Long termers 6 months or more

Thank you Unicorn, I’ll look into this... don’t think it’ll be a quick process though as it takes forever to get an appointment with my gp so that I can get my results!
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Thank you Unicorn, I’ll look into this... don’t think it’ll be a quick process though as it takes forever to get an appointment with my gp so that I can get my results!

Would also recommend this. I got copies of everything as we had so many issues and it was very useful to have my own records. I didn't make an appointment. I just phoned reception and they left everything in an envelope which I just picked up. It really was easy but the GP was never an issue for us, it was all after we got referred.

I had spotting before my periods which was caused by the polyp I had. After it was removed, I never had anymore spotting. If I had mentioned it, I'm sure I'd also have been told it was normal. My progesterone was always well within the normal range. I'm not saying spotting is always abnormal but mine was another case where it wasn't an I only realised that by accident.
How did you find out you had the polyp then mooningiirl? Did you go private?

I have had an external scan and a hycosy and both came back clear! I also have regular periods (just with spotting!) did you guys have regular periods too?
I really feel like the spotting must mean something! Especially as it took 8 months of being off the pill before I started getting it!

Do you think my best option then is to get my results, then book an appointment with a fertility clinic privately?
Also, when I ask for the results, do you know which test it would have been? Is it the blood tests I would have done on cycle days 2 and 21?

Thanks for your help with this girls :)
Yeah, my periods were always like clockwork, even when I wasn't ovulating! And yes, it'll be the 21 day blood test (or more accurately the 7 days before your period blood test) which will let you know whether your progesterone is high enough. I put together a file of all my test results and took it to a fertility consultant, who was able to diagnose me then and there and would have started treatment immediately had I not have need an operation first! Xx
How did you find out you had the polyp then mooningiirl? Did you go private?

I have had an external scan and a hycosy and both came back clear! I also have regular periods (just with spotting!) did you guys have regular periods too?
I really feel like the spotting must mean something! Especially as it took 8 months of being off the pill before I started getting it!

Do you think my best option then is to get my results, then book an appointment with a fertility clinic privately?
Also, when I ask for the results, do you know which test it would have been? Is it the blood tests I would have done on cycle days 2 and 21?

Thanks for your help with this girls :)

The polyp was seen on the ultrasound that the GP requested before we were referred to the fertility clinic. When I say by accident, I had absolutely no symptoms so wouldn't have been investigated otherwise. They kept asking me if I was bleeding between periods etc and seemed surprised when I kept saying no. I didn't mention the brown spotting before periods as I didn't know that could have been an issue and just thought it was normal. My periods were always regular, roughly 25-27 day cycles and lasted 6-7 days at that time. All considered normal even though I was sometimes heavy enough to flood a pad. Once the polyp was removed, my next cycle was a bit weird due to the healing but after that they were still regular but I only bled for 3-4 days and it would start right away with no spotting beforehand. Totally unexpected but a good change.

Another good thing about having the polyp was that they needed to do a hysteroscopy to remove it so they were able to have a proper look at my uterus and they did a biopsy of the lining while they were in there. All of this was done under NHS but general gynaecology rather than fertility. I had a far better experience there than with the fertility clinic and it was the gynaecologist who arranged the HSG as well when fertility refused. I know my experience of NHS fertility was especially poor but if I hadn't pushed from other angles, I really wouldn't have got half of what I got if I'd been seen by fertility alone. Having said that, a friend of mine did get a hysteroscopy on the NHS and much more investigation through the NHS in a different area and a much better experience overall.

As far as getting copies of results, I decided to do this after our dire experience with fertility as I felt I wanted my own records and I felt they'd be useful if we had gone private in the end (something we were seriously considering). I'd get the day 2 and day 21 bloods but I also got OH to request printed copies of his sperm results as well as it would give a clearer picture if you were to get a second opinion.

We seriously considered going privately for an opinion but that was mostly because our experience with the NHS was so dire. In the end, we decided to stick it out with the NHS as we were only entitled to one fresh cycle and were very close to the point of being able to be referred for it. We decided we would use this as a learning experience if it didn't work and would have most likely paid privately for further investigation after that before going blindly in for another cycle. Most of our reasoning for this was that that there was so much inconsistency around OH's sperm so it would have likely been him having more investigations rather than me. We decided we would use the results of the IVF as a starting point otherwise we would just be going in blindly. I think it's even harder at this stage if you're unexplained as you're really just guessing and hoping to find an answer but could end up spending a fortune and not actually gaining anything.

Hope that helps and I'm more than happy to help in anyway I can. I learnt so many hard lessons along the way so I'm always happy to pass things on.
Thank you both, that really helps.

I’m 99% sure I’m not getting pregnant for a reason now and it’s not just bad luck! I feel like I’ve had so many things happen recently trying to tell me to get this looked into! Even my Flo app came up with a message last night saying it is concerned by some of my symptoms! In particular, Flo was concerned that I go acne too much!! I do feel like I’ve been fobbed off by my doctor and fertility consultant. I’ve mentioned the spotting to them and both of them avoided answering me about it.
Also I have very light periods... this month I’ve had 3 days of spotting, then two days of a period (if I wanted I wouldn’t need to change a pad all day with the amount I get) and then the third day was just spotting again. I’m thinking, if it’s that light, it’s never going to be good enough to help make a baby!! :wall2: I don’t recall ever being asked about my periods other than are they regular and are they heavy....they didn’t ask if they were light! I wish I’d have been more clued up on all this a year ago!

Feel a bit low again today because of this. I do feel like I’ve got an action plan at least, but it’s like I’m now having to accept (finally after 2 years!) that it’s not going to happen naturally for me unless this gets sorted.
If you're also having trouble with the fertility services on the NHS you could try going with the acne angle. I know I got several blood tests done when I was referred to the dermatologists to look at hormone levels but at least in my case it was just my crappy skin!
Since coming off the pill I always get acne around my chin area and I’ve read that this is hormonal! We’re going to look at going private with my results - I don’t want to have to wait until December to speak to a gp, who will then probably say I’ve got nothing to worry about without looking further into it. Don’t get me wrong, I love the nhs, but I know they don’t have the time or money to investigate further.
Exactly, the NHS are doing a great job with the resources they have, they just don't have enough, particularly at the moment. If you can go private it sounds like it will certainly speed up the process!
Thank you both, that really helps.

I’m 99% sure I’m not getting pregnant for a reason now and it’s not just bad luck! I feel like I’ve had so many things happen recently trying to tell me to get this looked into! Even my Flo app came up with a message last night saying it is concerned by some of my symptoms! In particular, Flo was concerned that I go acne too much!! I do feel like I’ve been fobbed off by my doctor and fertility consultant. I’ve mentioned the spotting to them and both of them avoided answering me about it.
Also I have very light periods... this month I’ve had 3 days of spotting, then two days of a period (if I wanted I wouldn’t need to change a pad all day with the amount I get) and then the third day was just spotting again. I’m thinking, if it’s that light, it’s never going to be good enough to help make a baby!! :wall2: I don’t recall ever being asked about my periods other than are they regular and are they heavy....they didn’t ask if they were light! I wish I’d have been more clued up on all this a year ago!

Feel a bit low again today because of this. I do feel like I’ve got an action plan at least, but it’s like I’m now having to accept (finally after 2 years!) that it’s not going to happen naturally for me unless this gets sorted.

I lost count how many times I said 'I wish I'd known this sooner'. I do also think that it's far worse to be 'unexplained' as there's nothing less reassuring than being told there's nothing wrong with you but you're still not pregnant. I also think that a lot of the time 'unexplained' is just the word they use for haven't found an answer yet or don't have the budget to find out. Of course some people just take longer but when you don't know which you are, it's only natural to want to know more. I think I would suggest approaching a private opinion with very clear questions and a very clear goal as it is very easy to get caught up and end up spending a fortune on tests which all come back normal. Also remember that although your OH's sperm was also normal, there are lots of things that a standard sperm analysis can't see.

I'm also a great supporter of the NHS but I think with fertility, it often isn't the best place to be. In my experience, the quicker we were referred for IVF the better. It just seemed easier for them to take the hit on the cost of the one cycle we would have got than bother with anything else and if the cycle failed, we'd be private patients if we wanted any more. Although still NHS, I had a far better experience with general gynaecology.

Also as great as GPs are, they really know nothing about fertility. I was only ever asked whether my periods were regular and how many days I bled for. I don't ever recall being asked any more about them after that as the fact they were regular and my bloods were all good seemed to be enough for them. For me, shorter and lighter periods after the polyp was removed definitely felt more normal compared to what they were like before but the frequency was still exactly the same. Clearly the polyp was causing the spotting and actually the source of a lot of the bleeding. Despite the fact it was located pretty close to the end of a Fallopian tube and the gynaecologist said it could prevent implantation or cause miscarriage, the fertility doctor didn't seem that bothered about it other than I should have it removed as it shouldn't be there and then start IVF. She didn't even consider the idea that it might be contributing to our problems :roll: As I say, I didn't have any faith whatsoever in the advice we were being given so I totally understand you wanting more answers especially if you have to wait another year for IVF.
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Ladies, just to back up what has been said about second opinions. I had a mixture of investigations on the NHS, which were kind of a bonus as we wouldn't have been entitled to NHS IVF - although it was great to have them done, and my Hycosy was done on the NHS (which I'm sure contributed to me getting pregnant!). Although they were fine, I felt there was no cohesion to my care....and I just got the same old 'unexplained' answer which isn't helpful!

I then went private, and had a really unsatisfactory appointment, where I felt they did not even try and figure out what might be the problem. In exasperation, I spoke to a friend who had had four IVF rounds (and is now pregnant) - I went to see her consultant (CARE Fertility in Northampton, for anyone who is interested), and the difference in approach was incredible. Much more detailed and a lot more holistic in approach. I came away from that appointment feeling so much more positive, which I also think was a contributing factor towards me getting pregnant naturally, after two years of no luck!
Interesting reading ladies. My experience of NHS has been ok so far. GP was helpful and got hormone tests done fairly quickly and then referred me straight away when nothing turned up.

I am frustrated as still unexplained but I haven't had any of the other symptoms you describe. My periods are pretty regular albeit I do have a random longer cycle every 6 months or so. My bleeding used to start heavy like a tap. Now does tend to be light for 2 days then heavy for 1 or 2 then is done. But no spotting for days or anything like that.

Totally agree with you all though as much as none of us want anything to be wrong....being unexplained leaves you totally in limbo x
Ladies, just to back up what has been said about second opinions. I had a mixture of investigations on the NHS, which were kind of a bonus as we wouldn't have been entitled to NHS IVF - although it was great to have them done, and my Hycosy was done on the NHS (which I'm sure contributed to me getting pregnant!). Although they were fine, I felt there was no cohesion to my care....and I just got the same old 'unexplained' answer which isn't helpful!

I then went private, and had a really unsatisfactory appointment, where I felt they did not even try and figure out what might be the problem. In exasperation, I spoke to a friend who had had four IVF rounds (and is now pregnant) - I went to see her consultant (CARE Fertility in Northampton, for anyone who is interested), and the difference in approach was incredible. Much more detailed and a lot more holistic in approach. I came away from that appointment feeling so much more positive, which I also think was a contributing factor towards me getting pregnant naturally, after two years of no luck!

This is actually a very good point I forgot to mention. It's much better to go on a recommendation if you can. If you can't go on a recommendation, lots of clinics run open events where you can go and ask questions. Much of it is focused on IVF but it may still help you get a feel for a clinic.

Peony - I don't know where in the country you are but we found there were more options than we realised within around 1 hour's drive. That seemed a reasonable cut off as you do need to think about the number of appointments and the time off work etc if you do decide to have treatment there. The NHS clinic would have had us believe that there was only one option.
Interesting reading ladies. My experience of NHS has been ok so far. GP was helpful and got hormone tests done fairly quickly and then referred me straight away when nothing turned up.

I am frustrated as still unexplained but I haven't had any of the other symptoms you describe. My periods are pretty regular albeit I do have a random longer cycle every 6 months or so. My bleeding used to start heavy like a tap. Now does tend to be light for 2 days then heavy for 1 or 2 then is done. But no spotting for days or anything like that.

Totally agree with you all though as much as none of us want anything to be wrong....being unexplained leaves you totally in limbo x

I know how you feel Nikki, as I was unexplained but with clockwork cycles, and no sign of anything amiss. If it helps (if that's the right word), I've been through this twice now. Once with my first husband, we tried for three years with no luck before we split (absolutely nothing to do with ttc). It took me 8 months to conceive my first baby with second hubby, and then 2 years for number 2.....so I've spent nearly 6 years of my life trying to get pregnant! There were so many times I thought it would never happen. I guess what I'm saying is never give up. And do, please, pay attention to your mental health, it's more important than you realise xxx
Peony, your symptoms sound very similar to mine, which were a result of low progesterone which the GP didn't recognise as it was still within the normal range, just! I put together a file of all of our results and arranged to see a private fertility consultant. I had an appointment within a couple of weeks and he immediately diagnosed my low progesterone, did a scan at the same appointment and if this hadn't thrown up another issue I would have started treatment immediately. When I was able to start treatment I was on clomid at the beginning of my cycle to support ovulation, HCG injection mid cycle to make me ovulate and progesterone for the remainder of my cycle, I got pregnant on the fourth cycle xx
Since coming off the pill I always get acne around my chin area and I’ve read that this is hormonal! We’re going to look at going private with my results - I don’t want to have to wait until December to speak to a gp, who will then probably say I’ve got nothing to worry about without looking further into it. Don’t get me wrong, I love the nhs, but I know they don’t have the time or money to investigate further.

I also get back spots around my chin and they are worse with my cycle at certain times...ovation and just before at they mega flare up but my hormone levels were all normal and I have a regular cycle? I still believe it's a simple but snall detail of an imbalance for me too but not sure if I will ever find out what it is
Yeah, my periods were always like clockwork, even when I wasn't ovulating! And yes, it'll be the 21 day blood test (or more accurately the 7 days before your period blood test) which will let you know whether your progesterone is high enough. I put together a file of all my test results and took it to a fertility consultant, who was able to diagnose me then and there and would have started treatment immediately had I not have need an operation first! Xx

Congrats Unicorn that's amazing news

I have 2 days of brown spotting befire my af every time and my progesterone came back at 44 so they said thats a good result and not even a lower end result so I still spot and have a highish progesterone level.. so I don't think it always can signify a low progesterone level?
Yeah, my periods were always like clockwork, even when I wasn't ovulating! And yes, it'll be the 21 day blood test (or more accurately the 7 days before your period blood test) which will let you know whether your progesterone is high enough. I put together a file of all my test results and took it to a fertility consultant, who was able to diagnose me then and there and would have started treatment immediately had I not have need an operation first! Xx

Congrats Unicorn that's amazing news

I have 2 days of brown spotting befire my af every time and my progesterone came back at 44 so they said thats a good result and not even a lower end result so I still spot and have a highish progesterone level.. so I don't think it always can signify a low progesterone level?

Agree with this as my progesterone was well into the 50s and I still had spotting. It was definitely the polyp for me. I also had bad skin and spots during my cycle, usually worse around ovulation and the start of AF. All my hormones were normal and as I had previous issues with high prolactin, I was tested for more than just the fertility ones.
Just wanted to say happy Monday everyone on this grey and rainy morning. I hope we can have some more good news soon. I am mentally starting the preparation for IVF next year and feeling in a better place about it all. However this teeny tiny thread of hope within me says tmnever give up and we did have sex at the right time this month even if only a couple of times. Xx
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Thank you everyone for your input with this... I honestly can’t tell you how greatful I am for these boards! It makes me feel less alone with this :hugs:
So I’ve got the results from the tests we had done this time last year (I had spotting then too) ...my progesterone level is 41 nmol/L ...am i reading the right thing? Does anyone know if that is a good result or is it on the lower end of normal?!

Although I’ve been tested all I can during the process so far, I don’t feel like they’ve asked me enough questions and not acknowledging me when I’ve mentioned the spotting has bothered me. I guess I just want someone to look into it!

I am finding it hard to accept that it’s just bad luck. If nothing else, I’m hoping this might slowly start to help me come to terms with it not happening naturally (finally after 2 years!) and it has made me motivated more than ever to eat well and exercise (moderately but not too much :roll::roll::roll:) I’m cooking from fresh 95% of the time and I can’t fit any more fruit and veg into my fridge now :lol:

On another note, after hearing about Meghan and Harry, did anyone else immediately think “of course she is :roll:...she’s been married 2 minutes” I actually like the royals but it did annoy me :lol:

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