Long termers 6 months or more

For the ladies who have had/are having a hycosy.....I just wanted to give you some hope. We were nearly 2 years ttc, I had a hycosy and got my BFP two months later x

Congrats Gemsy! :) were you unexplained? I’m coming up to two years in October so it’s always nice to hear that it can happen!

I did have a HyCosy in feb and was told I had a better chance for a couple of months afterwards, but unfortunately af showed up every month since :roll:
For the ladies who have had/are having a hycosy.....I just wanted to give you some hope. We were nearly 2 years ttc, I had a hycosy and got my BFP two months later x

Congrats Gemsy! :) were you unexplained? I’m coming up to two years in October so it’s always nice to hear that it can happen!

I did have a HyCosy in feb and was told I had a better chance for a couple of months afterwards, but unfortunately af showed up every month since :roll:

Hi peony, yes unexplained, all tests back clear. I had honestly given up hope, and we were about to start IVF. Never give up ladies!
I’m unexplained too and have almost given up hope (well 10% of me still hopes....sometimes!) and that’s just what I need to read on cycle day 1 :) I have to wait 3 years until ivf so I have another year of hoping it happens naturally! Congrats again, really pleased for you! xx
Hi just got a question for everyone been trying for nearly 2 years and no luck as of yet.
Af showed up on 4th-8th aug was a light period only used 3tampons and 3pads in the 4days and on thursday night there was a lil bit of blood when i wiped and then it stopped but it started again this morning. Doctor did i test when i was on af and was negative. Just confused x thanks ladies x
Hello lovelies.

We are officially knackered today. Wedding last night was brill good little dance always puts me in good spirits but I am suffering for it today. Body feels broken lol Not getting any younger.

We have managed a good week off together. Hot tub lodge was kush. Consumed much Prosecco and was just lovely romantic time together.

We have managed 5 days on the bounce. From 3 days before ov. Until day after predicted ov. On app. So we are well covered this cycle. I think this is actually our best run ever since we started TTC. We have managed 4 or 5 times in a week before but never back to back. Probably won't pay off but hey it's been great fun and was nice to enjoy each other for us not just because of the bigger mission.

Hope everyone else has had a good weekend? I'm planning naptime this ava to recover before back to work tomorrow x
Hey everyone. I habe only managed 1 night of dtd this cycle. I had a book launch party in Edinburgh to go to and a hen do the next day so am exhausted. I am so fed up of dtd anyway its but to tick a box these days and it never works anyway so never bothered about it. ...I mean what is the point after 21 cycles of ttc and nothing. We're half way down on the waiting list now... I am but hoping I get a normal af this next cycle as worried the brown dc on my last one means something horrible like perimenopausal
Hey everyone. I habe only managed 1 night of dtd this cycle. I had a book launch party in Edinburgh to go to and a hen do the next day so am exhausted. I am so fed up of dtd anyway its but to tick a box these days and it never works anyway so never bothered about it. ...I mean what is the point after 21 cycles of ttc and nothing. We're half way down on the waiting list now... I am but hoping I get a normal af this next cycle as worried the brown dc on my last one means something horrible like perimenopausal

Everything crossed you get some normality this month to put your mind at rest Alexis. Did u end up discussing with the doc? Or u waiting to see what this month brings?

One of us on here has got to be due a BFP soon to give us all a boost. I hope the waiting list goes down quickly for you. Xx
I didn't discuss with doc yet. I am waiting to see if af turns up normal in about 10 days time. I did a digital test today and it said not pregnant so at least thr clears things up but Weirdly I am peeing loads and have sore boobs so I am just one BIG mess. Work is still so stressful and I worry about how I will cope with IVF and this stress .
I've given up on the bfp... if ivf doesn't work then I've said to hubby we are selling our dream home and moving back to the city as can't face living in the house that was meant for our family..so giving it another 5 years which is 7 in total...can't out our life on hold for any longer than that.

I know the chances of getting a natural bfp after 2 years is very small. We got 2 years dec/Jan so I know my chances are very slim now. Obviously something is wrong they just dont know what

I really hope it happens soon for you Nikki. I know infertility happens to 1 in 7 people or something but I guess someone has to be that 1. I'm just annoyed how much it has effected my life over past 2 years.
I didn't discuss with doc yet. I am waiting to see if af turns up normal in about 10 days time. I did a digital test today and it said not pregnant so at least thr clears things up but Weirdly I am peeing loads and have sore boobs so I am just one BIG mess. Work is still so stressful and I worry about how I will cope with IVF and this stress .
I've given up on the bfp... if ivf doesn't work then I've said to hubby we are selling our dream home and moving back to the city as can't face living in the house that was meant for our family..so giving it another 5 years which is 7 in total...can't out our life on hold for any longer than that.

I know the chances of getting a natural bfp after 2 years is very small. We got 2 years dec/Jan so I know my chances are very slim now. Obviously something is wrong they just dont know what

I really hope it happens soon for you Nikki. I know infertility happens to 1 in 7 people or something but I guess someone has to be that 1. I'm just annoyed how much it has effected my life over past 2 years.

I never knew how much this journey would consume me or take me to hell and back. Somehow slowly i have managed to find a way to live life and still try. Maybe we are just in a good place right now....I hope we can stay there. If our BFP doesn't come soon then at least we have hopefully found a way to continue living.

I hope you can fill your dream home with love and laughter and happiness Alexis. You deserve it so so much.

Remember a goal without a plan is just a dream.....You have a plan so your dreams can come true. Sometimes it just takes a while for things to fall into place.

Sending love your way x
Alexis, I have also been ttc for 2 years with all my tests fine, so I’m unexplained. I spoke to the fertility doctor recently as we have another year to wait for ivf. I asked him if he thought we had any chance of it happening naturally now that’s it’s been 2 years and he said absolutely yes it can happen and he sees it all the time. He also reassured me that he feels like there’s nobody in our area he hasn’t seen, so it’s far more common than you think. It may be worth speaking to somebody about how you’re feeling as it must be awful to live with the way you’re feeling constantly. I went through a rough patch recently but thankfully I’ve come out the other end now. I’ve mainly just refocused my attention on other things, like looking after myself, spending time doing hobbies, giving myself career goals for a years time etc. That’s not to say I won’t have bad days and it is still on my mind every day, but for my own sanity I had to find a way to deal with the disappointment and heartache of long term ttc. I didn’t want to look back at these years with regret and sadness. Life is too short for that. I really hope you feel better soon (or even better, get a bfp!)
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Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum! Myself and partner have been TTC now for almost 18 months. He's been tested and is fine, I've had blood tests and internal examinations/smears which has shown no issues. I'm due to go back to the doctor hopefully soon to chat about any further examinations/the possibility of IVF. I'm so nervous about it all and I imagine the waiting list is going to be so so long so in the meantime I've been looking at other ways that have helped people conceive.. one of the suggestions is to get onto the contraceptive pill for a month or so and then try after that month has ended - has anyone heard if this helps or tried this method? I'm not sure it's completely logical but sometimes during IVF it's been suggested by the doctors so I'm sat on the fence with it - wondering your thoughts?
I'm so sorry to read the last few messages from Alexis and Peony, I have my fingers crossed for you both and all the ladies reaching out for support to get their wish!! It's a tough ride isn't it, I never expected it to be this hard - to think we were even a little scared 18 months ago about the first time thinking we would catch so quickly lol if only hey! Xx
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Alexis, I have also been ttc for 2 years with all my tests fine, so I’m unexplained. I spoke to the fertility doctor recently as we have another year to wait for ivf. I asked him if he thought we had any chance of it happening naturally now that’s it’s been 2 years and he said absolutely yes it can happen and he sees it all the time. He also reassured me that he feels like there’s nobody in our area he hasn’t seen, so it’s far more common than you think. It may be worth speaking to somebody about how you’re feeling as it must be awful to live with the way you’re feeling constantly. I went through a rough patch recently but thankfully I’ve come out the other end now. I’ve mainly just refocused my attention on other things, like looking after myself, spending time doing hobbies, giving myself career goals for a years time etc. That’s not to say I won’t have bad days and it is still on my mind every day, but for my own sanity I had to find a way to deal with the disappointment and heartache of long term ttc. I didn’t want to look back at these years with regret and sadness. Life is too short for that. I really hope you feel better soon (or even better, get a bfp!)

Trust me I have hobbies and loads of pets...time to hang out with friends. I get my hair done and massages but I still feel down and the bad days happen a lot more as time goes on. Am on my area you can can IVF at the 2 year mark so we hit that in Dec officially but we have been off the pill for 4 years since we got married so it's long enough . I am dreading ivf but I would do whatever it takes to hold my baby in my arms. I am having a tough time st work but feel trapped as its not best time to move jobs but I am applying for jobs within nhs so my mat leave isn't effected . Anyway I do try to help myself but I think I'm really struggling as I keep focusing on the worst outcome and drawn to the negatives
Well have been doing ok but now in that second guess every twinge phase. Poas just the satisfy the urge today....of course BFN. Feel sort of resigned in that I've scratched the itch and now it's just wait for AF. Feel kind of gutted as we tried so hard this cycle. I know technically I'm not out yet but I think it's safer for me that I believe that I am....keeps me more sane this way x
Well have been doing ok but now in that second guess every twinge phase. Poas just the satisfy the urge today....of course BFN. Feel sort of resigned in that I've scratched the itch and now it's just wait for AF. Feel kind of gutted as we tried so hard this cycle. I know technically I'm not out yet but I think it's safer for me that I believe that I am....keeps me more sane this way x

Yeah the montjs you by harder are worse to take. For a full hear we dtd every 2nd day or every day through fertile zone and I did opks and temps..I out can't do that anymore. Maybe it's my fault its not happened as I can't face doing that any more. We have only been trying once or twice now and no charting etc... still find that hard enough

Good luck hunni...it's all still very possible to you x
Well have been doing ok but now in that second guess every twinge phase. Poas just the satisfy the urge today....of course BFN. Feel sort of resigned in that I've scratched the itch and now it's just wait for AF. Feel kind of gutted as we tried so hard this cycle. I know technically I'm not out yet but I think it's safer for me that I believe that I am....keeps me more sane this way x

Yeah the montjs you by harder are worse to take. For a full hear we dtd every 2nd day or every day through fertile zone and I did opks and temps..I out can't do that anymore. Maybe it's my fault its not happened as I can't face doing that any more. We have only been trying once or twice now and no charting etc... still find that hard enough

Good luck hunni...it's all still very possible to you x

Thanks Alexis. I would like to think that it is but I have to admit being resigned to our fate again keeps me closer to sane. I am still recording AF and when we DTD but no opks or helping for me now....found them both too stressful.

Seems strange when we were last at the hospital the follow up appt felt miles away in reality it is now only 6 weeks away. I will be due AF a couple of days before the appt. So I guess in reality we have another cycle to try again before then but with the way work is going for both of us at the minute I'm not sure how that will go.

It will hit hard this month when AF comes as we have tried so hard but maybe it's just another tick on that checklist that bringsus closer tomore help from the docs. We will see i guess x
Well here we are again. Just had a little brown when I wiped and after a quick check looks like the witch is on her way so guess she will be here by tomorrow perhaps.

Feeling surprisingly resigned. It's just another month....marks 19 cycles since my coil came out and I guess 15 months of actively TTC now. Although the longer time goes on the more I forget those months in between....it feels like psychologically we have been trying since that Feb even if it wasn't proactively x
Sorry nikkibiscuit, hope you’re doing ok xx

Thanks peony.

Had a great competition with my horse last night....felt like me again and had so much fun. Really lifted my spirits.

Trying not to let hubby being a grumpy sod tonight bring me down. We are both being worked ragged at the moment long hours and high pressure. Feels like a lifetime ago since we were relaxed....not a week lol.

We have long weekend next weekend for our wedding anniversary just trying to persuade him to do something fun together. 6 days of work to mission through first x
So AF arrived 5 days early in France. Lovely of her to drop by. I got back 2.30am on Sat morn and had a wedding that day. The wedding was nice but everyone had their babies there. All dressed up in kilts and pretty dresses. It was tough.. that's us been officially trying 21 months now. It's so so so draining. We are rescuing a dog from Serbia next month so looking forward to that. Then in November we should be at the top of the waiting list for IVF. I have decided to look for a new job so I habe so far applied for 1 new job staying within nhs for now
So AF arrived 5 days early in France. Lovely of her to drop by. I got back 2.30am on Sat morn and had a wedding that day. The wedding was nice but everyone had their babies there. All dressed up in kilts and pretty dresses. It was tough.. that's us been officially trying 21 months now. It's so so so draining. We are rescuing a dog from Serbia next month so looking forward to that. Then in November we should be at the top of the waiting list for IVF. I have decided to look for a new job so I habe so far applied for 1 new job staying within nhs for now

Good for job with the job Alexis....I hope it comes off for you. Wedding babies is so hard I feel your pain I had a similar one a couple weeks ago. I dealt with it like a grown up by getting pissed to distract myself. Lol.

Hope you had a good hols in France? Xx

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