Long termers 6 months or more

@peony you are educating me too! I have no idea what a AMH test is. I have had day 21 bloods done which I think is the FSH that everyone is referring to. Those are the only blood tests that I have had though.

Other than that I had STI test and I think checked for thrush etc before my.HSG but that's just standard to not.semd any infection up into things.

So I don't know if there is anything else I could or should have had tested on NHS. But I guess they happy enough with all the results as sent us away to keep trying without wanting to do more digging.

@moomin thanks for the advice I am booking onto the hen do. I will now actually have one in March and one in August so a couple of things to think forward to. We are looking at a holiday next summer altho not thought further with that yet. Maybe book.something in the new year or the spring when we feel like we know where we are at.

All change for us again anyway with hubby starting a new job next month. Great opportunity and more money. Although will mean going back to having 2 cars.....we have managed 7 years with one car and his bicycle lol. But all good as hopefully it will be new challenge for him and he will.be happier as he has been.so down with work lately

AF hopefully finally on her way out tonight. Pleased that go time falls next week when we have a weeks holiday together from work and it is also hubby's bday so hopefully.we Can have a good crack at it this month x
Hi ladies cab I join you??
We are 6 months in but have had 7 cycles

Absolute vintageling welcome to the LTTTC world! Altho I have no idea what actually classes us as long termers I just went with 6 months when I started this thread cos that's when I hit my brick wall. Xx

Yea I would say it's llttc hun because it feels like.an eternity 6 months when your trying to conceive and yea it feels like we are hitting a brick wall at the moment
Your reasons are my exact reasons for not wanting to get the amh test done privately!!! I really would rather wait to get my free cycle with the nhs and if the results came back and they weren’t great, it wouldn’t help anything!

Now you’ve said about the 7.6 result probably being the fsh, I’ve looked at my results and it all adds up! So I feel a lot more reassured now that it wasn’t the amh result as googling it, that would have been a worrying result! If only I’d have known what all these different things meant before seeing the fertility doctor, things would have made a lot more sense! Thank goodness for these boards! Xx

I learnt so much from here and Dr Google haha!! It just pays to be a bit more informed if you can which we found out the hard way!!

I think also it sounds like your situation was similar to ours in that you just get the one fresh cycle and that's it? Because of that, we decided it was best to wait it out as obviously it would have saved loads if it had worked but if it didn't then we would have had the opportunity to ask lots of questions and try to learn why it hadn't worked so that we would have had a better starting point once we were funding ourselves.
@peony you are educating me too! I have no idea what a AMH test is. I have had day 21 bloods done which I think is the FSH that everyone is referring to. Those are the only blood tests that I have had though.

Other than that I had STI test and I think checked for thrush etc before my.HSG but that's just standard to not.semd any infection up into things.

So I don't know if there is anything else I could or should have had tested on NHS. But I guess they happy enough with all the results as sent us away to keep trying without wanting to do more digging.

@moomin thanks for the advice I am booking onto the hen do. I will now actually have one in March and one in August so a couple of things to think forward to. We are looking at a holiday next summer altho not thought further with that yet. Maybe book.something in the new year or the spring when we feel like we know where we are at.

All change for us again anyway with hubby starting a new job next month. Great opportunity and more money. Although will mean going back to having 2 cars.....we have managed 7 years with one car and his bicycle lol. But all good as hopefully it will be new challenge for him and he will.be happier as he has been.so down with work lately

AF hopefully finally on her way out tonight. Pleased that go time falls next week when we have a weeks holiday together from work and it is also hubby's bday so hopefully.we Can have a good crack at it this month x

Day 21 is progesterone and confirms ovulation. FSH is done days 2-5 with the rest of the hormones. The only other things I had on the NHS was an ultrasound scan which was standard for my area. They found the polyp on that. Then I had a hysteroscopy when they removed the polyp so I don't think I would have got that if the ultrasound had been normal. Though a friend got a hysteroscopy on the NHS in a different area without any of the issues I had. It seems to vary a lot depending on where you live.

Glad you're booking the hen do!! Just to put into perspective. Once I had given myself a good talking to and stopped planning my life around the possibility of getting pregnant, I started booking loads of things in and actually felt like I was enjoying life again. Obviously we didn't expect to fall pregnant when we did and I can say that the number of things I've had to cancel has so far reached a grand total of 1!! Anything further than 6 months ahead I just made sure I could cancel without losing money or had insurance cover. The only reason I had to cancel that trip was due to being 36 weeks for the return flight and the airline not letting me fly. I'd have felt well enough to go though!! It didn't bother me in the slightest though as in the grand scheme of things it just doesn't matter and there will be plenty of time for lots of other trips.
AF got me today so cycle 8 for us

So sorry vintage. I hate the witch but have to remind myself that at least her showing her face means that everything that should be working is still functioning. that is my only saving grace x
@peony you are educating me too! I have no idea what a AMH test is. I have had day 21 bloods done which I think is the FSH that everyone is referring to. Those are the only blood tests that I have had though.

Other than that I had STI test and I think checked for thrush etc before my.HSG but that's just standard to not.semd any infection up into things.

So I don't know if there is anything else I could or should have had tested on NHS. But I guess they happy enough with all the results as sent us away to keep trying without wanting to do more digging.

@moomin thanks for the advice I am booking onto the hen do. I will now actually have one in March and one in August so a couple of things to think forward to. We are looking at a holiday next summer altho not thought further with that yet. Maybe book.something in the new year or the spring when we feel like we know where we are at.

All change for us again anyway with hubby starting a new job next month. Great opportunity and more money. Although will mean going back to having 2 cars.....we have managed 7 years with one car and his bicycle lol. But all good as hopefully it will be new challenge for him and he will.be happier as he has been.so down with work lately

AF hopefully finally on her way out tonight. Pleased that go time falls next week when we have a weeks holiday together from work and it is also hubby's bday so hopefully.we Can have a good crack at it this month x

We have only had 1 car for ages but with our car being broken down and being left with no car at present time is maming me want to try and afford a 2nd car. I got my AMH checked at my last appt . I get the results at our next appt and find out what protocol I am on. My smear test came back normal which is good!

I feel like I am feeling worse the closet ivf start date approaches. I think I am in denial that we have to have it. Work is really stressful a d I feel like running away. Our car needs a new engine 6k but shoukd be covered under our warranty but they are disputing it. Ahhjhh I have had palpitations all day
@Alexis......same as us we have had 1 car for 7 years now since hubby's blew up and he decided to take up cycling to work. Sadly new job won't allow that...at least not every day. I'm fiercely independent tbh and will be happy to be back to having 2 cars as I hate the faff when we both need it.

I hope you get yours sorted soon.....it does worry me buying a second hand car in case of problems so you must be foaming if you having problems with a new one!

Sounds like all posiitive steps in the right direction. I hope you can feel more positive about it all soon and less worried. I know what u mean cos the thought now stresses me out and we still have another 5/6 cycles before we will get referred for treatment.

I am back to the debate with myself about telling family. I still feel a bit like there is nothing to tell. But then I don't know if I just want to drop it all on them in one hit if we do end up going for IVF. My mum and dad are visiting for early Xmas the first week in Dec so would be opportunity to talk to my mum face to face but I still feel I'm not sure I could deal with all the questions. Maybe that answers my debate. Xx
Telling your family has to be the right time for you hun but also remember they will be there to support you. My sister knows we are trying and some friends I haven't told our parents yet because we want to surprise them but if we end up having to have help then I'll be telling at least my parents as I'm a clomid twin so my mum and dad have been through it
Well....on an unusual note for this thread....I think I've got my mojo back. One day left at work before a week off with hubby. Stars are aligning for BD as set to ov end of next week. And it's DH birthday mid week.

But most importantly ladies.....tonight I have got my horn back!! After over 2 weeks of when is the period what is it doing....what's my name....what day is it.....running round like an idiot. I finally feel relaxed and horny!!

Haha hooray for the horny horn. Happy humping everyone. Xxx

And no in case u wondering I haven't been drinking lol
Day 24 and I’ve got spotting - massive red streak on the tissue! Almost feels like I’ve started but I know it will be dragged out for a few days. I don’t know how to cope with this anymore. I’m uncontrollably crying at the moment - you’d think after over 2 years that I’d be able to deal with this better! My husband is leaving me on my own right now cos I think he thinks that’s what I want but I just want him comforting me. :( sorry for being a downer but I just needed to vent it somehow.
Day 24 and I’ve got spotting - massive red streak on the tissue! Almost feels like I’ve started but I know it will be dragged out for a few days. I don’t know how to cope with this anymore. I’m uncontrollably crying at the moment - you’d think after over 2 years that I’d be able to deal with this better! My husband is leaving me on my own right now cos I think he thinks that’s what I want but I just want him comforting me. :( sorry for being a downer but I just needed to vent it somehow.

Aw peony we are all here for you..never apologise for having a rant. Go and cuddle your husband. I find mine can be a bit like that but he knows when I cuddle him and say nothing I need his support.

This journey is hard with the full support of each other....never mind trying to deal with it alone x
Thank you. Still feel really upset, but I have eventually managed to stop crying after about 2 hours solid of it! Aggghh. Sick of this.
Sending you massive hugs hun we tell ourselves it gets easier but we all know it doesn't have a good cry hun and tell hubby straight you need a hug. I tell my fella come cuddle me right now because my period is here which means we didn't catch again and I need a cuddle
I did tell him in the end, which set me off crying again lol :roll: I just wish I wouldn’t get spotting. I’d much rather go back to the days where I didn’t get any and af just showed up. Now I have days of it torturing me before af even arrives. On a more positive note, I’ve found a job which I really like the look of... I’m going to email the company about it later - even if it doesn’t come to anything, it’s nice to feel like I’ve some control on a part of my life! Been looking for months and this is the first one that seems more me! Would be lovely to get out of my current job!
Hmmm so bit odd this one ladies.....

Sorry if TMI but AF finished on Wed. Thurs and Fri were completely clear no colour wiping or anything.

Last night had some fondling shall we say. And a bit of sex this morning but no orgasm on either side....was early spoon before work.

Just got home from work and have had brown/red when I wiped. Was there for a few wipes.

Suppose could be tail end of AF but never Had it after 2 days of nothing.
I have had similar before, had 2 days of af then nothing on the 3rd day and then back again on the 4th!

Maybe dtd moved things about down there?!!!
I have had similar before, had 2 days of af then nothing on the 3rd day and then back again on the 4th!

Maybe dtd moved things about down there?!!!

Yeah I'm guessing that's what it was. Seems to have gone this morning. Thankfully as planning. a good week of sexy time with being off work with hubby.

Probably setting myself up for a fall as always hits me harder when AF arrives if we have tried super hard. But hey it's worth a shot! Xx
Sometimes there is just something still there that hasn't made it's way out with actual af or you were a little rough with it.
I know what you mean though when I know we covered all bases I'm so gutted when AF arrives at least the times I feel like we didn't cover all bases I have abit of a moment that I feel sorry for myself but I get over it because there is still a chance but when af arrives I sort of half expected it so it doesn't hurt as much

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