeks when we will then take a HCG test for the outcome.

So yeah it's a lot but worth every single side effect IF it works!
L x

It's so complicated Alexis but just incredible also how it all works. I hope that it goes smoothly for you and you cope ok with all the needle stabbing. Like you say it's a small price if it gets you a bundle in your arms. I really have a positive feeling that this will be it for you....we are all rooting for you x
Hi everyone, I’m new to this thread. We officially started to TTC in May when I came off my pill. Since then I had 2 MCs in cycle 2 and cycle 3 :-(

I know everyone’s journey is hard and different but I feel like I’m really struggling at the moment. Hoping that by joining this thread (as well as the many others) will continue to help me whilst we have the agonising wait to hopefully get our sticky bean sometime soon... x

Welcome SJ I hope we can all support and help in someway. This thread has been my safe zone for a long time now. I'm so sorry to hear about your mc I can't begin to imagine how heart breaking it must have been. Sending sticky baby dust your way x
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

My gyni told me that I must refrain from sex before a smear because it makes the testing a bit harder if you have other genetic material present..I don't know though hey, I think it's just down to the preference of the gyni mmm
I am so rooting for you Alexis, it's worth it all, like you said for that glorious outcome that you have so longed for, I have a good feeling about this for you <3 not long to wait anymore!
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

I got told not advised to so I held off! I think it wasnt for any reason other than smear eticate for want of a better word! (Basically so no swimmers are hanging about etc ? Who knows

Do you know how long it was before the test that you could have sex?
Alexis - amazing news, everything crossed

Thanks was over welming as its much more to it than I thought. I'm on a longer protocol so in a nutshell it goes like this

Call in on 1st day of period to book day 21 virology bloods and to get prostap injection (which puts you innto a menopause sort of thing with all the symptoms if your unlucky)

On the next bleed which isn't a proper bleed you then attend for a scan then you will have another blood get and pick up protocol injections

I then have about 3 injections per day for 10 days and start daily nasal spray 24 days post prostap injection .

On day 10 of injections I attend unit for another scan and blood tests then continue the daily injections and go to unit every 1 -3 days for scans u til follicles above 17mm.

Then they will call me to advise when to take a HCG booster injection and stop the daily injections. I will also stop nasal spray the and be prepared for theatre for egg retrieval about 36 hours later...then after egg retrieval they will call me to advise of how many eggs collected and start progesterone pessieries and then go for egg transfer .... then I think I continue the pessaries for 2 weeks when we will then take a HCG test for the outcome.

So yeah it's a lot but worth every single side effect IF it works!
L x

Wow that’s a lot to remember! Absolutely worth it though in the end!

Everything crossed for you!

I’m starting my ivf journey in the new year too so hopefully won’t be long behind you!

Now you can relax a little hopefully xx
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

I got told not advised to so I held off! I think it wasnt for any reason other than smear eticate for want of a better word! (Basically so no swimmers are hanging about etc ? Who knows

Do you know how long it was before the test that you could have sex?

Also, as it’s cycle day 15 and I’m obviously ttc, will it be safe for me to have it done on this day? Xx
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

Peony just dipping in - i was told by the nurse not to have sexual intercourse the night before my smear test. They didn't say why but they advised not to. x
I’ve got my smear test booked in and it will be on cycle day 15 - anyone know if I can have sex the day before the test?

I got told not advised to so I held off! I think it wasnt for any reason other than smear eticate for want of a better word! (Basically so no swimmers are hanging about etc ? Who knows

Do you know how long it was before the test that you could have sex?

Also, as it’s cycle day 15 and I’m obviously ttc, will it be safe for me to have it done on this day? Xx

Its absolutely safe to have a smear done on any day just i advice you not to DTD the night before. x

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