Long termers 6 months or more

I am all ready apart from a bit of wrapping and then this weekend I’ll be baking for the hampers I’m doing for the parents.

Been fighting an awful cold for most of the past week but finally seem to be coming out the other side!

How are you feeling?
I’d deco get out the hot choc and just hide until Xmas now! Xx

Really wish I could hibernate iris. I have that same stinking cold...on day 3 and no let up. Just about to sink into a hot bath as that gave me about half an hour's relief from the stuffed up head yesterday.

I'm off tomorrow though which I'm so pleased as just done a 7 day stint after having 2 days off together for my family to visit. All downhill now to boxing day sale in my job. One days rest on Xmas day but then am off the weekend between Xmas and new year so hopefully will get some time with hubby then x
I joined this thread a few months ago when I also hit the 6 month mark.
I started to really struggle with it all and took a break from the site.

I want to thank everyone for the support during the times I’ve been here and like to share the news I got my BFP a couple weeks ago.
Still don’t believe it but thank you all and send lots of luck and baby dust

Congratulations! Hope your pregnancy goes well x
How is everyone ? Ready for Xmas? I had my family visit last weekend so we had early Xmas as I won't see them due to work. We will be at the in laws Xmas day which will still be nice. But anyhow meant I had to have all presents done for them to take with them last week.

Just the hubby to sort and secret Santa for work....zero ideas for either.

Not looking forward to this snow and freezing rain landing today. I just want to hibernate! Xx

I hope you all have a lovely xmas! I hope that the weather isn't too bad! We have been having some epic storms here, when it should be hot and sunny! Looks like we won't get a massive heatwave this summer which is nice. I'll be spending xmas lunch with my family and then my DH's family for dinner - so it will be a long exhausting day!

AFM ... AF arrived today, so that's officially 12 months down the drain :( .. I'll be starting letrozole next month, see how that goes. I won't be in the fertile period until the new year so looking forward to putting all things TTC aside until then.

I hope you all have a lovely xmas! I hope that the weather isn't too bad! We have been having some epic storms here, when it should be hot and sunny! Looks like we won't get a massive heatwave this summer which is nice. I'll be spending xmas lunch with my family and then my DH's family for dinner - so it will be a long exhausting day!

AFM ... AF arrived today, so that's officially 12 months down the drain :( .. I'll be starting letrozole next month, see how that goes. I won't be in the fertile period until the new year so looking forward to putting all things TTC aside until then.


Ah pupperino I hope you can set things aside as best you can and enjoy the festive period. TTC just consumes us all.

I hope that everyone keeps this thread going for support. I don't want to leave you all but I am aware that some may find my posts difficult since my BFP.

I still feel like it's early days and very anxious but having early scan tonight so hoping seeing a little bean will make it feel a bit more real.

Wish you all the best for Christmas and hope we see some more joy on this thread early in the new year x
Ah pupperino I hope you can set things aside as best you can and enjoy the festive period. TTC just consumes us all.

I hope that everyone keeps this thread going for support. I don't want to leave you all but I am aware that some may find my posts difficult since my BFP.

I still feel like it's early days and very anxious but having early scan tonight so hoping seeing a little bean will make it feel a bit more real.

Wish you all the best for Christmas and hope we see some more joy on this thread early in the new year x

Don’t feel you can’t write in here, if anything you give us hope! It’s always good to see a happy ending with a long termer. I avoid the testing threads as it’s hard to see people getting bfps after a short amount of time, but I’m so genuinely happy for you and you deserve the happiness xx let us know how the scan goes.

I have been struggling lately, I’ve been getting anxious about everything and so haven’t felt like writing much in here. However, last few days I’ve been starting to feel better. Christmas is coming up and I’m not due on til New Years so I feel like I can just forget about ttc for a couple of weeks at least. I’m eating what I like too which is great. Will get back on the healthy eating after Xmas but I’m not even going to look at boring healthy food this Xmas. I’m trying to just appreciate what I do have and just enjoy it all.

Congratulations hearyoume and so sorry pupperino. The 12 month mark is a tough one - better luck for the new year x
Well ladies I really doubted at times this day would come. But I wanted to give you all a little Xmas hope. After 19 months trying here I am at last with a little bean picture 7+3 and all ok. Everything crossed this is at last our miracle and that all you ladies can catch some of the baby dust being sent your way by my magic bean xxx

Well ladies I really doubted at times this day would come. But I wanted to give you all a little Xmas hope. After 19 months trying here I am at last with a little bean picture 7+3 and all ok. Everything crossed this is at last our miracle and that all you ladies can catch some of the baby dust being sent your way by my magic bean xxx

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Aww so beautiful! That is so lovely to see and does give me hope. I agree with Peony, your presence here is lovely and appreciate the kind words. I hope that scan has given you some reassurance and will be sticking around! So exciting x
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Aww so beautiful! That is so lovely to see and does give me hope. I agree with Peony, your presence here is lovely and appreciate the kind words. I hope that scab has given you some reassurance and will be sticking around! So exciting x

Thank you pup. Still feels completely surreal. Wonder if a nights sleep will help it sink in x
Don’t feel you can’t write in here, if anything you give us hope! It’s always good to see a happy ending with a long termer. I avoid the testing threads as it’s hard to see people getting bfps after a short amount of time, but I’m so genuinely happy for you and you deserve the happiness xx let us know how the scan goes.

I have been struggling lately, I’ve been getting anxious about everything and so haven’t felt like writing much in here. However, last few days I’ve been starting to feel better. Christmas is coming up and I’m not due on til New Years so I feel like I can just forget about ttc for a couple of weeks at least. I’m eating what I like too which is great. Will get back on the healthy eating after Xmas but I’m not even going to look at boring healthy food this Xmas. I’m trying to just appreciate what I do have and just enjoy it all.

Congratulations hearyoume and so sorry pupperino. The 12 month mark is a tough one - better luck for the new year x

Thanks Peony - i’m hoping that 2019 is kind to us all. Sorry to hear that your anxiety has been bad :( totally understandable, hopefully it stays away for a while. Have you been seeing a psychologist for support? I’m going to stop avoiding it and will call one today. In solidarity I’ll also be eating what I want and doing what I want this Xmas! Going to be a blast haha (well, hopefully!) xx
Thank you pup. Still feels completely surreal. Wonder if a nights sleep will help it sink in x

Aw, I could imagine! I’m sure the reality, hope and excitement will slowly build xx

P.s. oh god, that spelling error in my post! Can’t edit it.. torture!!

P.s.s. Figured out how to edit it. Geez, looks like this is a great start to my morning
Well ladies I really doubted at times this day would come. But I wanted to give you all a little Xmas hope. After 19 months trying here I am at last with a little bean picture 7+3 and all ok. Everything crossed this is at last our miracle and that all you ladies can catch some of the baby dust being sent your way by my magic bean xxx

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I am so glad that your early scan went well! You deserve this so much.
Sorry i haven't been around we have been so busy but tww is over and AF is here officially going onto cycle 10 and coming up to ttc for 8 months mark so once I've hit 12 cycles I'm going to be talking to my gp
Sorry i haven't been around we have been so busy but tww is over and AF is here officially going onto cycle 10 and coming up to ttc for 8 months mark so once I've hit 12 cycles I'm going to be talking to my gp

Aww vintage I'm so sorry. Fed get yourself booked into the GP in the new year....I felt so much better for just it seeming like we had done something proactive and as much as knowing everything was ok made me feel helpless it also helped me cling onto hope x
Aww vintage I'm so sorry. Fed get yourself booked into the GP in the new year....I felt so much better for just it seeming like we had done something proactive and as much as knowing everything was ok made me feel helpless it also helped me cling onto hope x
Yea I'm just getting sorted with a new gp so when I go for that first apt I'm going to tell them we are ttc they will know anyway because I decided to go with my ohs gp so he's talking about it when he is next there but I need a couple of apts to sort out my fibro stuff aswell so plenty of opportunity to talk ttc while I do that
Thanks Peony - i’m hoping that 2019 is kind to us all. Sorry to hear that your anxiety has been bad :( totally understandable, hopefully it stays away for a while. Have you been seeing a psychologist for support? I’m going to stop avoiding it and will call one today. In solidarity I’ll also be eating what I want and doing what I want this Xmas! Going to be a blast haha (well, hopefully!) xx

No I haven’t seen anyone because I’m lucky that although sometimes I go through phases of being really anxious, it never gets to a point where its completely taking over my life... its more that it takes over my life when I’m resting and my mind has time to think and that will last several weeks at a time. I think it helps that I tell my husband every weird and crazy anxious thought that goes through my mind and he’s very good at knowing what to do or say. Plus I’ve learnt techniques which help me get back out of it now. Trouble is I should keep up these techniques when I’m feeling good, but I so often don’t and then I’m surprised when I’m feeling bad again lol. Think the whole ttc dramas were just getting on top of me too. I’ve got a couple of weeks off work for Xmas now and I’m in the tww atm so anytime we’ll dtd it will be for fun and not for babymaking...normally I’ve had enough of that by this point in the month, but we’ll both hopefully be relaxed in the tww for a change! Good on you for eating and doing what you want too...if we can’t relax and enjoy ourselves at Xmas then what’s the point!! Although I’m not overly excited for New Years as that’s when I’m due af...that will be a great start to 2019 if she shows...and knowing af...she will show lol

Nikkibiscuit that’s amazing! Hope you can relax a bit more now you’ve seen the scan. Have you been getting any symptoms yet? P.s not to worry if you haven’t, one of my sil got none at all throughout her whole pregnancy...my other sil on the other hand was sick for most of it lol
@peony thanks...I am feeling a little more relaxed and excited for seeing our magic bean. However I am not well at all. Into day 6 today of hideous cold that seems to be turning into viral yucky. I came home from work Thurs....then was scheduled day off yesterday so thought I'll rest and try to get pulled round as it was all in my head and chest. But then yesterday's development was that I can't keep anything in. All food and water seems to be going straight through within half an hour. Sorry TMI.

So I know my immune system will be low due to pg but I think this us def a bug more than symptoms. Away from this I have just had growing boobs with all the usual changes in my nipples and hormones seem to be kicking in as few occasions of years and short fuse plus hyper sensitive smell. Thankfully no sickness yet altho can't see it being far away if I carry on like this. Will be phoning in sick for work shortly. Feel like all I can do is rest and keep attempting food and fluids until they stay put! Xx
Ahh Nikki I'm so pleased your scan went well!! Sorry you're feeling rough but as you say it does sound more like a bug than pregnancy. Hope you feel better soon.

I was exactly the same when we finally caught. I wanted to keep up with everyone here as I was and still am rooting for every single one of you here but at the same time I was worried that my posts would upset people.
Oh no, poor you, hope it goes away before Xmas :sad: just make sure you try and keep hydrated if you can. If not and it gets too bad, call 111 for some advice. Best to be on the safe side. Xx
I promise your posts make me happy, not upset! It’s like certain people I don’t mind seeing happy pregnancy and baby news... family and long termers ;-) xx

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