Long termers 6 months or more

My fella is out cold he has done nights all week and his work are calling him today but he is ignoring his phone he's knackered they will want him to go do a shift probably.
This 2ww can't go quick enough it's only been a couple of days but yet it's already dragging
My fella is out cold he has done nights all week and his work are calling him today but he is ignoring his phone he's knackered they will want him to go do a shift probably.
This 2ww can't go quick enough it's only been a couple of days but yet it's already dragging

Feeling your pain vintage. I am 4dpo and I poas today....I'm hopeless....and still had line eyes and squinted like an idiot at it.

At least I haven't abandoned all hope....but I mean really....I should know better by now! (Hand-face)
My fella is out cold he has done nights all week and his work are calling him today but he is ignoring his phone he's knackered they will want him to go do a shift probably.
This 2ww can't go quick enough it's only been a couple of days but yet it's already dragging

Feeling your pain vintage. I am 4dpo and I poas today....I'm hopeless....and still had line eyes and squinted like an idiot at it.

At least I haven't abandoned all hope....but I mean really....I should know better by now! (Hand-face)
I know what you mean hun I normally pee on opks when I know it's to early lol just to get it out my system. This so the first cycle in Maybe 4 cycles that I'm don't feel like I'm kidding myself normally have to force myself to have hope but this cycle I actually have hope without forcing it which is refreshing. The longer we are ttc the harder I find it to have hope and not just expect the next cycle to begin
Hey ladies, I don’t post on here on this thread much.. but feeling very alone on this site now :(
Finding it really hard.. don’t feel like I belong on any thread, not sure why I keep coming back.

Im 1dpo today. Tried soy iso this month as I keep ovulating late, seemed to have worked and ovulated cd14, so no long cycle for me - I hope.
I don’t think my body has been right since all the failed treatments and miscarriage but gps won’t take me seriously.

I guess our only option is to pay out for more help.. but after all the money we’ve already thrown on ttc and still don’t have our baby.. it’s hard.. we could spend hundreds and thousands more and still not get anywhere. :wall2:
Hey ladies, I don’t post on here on this thread much.. but feeling very alone on this site now :(
Finding it really hard.. don’t feel like I belong on any thread, not sure why I keep coming back.

Im 1dpo today. Tried soy iso this month as I keep ovulating late, seemed to have worked and ovulated cd14, so no long cycle for me - I hope.
I don’t think my body has been right since all the failed treatments and miscarriage but gps won’t take me seriously.

I guess our only option is to pay out for more help.. but after all the money we’ve already thrown on ttc and still don’t have our baby.. it’s hard.. we could spend hundreds and thousands more and still not get anywhere. :wall2:

Hi Millie, so sorry you are having such a hard time. Is it worth changing your gp or have you already tried a few? The least they can do is some hormone tests. My cycle is different since my miscarriage. I totally hear your frustration. It must be hard deciding whether to put more money into it. Hugs.
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Millie tell your doctor straight and if you feel they aren't doing their job complain to the practice manager. You gp should make you feel supported and like you can go to them for help not have you feeling the way you do hun xx
Even just going to a different doctor within your same practice can help! I was ignored on an issue by my doctor and fertility doctor. Went back recently and saw a different doctor who couldn’t have been more helpful! Don’t give up xx
Even just going to a different doctor within your same practice can help! I was ignored on an issue by my doctor and fertility doctor. Went back recently and saw a different doctor who couldn’t have been more helpful! Don’t give up xx

Yea I changed doctors years ago because one doctor wasn't taking my health seriously and this was a few months before fibro reared its ugly head and changed to a gp I knew gutted I moved away because now going through the process of finding a doctor I trust again
Hi ladies, hope you’re all well?

No idea what’s going on this cycle and whether I ovulated or not but we had so many disasters with the house we are doing up neither of us were in the mood for basically the whole of the potential window so I’m not expecting anything.

Alexis, what’s happening with your spotting? Did it stop?
Hi ladies, hope you’re all well?

No idea what’s going on this cycle and whether I ovulated or not but we had so many disasters with the house we are doing up neither of us were in the mood for basically the whole of the potential window so I’m not expecting anything.

Alexis, what’s happening with your spotting? Did it stop?

Hi it stopped ...was not even spotting I guess. Just 2 episodes of brown tinged cm. I've been in Amsterdam all wknd its been a good distraction. I know I won't be pregnant so just preparing for next cycle and trying to get back on a healhty kick. Been in denial about IVF starting in new year. I really believed deep deep down it would have just happened, even at the very last minute!

Hope your all doing okay
@Alexis maybe you just need to let the chips fall now and enjoy Xmas and the last couple months for what they are before the process starts
Priority has to be your happiness and not putting any last minute pressure on you both.

@iris bless you...I hope nothing major and you have managed to sort. I'm sure it will be a palace in the end!

As for me I am 6dpo and I've just been hit full force tonight with a face full.of cold. Grrr. Also have this stupid niggle still there by my right ovary
I'm now starting to think I might have ov early and AF is gonna come early z
Sending you ladies hugs I've been feeling abit flu ish past 2 days I know it's not the flu because I would be way more poorly then I feel but feeling under the weather although fibro is behaving it's self 5dpo today boobs hurt aswell and got pulling feeling but I've had both of those on other cycles and I've felt off colour in other cycles but it normally hits at like 2dpo not 4
I really wish it was as simple as getting a doctors appointment.. both GP practices in our town are call on the day for appointments and they won't see (or some times talk to you) if they don't think it's urgent.. I get that it's not urgent but it's affecting me as I'm often feeling so low.

I guess I'll just try again, I'm sure they'll just throw me on anti depressants and tell me there is nothing more they can do to help as all tests I've had before show no problems.

Time to go private or give up I guess.
@Alexis maybe you just need to let the chips fall now and enjoy Xmas and the last couple months for what they are before the process starts
Priority has to be your happiness and not putting any last minute pressure on you both.

@iris bless you...I hope nothing major and you have managed to sort. I'm sure it will be a palace in the end!

As for me I am 6dpo and I've just been hit full force tonight with a face full.of cold. Grrr. Also have this stupid niggle still there by my right ovary
I'm now starting to think I might have ov early and AF is gonna come early z

I definitely second this Alexis. I hope you’re able to enjoy the festive season and focus on you for a little bit.

Thanks Nikki, yep nothing too major just lots of little things at once!!

Gutting that she’s coming early but I always find that a bonus that I don’t have a long drawn out tww.
I really wish it was as simple as getting a doctors appointment.. both GP practices in our town are call on the day for appointments and they won't see (or some times talk to you) if they don't think it's urgent.. I get that it's not urgent but it's affecting me as I'm often feeling so low.

I guess I'll just try again, I'm sure they'll just throw me on anti depressants and tell me there is nothing more they can do to help as all tests I've had before show no problems.

Time to go private or give up I guess.

Millie don't give up....especially if they have found nothing wrong so far. It's so frustrating but those of us with unexplained infertility have to cling to the hope that it is still possible for nature to work it's magic.

I have to admit....I would either lie about why u needed an appt or I would go to the top to the manager or doc in charge and complain about how you have been treated and demand to see someone different. Putting things in writing often helps.

If u go private you will get answers sooner but obvs cost is infinite. But maybe u could go private just to get some answers then review where u want to go from there? Xx
I really wish it was as simple as getting a doctors appointment.. both GP practices in our town are call on the day for appointments and they won't see (or some times talk to you) if they don't think it's urgent.. I get that it's not urgent but it's affecting me as I'm often feeling so low.

I guess I'll just try again, I'm sure they'll just throw me on anti depressants and tell me there is nothing more they can do to help as all tests I've had before show no problems.

Time to go private or give up I guess.
I'd call hun still tell them you need a doctor's appointment they should still see non urgent cases but it.would be a wait for abit for an appointment and just tell them straight your not happy with your treatment and you want a referal to gyno because they aren't treating you they are just trying to shove you under the carpet so to speak if they refuse report it to the practice manager and if nothing is done then go to the ombusman
Well another day and another pregnancy annoucement. My oldest friend...We went to nursery together. Altho we see little of each other now as we live opposite ends of the country.

However this one feels a little different. I am super thrilled for her as her dad has had a brain tumour and various complications over the last 8 years and will eventually go completely blind. So she really does deserve the little family.

Also I opened up and asked her how long they had been trying and she told me they have had 2 miscarriages. They have been trying about a year in total....so have caught 3 times in that time but just goes to show we are not alone and everyone has a journey that is different and a story to tell x
Nikki I agree with you I had a few pregnancy announcements a while back all at once but I knew one couple had needed help to conceive and it had been a long journey for them
Well another day and another pregnancy annoucement. My oldest friend...We went to nursery together. Altho we see little of each other now as we live opposite ends of the country.

However this one feels a little different. I am super thrilled for her as her dad has had a brain tumour and various complications over the last 8 years and will eventually go completely blind. So she really does deserve the little family.

Also I opened up and asked her how long they had been trying and she told me they have had 2 miscarriages. They have been trying about a year in total....so have caught 3 times in that time but just goes to show we are not alone and everyone has a journey that is different and a story to tell x

It’s easy to assume every one has an easy journey, isn’t it?

I’m glad she was honest with you and also that you were able to be happy for her, that is one of the hardest things when you are on this journey.
Feeling quite hopeful this cycle I've had a few weird things going on I haven't had in other cycles so fingers crossed

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