Long termers 6 months or more

Well ladies after yesterday being ovulation day and an attempt at DTD after finishing work on a late shift went wrong (neither of us were feeling it and just turned into a literal flop lol) hubby surprised me though and woke me up for a nice little morning session before work. ( I'm usually a morning monster so this was unusually brave of him lol)

This rounds off fertile period for us and we have managed to DTD 7 times in 10 days which us our best attempt for a long time. Although a couple of the early ones we didn't quite finish off i have logged them anyway cos it's nice to look back and know that we tried. Made a nice change as well that it was only yesterday that felt a bit of a chore the rest were for fun. I can't remember the last time I said that.

I hope you are all having some good baby bonking before December is upon us. Another year nearly over! Where on earth does time go.

Sending love and baby dust to you all x
Well ladies after yesterday being ovulation day and an attempt at DTD after finishing work on a late shift went wrong (neither of us were feeling it and just turned into a literal flop lol) hubby surprised me though and woke me up for a nice little morning session before work. ( I'm usually a morning monster so this was unusually brave of him lol)

This rounds off fertile period for us and we have managed to DTD 7 times in 10 days which us our best attempt for a long time. Although a couple of the early ones we didn't quite finish off i have logged them anyway cos it's nice to look back and know that we tried. Made a nice change as well that it was only yesterday that felt a bit of a chore the rest were for fun. I can't remember the last time I said that.

I hope you are all having some good baby bonking before December is upon us. Another year nearly over! Where on earth does time go.

Sending love and baby dust to you all x

lots of baby dust being blown your way Nikki <3 :clover::dust: x
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Fingers crossed Nikki
I ovulated this morning we didn't dtd yesterday but did the day before and managed to this evening aswell and it hasn't felt as much of a chore this month as it has in my last couple of cycles. So 2ww is here let's hope I d9nt get into cycle 9, I know it's nothing compared to some of you ladies. Sending lots of baby dust xxx
Fingers crossed Nikki
I ovulated this morning we didn't dtd yesterday but did the day before and managed to this evening aswell and it hasn't felt as much of a chore this month as it has in my last couple of cycles. So 2ww is here let's hope I d9nt get into cycle 9, I know it's nothing compared to some of you ladies. Sending lots of baby dust xxx

Sounds like you have given it a fair crack then vintage! Everything crossed for you.

It's scary how the numbers rack up I remember cycle 6 feeling like a huge milestone as it somehow moved us into the next set of statistics. Tbh I thought the same then about 1 year and 18 months. But I think in all honesty once you have passed that 'fun and excitement' stage it doesn't matter how many months you are on...every month is incredibly tough.

I am just wishing with every fibre of my body that one of us gets a BFP soon. I think it would give us all a little hope.

One of our friends who got married last June goes in for a C section tomorrow. Another friend (single mum) who conceived through iUI with a donor has had her little girl this week too. I love her to bits and really respect her brave choices (her first little girls dad isn't around and no relationship ever happened since so she decided to take matters into her own hands) but I can't help the selfish witch within me screaming.....if she can get pregnant without a man wtf can't I with a bloody husband!?!

Sending positive vibes to all of you. I truly hope at least one of you has some good news soon.

Nikki - I think you're right about there being no going back once you move past the fun and excitement stage. I actually didn't count cycles. I'm glad I didn't as mine were on the shorter side of normal so I could have had 14 in a year which would have just been more depressing.

As for same sex couples/single women. I always thought of it as they need assisted conception, there's no other option but of course that means they don't go through the crushing disappointment every month when AF shows. Obviously the downside of that is all their hopes are placed on the handful of cycles they can afford then that's the end of the road for them. Sort of all or nothing.

For heterosexual couples, you can give natural conception your best shot and hope it happens which it will for the majority. Of course for those that struggle, it becomes a much longer and harder road with assisted conception as a last resort. So I think facing the prospect of assisted conception is probably harder overall for heterosexual couples as these couples find themselves there for totally different reasons but heterosexual couples still have the hope of it happening naturally even if that hope fades with every passing cycle. I think actually going through treatment would be just as difficult regardless of how you got there.

I hope that balances things a little.
I know what you mean Nikki a few of my friends have recently has babies and there is a little green eyed monster stirring in me but I'm also so happy for them. I know one couple needed help to have their little one so I'm super happy for them.
It is hard once the excitement goes the 2ww is more scary as I get further and further with cycles and time it just gets scarier but I'm lucky my oh is fab. I'm abit more hopeful this cycle than I've been for the last couple of cycles because we changed things up abit and it was easier to bd be chase my oh is on nights so isn't working in the day this week which makes it a lot easier. Gonna jump him again tonight as an extra lol but this cycle has been more fun then it has been it hasn't felt as forced
Haven't symptom spotted for a while. Haven't even bothered to get my hopes up BUT past 2 days I've had brown tinged cm...very very very slightly tinged brown. I've had mild cramps and weird feelings but been here twice before when I think I had a failed implant those times as the brown spotting for worse and heavier for 2 weeks before Af. This was just maybe 2 occasions over past 2 days I had this. What else causes this on cd18 at around 5dpo? I'm also having loads of white cm and I'm mega hungry! I am trying to stop myself so I am shelving this for now
Hi all, was hoping to maybe join this thread as there&#8217;s a good bit of conversation over here that I think I can relate to!. Recently posted my &#8216;story&#8217; over in the fertility issues section. Long story short I&#8217;m on cycle 7 (I know not that long in comparison to others) but had a fertility MOT to which the outcome is IVF with ICSI as recommendation. However we have been told that conceiving naturally is not impossible but slim so I can&#8217;t face the monthly testing threads but maybe i could find a network here too. If it happens before we start treatment then that would be great and right now I&#8217;m hoping and trying to be optimistic that it could! It would be great to be involved in chat and a few of you on here I have been acquainted with already!
Hi all, was hoping to maybe join this thread as there’s a good bit of conversation over here that I think I can relate to!. Recently posted my ‘story’ over in the fertility issues section. Long story short I’m on cycle 7 (I know not that long in comparison to others) but had a fertility MOT to which the outcome is IVF with ICSI as recommendation. However we have been told that conceiving naturally is not impossible but slim so I can’t face the monthly testing threads but maybe i could find a network here too. If it happens before we start treatment then that would be great and right now I’m hoping and trying to be optimistic that it could! It would be great to be involved in chat and a few of you on here I have been acquainted with already!

Welcome! I read your story. Hopefully you can prove science wrong and create that baby ! This is the thread where I feel at home. As you know I am about to move over to cycle 24 AL x
Thank you Alexis. I posted over there to get some needed and very helpful advice - thank you. But it would be nice to be in a normal thread now that I&#8217;m processing the info! Feeling optimistic that there is still a chance!
Thank you Alexis. I posted over there to get some needed and very helpful advice - thank you. But it would be nice to be in a normal thread now that I’m processing the info! Feeling optimistic that there is still a chance!

After all this time I have convinced myself I won't be ever be pregnant. I feel like I am stuck in a loop.

I have had 3 times when I think something has tried to implant . 1st being a time I had what I think was implantation bleeding for 1 day. The 2nd situation I had brown bleeding around 5dpo and then it didn't stop for 2 weeks until it turned red. The 3rd one is happening now...2 days of brown tinged cm...thrn back to white but lots of white cm more than normal. I am about 6dpo so I think something is trying to do something but for some reason it fails. My boobs are sore and I feel mega hungry. I can dream ? Weird thing is I did a due date calculator and it said if I was pregnant right now due date is my birthday! So weird
Hi all, was hoping to maybe join this thread as there’s a good bit of conversation over here that I think I can relate to!. Recently posted my ‘story’ over in the fertility issues section. Long story short I’m on cycle 7 (I know not that long in comparison to others) but had a fertility MOT to which the outcome is IVF with ICSI as recommendation. However we have been told that conceiving naturally is not impossible but slim so I can’t face the monthly testing threads but maybe i could find a network here too. If it happens before we start treatment then that would be great and right now I’m hoping and trying to be optimistic that it could! It would be great to be involved in chat and a few of you on here I have been acquainted with already!

Welcome Mandy! Lovely to make your acquaintance. I know the feeling about the testing threads I just can't face them.....I wish all the ladies well but the enthusiasm and speed of them I just can't cope with at this stage in our journey.

I hope we can be an ear to bend and a safe place for you to vent xx
Thank you Alexis. I posted over there to get some needed and very helpful advice - thank you. But it would be nice to be in a normal thread now that I’m processing the info! Feeling optimistic that there is still a chance!

After all this time I have convinced myself I won't be ever be pregnant. I feel like I am stuck in a loop.

I have had 3 times when I think something has tried to implant . 1st being a time I had what I think was implantation bleeding for 1 day. The 2nd situation I had brown bleeding around 5dpo and then it didn't stop for 2 weeks until it turned red. The 3rd one is happening now...2 days of brown tinged cm...thrn back to white but lots of white cm more than normal. I am about 6dpo so I think something is trying to do something but for some reason it fails. My boobs are sore and I feel mega hungry. I can dream ? Weird thing is I did a due date calculator and it said if I was pregnant right now due date is my birthday! So weird

How bizarre Alexis... hang in there and dad keep us posted on the CM situation. Sounds like something is certainly stirring.

I am always hungry so I dismiss that symptom lol but sore boobs at this point in your cycle is certainly promising to something hormonal going on . Keeping all the toes crossed that it's the beginning of something for you x
Thanks Nikki biscuit. Yes it is difficult to keep pace there. I counted up the BFPs I&#8217;ve heard In the last 3/4weeks in my own world and there was 7!!! Just too much to handle. I feel extremely frustrated that other couples who have been married only this year have managed it and here we are (we got married last year) with this news. I&#8217;ve kissed the idea of how
I thought it happening happen I.e getting those two pink lines blissfully just &#8216;happening&#8217; naturally as the natural progression of the relationship. Now I know we have a battle on our hands and if it happened now before we start an IVF cycle it would be bloomin amazing. But since the news it&#8217;s just been devastating and I keep feeling guilty about it thinking there&#8217;s worse things in the world I can&#8217;t feel like this!!!

Alexis I too have thought this so I sympathise . A few months ago I was late by 4 days with bad cramping /dull aches and after a bit of research I was convinced the symptoms were perhaps a failed attempt at implantation. I had no positive test though. After our MOT confirmed I hadn&#8217;t ovulated that month I thought that the delayed period imust have been due to maybe another non ovulating month but I was on regular 28 day cycles then -before and after so it was very odd for me. I also noticed a big difference in my &#8216;period&#8217; in my conformed non ovulating month- it was just very different. No cramps just heavy. I really do hope for the best for us all here. I did not realise or appreciate ttc would cause so much heartache.

Bizarrely I&#8217;ve had 2 days of very strong as dark as the control line OPKs. I&#8217;m only on CD 8/9. I have never ovulated this early so I&#8217;m wondering if it&#8217;s just a surge or maybe just stress messing up my body. This whole thing is a complete nightmare at times! You try not to think/obsess worry then something catches you off guard!
It is hard like alot of my friends have not long had babies or are currently pregnant and I'm over here on cycle 8 and 6 months in so it's hard to watch when you longing for the same thing.
I just thought I&#8217;d share with you that I ordered a couple of books for myself but one of them is called it starts with the egg & it&#8217;s all about the impact of the quality of the egg as a major factor. I&#8217;ve only started reading it but it&#8217;s to do with lifestyle, diet effects of plastics! etc. The author did go through ivf (in the first chapter she starts by telling us that she had a very low ovarian reserve but how she got loads of great quality eggs collected). It&#8217;s aimed for natural conception also but seems fascinating as to what to do to help egg quality and how to understand how to achieve better egg quality & why these things are important. I can&#8217;t wait to read it now! It&#8217;s a bit technical in places (like explaining the science) but fascinating and food for thought!
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Well 2 more pregnancy announcements today.

Polar opposites.....one a lady who aborted a baby by the same guy last year because it was an accident....this one was also an accident but she is keeping it.

The other one is an IVF success so that cheered me a little that there are people out there closer than you think going through what we are x
Oh Nikki it doesn&#8217;t get any easier does it. I had one at work this week - the day between my two prep IVF appointments . X
So I have had this twinge (occasionally sharp but wouldn't go so far as to call it painful) in my right ovary area since the day before I was due to ov. I am now 4dpo.

Just wish the little niggle would go away cos keeps repeating in my head that it could be something. It's not the first time I've had these niggles though and haven't meant anything before.

Super tired today...hubby away with work so didn't sleep well last night and had to be up early to drop car at the garage for a service. Now have to wait around all day for a phone call. Would much rather be playing ponies to take my mind off things. Instead I'm gonna have a nap x

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