Long termers 6 months or more

Right that's it....I am done with feeling sorry for myself.

I am getting my shit together. Sorry TMI but I have trimmed and shaved every inch required....slapped on the fake tan moisturiser.....and quite frankly polished every bit I possibly can.

It's my fertile week and I am going to enjoy my husband and flipping well have fun doing it. There probably won't be a BFP but what's new!?! Life is too short to wallow in self pity and I can't even cry my eyes out at the end of the month if we haven't even tried.

So watch out husband....wife is back on form!

(Good luck to anyone else baby bonking this week- sod the worrying it's meant to be fun after all) xxxx

Yes Nikki!

You got this! Your hubby isn’t going to know what hit him!
My AMH results are back and only 3.7. I think that means I have low ovarian reserve ..but apparently doesn't cause infertility but means I have a low number of eggs left ? I think it means extra drugs on IVF . Feel a bit down as need to start dtd tonight and feels hopeless

Hi Alexis, sorry you're feeling like this. It's awful to get results with no explanation of what they mean! From what I can see online normal range is between 1.5 and 4. So 3.7 is good!

When were you added to the ivf waiting list? I was added in July and was told 9-12month waiting list so a wee while off for me yet xx

I think my results are in pmol not ng so below 6 is low ovarian reserve ?I could be wrong but I haven't had it fully explained as my gp gave me the results. I have my consent appt 3rd Dec so hopefully the clinic will go over it with me then? I joined waiting list May this year after 1 year of tests etc. We were told 6 months wait then another 3 months from getting to top for further screening before it all starts and Xmas pushed things back further too so I don't think we will start till January

I don’t understand all of the tests. Don’t they explain the results to you? It’s the guessing and uncertainty that drives people crazy!

Hopefully not too long for you now! X
@sugaryiris well he didn't know what had hit him (for 1 day) tonight he fell asleep on my lap in the sofa at 9pm instead lol

But hey ho it's his birthday tomorrow so hopefully we will be back on form. I might even rustle up something black and lacy lol
My AMH results are back and only 3.7. I think that means I have low ovarian reserve ..but apparently doesn't cause infertility but means I have a low number of eggs left ? I think it means extra drugs on IVF . Feel a bit down as need to start dtd tonight and feels hopeless

Hi Alexis, sorry you're feeling like this. It's awful to get results with no explanation of what they mean! From what I can see online normal range is between 1.5 and 4. So 3.7 is good!

When were you added to the ivf waiting list? I was added in July and was told 9-12month waiting list so a wee while off for me yet xx

I think my results are in pmol not ng so below 6 is low ovarian reserve ?I could be wrong but I haven't had it fully explained as my gp gave me the results. I have my consent appt 3rd Dec so hopefully the clinic will go over it with me then? I joined waiting list May this year after 1 year of tests etc. We were told 6 months wait then another 3 months from getting to top for further screening before it all starts and Xmas pushed things back further too so I don't think we will start till January

I don’t understand all of the tests. Don’t they explain the results to you? It’s the guessing and uncertainty that drives people crazy!

Hopefully not too long for you now! X

Amh is a hormone that signifies your egg reserve
It decreases with age but mines is pretty low. They said it doesn't cause infertility but mames it harder to get pregnant. They said plenty of people have had a result half of mine and had a baby and ppl habe had nornal AMh levels and not got pregnant ...so it is possible ! They said it just means there are less eggs but it's only 1 good egg they need.

I've ordered loads of supplements to help egg quality such as coQ10, royal jelly , Dhea etc etc and going to go blast them over next 2-3 months whole I wait for IVF to start.
@sugaryiris well he didn't know what had hit him (for 1 day) tonight he fell asleep on my lap in the sofa at 9pm instead lol

But hey ho it's his birthday tomorrow so hopefully we will be back on form. I might even rustle up something black and lacy lol

Happy birthday to Mr Biscuit!
My AMH results are back and only 3.7. I think that means I have low ovarian reserve ..but apparently doesn't cause infertility but means I have a low number of eggs left ? I think it means extra drugs on IVF . Feel a bit down as need to start dtd tonight and feels hopeless

Hi Alexis, sorry you're feeling like this. It's awful to get results with no explanation of what they mean! From what I can see online normal range is between 1.5 and 4. So 3.7 is good!

When were you added to the ivf waiting list? I was added in July and was told 9-12month waiting list so a wee while off for me yet xx

I think my results are in pmol not ng so below 6 is low ovarian reserve ?I could be wrong but I haven't had it fully explained as my gp gave me the results. I have my consent appt 3rd Dec so hopefully the clinic will go over it with me then? I joined waiting list May this year after 1 year of tests etc. We were told 6 months wait then another 3 months from getting to top for further screening before it all starts and Xmas pushed things back further too so I don't think we will start till January

I don’t understand all of the tests. Don’t they explain the results to you? It’s the guessing and uncertainty that drives people crazy!

Hopefully not too long for you now! X

Amh is a hormone that signifies your egg reserve
It decreases with age but mines is pretty low. They said it doesn't cause infertility but mames it harder to get pregnant. They said plenty of people have had a result half of mine and had a baby and ppl habe had nornal AMh levels and not got pregnant ...so it is possible ! They said it just means there are less eggs but it's only 1 good egg they need.

I've ordered loads of supplements to help egg quality such as coQ10, royal jelly , Dhea etc etc and going to go blast them over next 2-3 months whole I wait for IVF to start.

Ahhh I see, well I hope the supplements help, did the consultant recommend them or are these recommendations from the Internet?
I’d ask to get the results printed alexis - that way you’ll know for sure and it’s always good to have copies for your own records.

I spoke to the doctor today about my periods, I.e. spotting beforehand. He was really helpful and has sent me off for another blood test (I think this might be to test for pcos) and a scan which I think might be for polyps. I have had a scan last year and I had spotting then so I’m not sure if it would have shown polyps up then.... @Moonmingirl...is this what you had? I can’t remember how they found them for you?
Anyway, I feel a lot more positive because I finally feel listened to and i just feel so much happier that they are investigating it. I said to the doctor that I feel like the spotting (which I never used to get) must mean something considering that I’m not pregnant after 2 years and he agreed with me. It was just so nice to be taken seriously!

That's good they're actually investigating it. I had just a standard ultrasound both abdominal and transvaginal. They saw something on the first one but couldn't be sure it was a polyp rather than just old blood left over from the previous cycle. So the requested a repeat and specifically asked that I had it when I was on my period (ugh!) It was still there the second time so they were sure it was a polyp. Got referred to gynae after that so they could remove it. As I've always said, I found general gynae to be so much more helpful the NHS fertility even though the bulk of fertility doctors train as gynaecologists first.

Oh ok, I’m thinking that it’s probably not going to show anything for me then as they would have spotted it last year...but then again, I suppose there’s a chance it could have been missed! Yeah I agree, my fertility doctor just ignored me when I mentioned the spotting etc and said my options with the nhs were to wait it out and get ivf if I’m not successful. They weren’t interested in investigating anything else. I’m a bit annoyed with myself that I haven’t pushed this before with my gp but it’s not until you get further down the line with ttc that you become armed with fertility knowledge!! I feel like I could be a biology teacher now lol :lol:
I’d ask to get the results printed alexis - that way you’ll know for sure and it’s always good to have copies for your own records.

I spoke to the doctor today about my periods, I.e. spotting beforehand. He was really helpful and has sent me off for another blood test (I think this might be to test for pcos) and a scan which I think might be for polyps. I have had a scan last year and I had spotting then so I’m not sure if it would have shown polyps up then.... @Moonmingirl...is this what you had? I can’t remember how they found them for you?
Anyway, I feel a lot more positive because I finally feel listened to and i just feel so much happier that they are investigating it. I said to the doctor that I feel like the spotting (which I never used to get) must mean something considering that I’m not pregnant after 2 years and he agreed with me. It was just so nice to be taken seriously!

That's good they're actually investigating it. I had just a standard ultrasound both abdominal and transvaginal. They saw something on the first one but couldn't be sure it was a polyp rather than just old blood left over from the previous cycle. So the requested a repeat and specifically asked that I had it when I was on my period (ugh!) It was still there the second time so they were sure it was a polyp. Got referred to gynae after that so they could remove it. As I've always said, I found general gynae to be so much more helpful the NHS fertility even though the bulk of fertility doctors train as gynaecologists first.

Oh ok, I’m thinking that it’s probably not going to show anything for me then as they would have spotted it last year...but then again, I suppose there’s a chance it could have been missed! Yeah I agree, my fertility doctor just ignored me when I mentioned the spotting etc and said my options with the nhs were to wait it out and get ivf if I’m not successful. They weren’t interested in investigating anything else. I’m a bit annoyed with myself that I haven’t pushed this before with my gp but it’s not until you get further down the line with ttc that you become armed with fertility knowledge!! I feel like I could be a biology teacher now lol :lol:

You really do learn so much the hard way on this journey. I'm not slow at asking questions and I'm always keen to read up on things but I still feel we got shafted by the system too many times. That's why I like to share my experiences on here in the hope that they might stop someone else falling victim to the same problems we did. I've lost count how many times I've looked back and wished I'd known something sooner or shouted a little bit louder.

I think when you go through this it's so easy to feel overwhelmed and bury your head in the sand but knowledge really is power in this game. There's just too much at stake in my opinion. I have massive respect for the NHS in general but fertility services really don't live up to that. I think the massive amount of private treatment and lack of funding plays a big part in that unfortunately.
Got my first flashing smiley of the month on my clear blue advanced opk. Fingers crossed for me ladies that I actually ovulate and get a solid smiley this month! I have had one for the past two cycles but hopefully third time lucky!

All about ****~positivity~****
Got my first flashing smiley of the month on my clear blue advanced opk. Fingers crossed for me ladies that I actually ovulate and get a solid smiley this month! I have had one for the past two cycles but hopefully third time lucky!

All about ****~positivity~****

Yes iris sending positive vibes your way!
SugaryIris - I keep my fingers and toes super tight xx
Well ladies this finally looks like a log of someone getting on it and really trying. We have had a good week so far....thanks to both being off work. Due to ov. On Monday so will try for tomorrow at least. Monday will probably be a stretch to far as we back at work and I'm on late shifts.

I'm probably setting myself up for a fall as it always hits harder when AF comes the months we really have tried but for now I feel positive that we have actually been proactive and it hasn't at all felt like a chore.

Sending baby dust to you all. How lush would it be if we could get a BFP on this thread before Xmas x


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Got everything crossed for you Nikki. It's so hard when you know you have tried so hard and then AF arrives

My opk is getting close to positive now so should get my positive tomorrow or day after and preseed arrived today so fingers crossed here.
Got everything crossed for you Nikki. It's so hard when you know you have tried so hard and then AF arrives

My opk is getting close to positive now so should get my positive tomorrow or day after and preseed arrived today so fingers crossed here.

Good luck vintage. Hope you get a jump on tonight. I think I might have knackered my OH out lol. He is far from looking up for it tonight lol.

Seeing as we DTD at lunchtime j suppose I should let him have a night off lol.
Got everything crossed for you Nikki. It's so hard when you know you have tried so hard and then AF arrives

My opk is getting close to positive now so should get my positive tomorrow or day after and preseed arrived today so fingers crossed here.

Good luck vintage. Hope you get a jump on tonight. I think I might have knackered my OH out lol. He is far from looking up for it tonight lol.

Seeing as we DTD at lunchtime j suppose I should let him have a night off lol.

Yea I'll be jumping oh later on just Got to run to my friends house drop her son's boots off because I polished them for him ready for his first rememberance parade as a cadet so once we get home I'll be jumping my oh lol. Just have to figure the logistics out of the pressed to not lose the mood hahaha
We only got to try one 1 occasion this cycle as I got called out 2 evenings. Was out working till 6.30am this morning. It's obviously not meant to be. It's like no matter how hard we try soemthing gets in the way. That's about 3 times Ive been in call over fertile period recently and not been able to try more than once or twice which is pathetic when we are so desperate.

Oh well we have Decembers cycle to try before Ivf..I guess I need to face facts it's not happening naturally but just hoped so bad it would just happen last minute.

Sending you 'll baby dust for this month
We only got to try one 1 occasion this cycle as I got called out 2 evenings. Was out working till 6.30am this morning. It's obviously not meant to be. It's like no matter how hard we try soemthing gets in the way. That's about 3 times Ive been in call over fertile period recently and not been able to try more than once or twice which is pathetic when we are so desperate.

Oh well we have Decembers cycle to try before Ivf..I guess I need to face facts it's not happening naturally but just hoped so bad it would just happen last minute.

Sending you 'll baby dust for this month

Aw Alexis it is so frustrating isn't it....like when you try as hard as you can to make time and then work gets in the way.

I hope you get a last minute BFP but if you don't then you are well on the right track already. Hopefully you can look forward to having some control and feeling like you are doing something proactive x

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