Long termers 6 months or more

Totally unrelated but my salt cravings last 2 days are off the charts! I know it usually means I'm thirsty but I've been drinking normal amount for me which is quite a lot to most people as I don't drink tea or coffee I drink a lot of no sugar squash. Very odd x

I often get really bad carb cravings but never really salt cravings, how strange!
Totally unrelated but my salt cravings last 2 days are off the charts! I know it usually means I'm thirsty but I've been drinking normal amount for me which is quite a lot to most people as I don't drink tea or coffee I drink a lot of no sugar squash. Very odd x

I often get really bad carb cravings but never really salt cravings, how strange!

It's really odd. I have a but of a cold still so I'm putting it down to related to that. I've demolished all kinds of salty tasty things.....not so good for the waistline though.

Probably being run down at work isn't helping x
So 10dpo today and did my standard one step test really to settle my mind I pretty much always end up doing one around now. Obvs BFN. But I'm feeling strangely ok....resigned and just now waiting for AF to show.

My riding instructor asked me the other day if we were still trying (as I had confided in her in the beginning when I thought I would have to sell my horse) and I was able to quite calmly say we were but it wasn't happening and we would be going for IVF in the spring if nothing changed

I'm not sure who this calm person is but I'll enjoy it while it lasts until the pre AF hormones send me wild again lol.

Been a busy week for us....no DTD since last weekend. Hubby has been offered a new job and looks like he will take it. More money and decent perks so that's good news. Few bits for us to discuss though as we share a car currently because he cycles to work most days. But new job is a little further away (not much) but will mean cycling will be a nice to do now and again rather than a daily thing. So looks like we will be car shopping to go back to 2 cars. Exciting changing times and maybe this is all why a pregnancy just wasn't meant to be for us just yet.

I think I am in a similar place to where you were Alexis with regards to being resigned to IVF. So maybe in a sense that's a good thing as at least I'm thinking forwards.

How is everyone? Hope you all have some nice lazy Sunday plans x
I am feeling low today. I was at my friends wedding yest (she has 4 kids and 3 under 3) I was fine until my friend who is getting married in April s fiance was giving me and hubby a lift home in his car was chatting about how my friend needed to learn to drive as they want babies really soon after the wedding. I don't know why but this cut like a knife and it hurt...I automatically thought as god if she gets preggers before me I was be so gutted as she is my last school friend with no kids. I know I should be happy for them but I was so jealous before it even happend and it sent me in to a spiral ever since. I am now sitting eating. Giant bag of crisps feeling sorry for myself. Some days I feel like I can't wait one for day for all this to be over. I get so annoyed why I can't get pregnant and I get annoyed at husband for not taking supplements and putting 100% in. He still vapes and recent research showed it can slow sperm down etc so I sent him the link and he said be doesn't care and won't be reading it...thrn I get even more annoyed.

So yeah today isn't a good day. I have my screening appt in 2 days so will see how that goes.
I am feeling low today. I was at my friends wedding yest (she has 4 kids and 3 under 3) I was fine until my friend who is getting married in April s fiance was giving me and hubby a lift home in his car was chatting about how my friend needed to learn to drive as they want babies really soon after the wedding. I don't know why but this cut like a knife and it hurt...I automatically thought as god if she gets preggers before me I was be so gutted as she is my last school friend with no kids. I know I should be happy for them but I was so jealous before it even happend and it sent me in to a spiral ever since. I am now sitting eating. Giant bag of crisps feeling sorry for myself. Some days I feel like I can't wait one for day for all this to be over. I get so annoyed why I can't get pregnant and I get annoyed at husband for not taking supplements and putting 100% in. He still vapes and recent research showed it can slow sperm down etc so I sent him the link and he said be doesn't care and won't be reading it...thrn I get even more annoyed.

So yeah today isn't a good day. I have my screening appt in 2 days so will see how that goes.

I so hope you get some positive news from your screening Alexis and you finally get some forward movement in your journey. The jealously is just awful isn't it. Every wedding we went to this year....there will be 4 by December I couldn't help but think what if they get pregnant before us and they are only just getting married. We had wedding madness last year with 8 weddings and so far 1 has already had a baby. One is due any day now. It's awful feeling jealous but I know exactly what you mean you can't help yourself. I try to dampen the flames with the thought that you don't know how many other friends have had trouble or are trying.

One of the other couples who married last June told my hubby on the stag do that they were planning to try straight away so I comfort myself thinking that they may be having a tough journey too. You just simply don't know....it's so sad that people can't talk openly about it...but I think we all feel it's a closed doors subject.
Omg I have felt like that before...I’ve got annoyed with people who are getting married because I’m assuming they’ll get pregnant before me:roll::lol: don’t worry, it’s normal to feel bitter! xx

I’m only now about to ovulate but I’ve dedided that I’m going to pretend I’m pregnant in the two week wait! I did think maybe this could be a bad idea as if I get my af as usual, it might make me feel worse...but then I don’t think I could feel any worse than I normally do each month! My reason for doing this is because if I pretend I’m pregnant in my head, then I’m being more careful about what I eat, drink, how I exercise and also I’m generally being more aware of my stress levels. I tried it at work today and suddenly things that were annoying me, stopped bothering me so much! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy pretending, I’m constantly having to remind myself to pretend, but I’m at the stage where I’ll try anything lol :lol:
Well brown spotting is bere now cd26 so it's right on time for my 2 days of spotting pre af to arrive on Wednesday.

My screening appt is tmrw afternoon so I will be back to update you all. I will be welcoming cycle 23 in soon. What's the point eh? Not sure If we are going to try again before ivf now it's just too heart breaking. I got my hopes up yesterday as was so af signs then they hot like a ton of bricks today.

Hope your all holding up. I'm looking forward to this wknd as its Halloween my fav time of the year. X
After a 67 day cycle af is finally here! I’ve never been so happy to welcome her!

I get so jealous when girls are on the testing threads every month with their 28 day cycles, they get two goes at ovulation and my body can’t even manage one in that time!!

I hope it goes well Alexis, fingers crossed for you xx
Omg I have felt like that before...I’ve got annoyed with people who are getting married because I’m assuming they’ll get pregnant before me:roll::lol: don’t worry, it’s normal to feel bitter! xx

I’m only now about to ovulate but I’ve dedided that I’m going to pretend I’m pregnant in the two week wait! I did think maybe this could be a bad idea as if I get my af as usual, it might make me feel worse...but then I don’t think I could feel any worse than I normally do each month! My reason for doing this is because if I pretend I’m pregnant in my head, then I’m being more careful about what I eat, drink, how I exercise and also I’m generally being more aware of my stress levels. I tried it at work today and suddenly things that were annoying me, stopped bothering me so much! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy pretending, I’m constantly having to remind myself to pretend, but I’m at the stage where I’ll try anything lol :lol:

I tried pretending one month and I lasted about a day! It’s harder than you think! Let us know how you get on x
After a 67 day cycle af is finally here! I’ve never been so happy to welcome her!

I get so jealous when girls are on the testing threads every month with their 28 day cycles, they get two goes at ovulation and my body can’t even manage one in that time!!

I hope it goes well Alexis, fingers crossed for you xx

I have a regular cycle and still haven't got preggers...glad af showed for you and you can get ready to try again. I only had 1 weird cycle where I had brown spotting in the middle of my cycle for 2 weeks and I am sure it was a chemical pregnancy. Apart from that I'm always day 28-30 without fail. I just wonder how can I not catch the egg when ovulation is so regular too. I get loads of ewcm and ov pain and just no luck. I just hope IVF works. I am just about to go innto the hospital for my ART appt for screening bloods etc. I'm on my own for this appt as hubby doesn't need to come to this one. 1st time I've been on my own. My skin is a mess spots all over it. I think my body is so sensitive to hormones in my cycle
After a 67 day cycle af is finally here! I’ve never been so happy to welcome her!

I get so jealous when girls are on the testing threads every month with their 28 day cycles, they get two goes at ovulation and my body can’t even manage one in that time!!

I hope it goes well Alexis, fingers crossed for you xx

I have a regular cycle and still haven't got preggers...glad af showed for you and you can get ready to try again. I only had 1 weird cycle where I had brown spotting in the middle of my cycle for 2 weeks and I am sure it was a chemical pregnancy. Apart from that I'm always day 28-30 without fail. I just wonder how can I not catch the egg when ovulation is so regular too. I get loads of ewcm and ov pain and just no luck. I just hope IVF works. I am just about to go innto the hospital for my ART appt for screening bloods etc. I'm on my own for this appt as hubby doesn't need to come to this one. 1st time I've been on my own. My skin is a mess spots all over it. I think my body is so sensitive to hormones in my cycle

How did it go Alexis? Do u get results straight away? Sorry I don't know how each bit works yet x
After a 67 day cycle af is finally here! I’ve never been so happy to welcome her!

I get so jealous when girls are on the testing threads every month with their 28 day cycles, they get two goes at ovulation and my body can’t even manage one in that time!!

I hope it goes well Alexis, fingers crossed for you xx

I have a regular cycle and still haven't got preggers...glad af showed for you and you can get ready to try again. I only had 1 weird cycle where I had brown spotting in the middle of my cycle for 2 weeks and I am sure it was a chemical pregnancy. Apart from that I'm always day 28-30 without fail. I just wonder how can I not catch the egg when ovulation is so regular too. I get loads of ewcm and ov pain and just no luck. I just hope IVF works. I am just about to go innto the hospital for my ART appt for screening bloods etc. I'm on my own for this appt as hubby doesn't need to come to this one. 1st time I've been on my own. My skin is a mess spots all over it. I think my body is so sensitive to hormones in my cycle

Oh bless you! Must feel strange going on your own but I hope the results are ok. Do you know how long until you do the cycle of ivf?

My referral came through from the doctors, basically it said this one appointment is free on the nhs but you have to pay for all investigations, appointments and treatment after. I just looked at my husband and cried, I thought we’d at least get some help on the nhs, but apparently we don’t in this area at all.

I think I’ll go to the appointment but I’m not wasting my times on nhs waiting times if I have to pay for it as well. He’s up for going private, no idea how we will afford it or where to start. Feeling really abandoned right now.
I hate that there is a postcode lottery with this, it’s so unfair. :wall2:
Actually, the whole ttc process is so unfair!
@iris that's awful. It's mad that it can differ so much from area to aream whereabouts in the country are you?

I hope by going private you get some answers and progress. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Xx
I’m in Cambridgeshire, my friend works in A fertility center in Manchester so one of her consultants did me a free phone conversation, they did offer to treat me but it is just so far to go for the appointments. They’ve recommended a clinic near me though so I’m going to call up on my lunch today and see if I can get some info or something
I’m in Cambridgeshire, my friend works in A fertility center in Manchester so one of her consultants did me a free phone conversation, they did offer to treat me but it is just so far to go for the appointments. They’ve recommended a clinic near me though so I’m going to call up on my lunch today and see if I can get some info or something

Aw that's good at least you know where to start. I hope they can get the ball rolling quickly for you xx
So I called a private clinic and they were so helpful, no waiting times and hoops to jump through like with the nhs. I think I’ll be booking our first appointment soon I have just got to ok it with DH tonight.
My appt involved virology bloods and they gave me my consent forms home. We need to go back on 3rd Dec (nearest appt they had as so busy) so going then to sign consent and then I think I phone up on day 1 of my next cycle start of january to book in for day 21 bloods and a scan to then start the treatment on the following cycle in February.
.it just goes on and on on nhs. I wish we could afford to go private as we don't habe much time being age 35 and he's 37 so all this waiting just worries me more. Anyway the next appt is 1 hour long then hopefully once Christmas is over it will all go quickly. Af is about to appear as on day 2 of my brown discharge as per. No surprise there !

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