new to the section.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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I have just come over her from another part of the forum and am getting ready ttc after a miscarriage.

Any advice, what to do,what to read up on etc would be appreciated.
i have never actively TTC befor, iykwim.
We just never tried to stop it happening. I had a miscarriage before and it took 14 months to get caught again, by not actively trying.
I don;t want to wait that long this time so will be trying properly.

So help please.
Just wanted to say welcome to TTC and im so sorry for your loss.
We have just gone into our 3rd month of trying. At the moment im not temping or doing anything really except keeping an eye on dates and doing an odd ov test (very annoying last months cos when i was ov couldnt see OH!!!)
Good luck TTC and i hope it happens soon and sticks xx
:wave: the only advice i can give is dont try :fib: or try not to get stressed out over it, easy to say i know :roll: people seem to get their bfp on the month they have a break from ttc, i think its to do with stress of trying :wall:

Fertility friend website has some good information on it about charting and things, and if you are buying ovulation tests or preg tests the ebay cheep ones are just as good :wink:
Apparently the bbok by Toni Weschler - think there is still a thread at the top is very good to read....altho havnet got it myself.

Good luck ttc
Welcome and so sorry to hear of your loss.

Echo what the others have said really.

Defo recommend the Toni Weschler book, it's very informative.

Good luck x
Get the opk's and registered with my cycle shell, worked 1st month for me.

Glad Neil is ok to TTC xx
Sorry for your loss :hug: but welcome to TTC :D

You might find temp charting very helpful for getting an idea of your cycle and ovulation patterns. It is difficult trying to strike a balance between trying to be proactive about things and not stressing yourself out too much.

Wishing you the best of luck and I hope you get your BFP quickly :D

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