Long termers 6 months or more

Not yet. It’s still pink but it’s a fair amount more than my normal spotting amount! Also I’ve got mild cramping which I only ever get when af actually arrives, or maybe an hour before it arrives, which is why I’m convinced it will be later tonight. Just really odd that it’s come a few days before I was expecting it to! And if it is just spotting today, it’s weird that I’ve got mild cramping as well. Every month my body seems to give me a different symptom or does something new! I swear it’s just trying to keep me on my toes :lol:it’s ok though, I have ice cream waiting for me in the freezer :lol:
I reckon it’ll be here in a couple of hours. Guess I can’t rely on opks to predict my period dates then :roll:
Girls I am so worried I am premenopausal...I've read all over Google that a brown discharge instead of a period coukd mean I am starting the menopause. I habe just turned 35 so it's possible...I can't sleep for worrying this is a real possibility isn't it?
Girls I am so worried I am premenopausal...I've read all over Google that a brown discharge instead of a period coukd mean I am starting the menopause. I habe just turned 35 so it's possible...I can't sleep for worrying this is a real possibility isn't it?

One brown spell doesn’t mean premenopausal. If this happened continuously then it could be but I really doubt one spell of this means much to be honest.
Girls I am so worried I am premenopausal...I've read all over Google that a brown discharge instead of a period coukd mean I am starting the menopause. I habe just turned 35 so it's possible...I can't sleep for worrying this is a real possibility isn't it?

One brown spell doesn’t mean premenopausal. If this happened continuously then it could be but I really doubt one spell of this means much to be honest.

It could be the start of it though? I mean if the next af is the same its a good chance? Can I still have IVF if that is the case? I am worrying myself sick.
Girls I am so worried I am premenopausal...I've read all over Google that a brown discharge instead of a period coukd mean I am starting the menopause. I habe just turned 35 so it's possible...I can't sleep for worrying this is a real possibility isn't it?

One brown spell doesn’t mean premenopausal. If this happened continuously then it could be but I really doubt one spell of this means much to be honest.

It could be the start of it though? I mean if the next af is the same its a good chance? Can I still have IVF if that is the case? I am worrying myself sick.

Alexis the other ladies are right there could be lots of reasons for an odd cycle. It doesn't mean your body is shutting down. If you are this stressed then see your doctor for confirmation. It is highly likely that this was just an odd cycle and for whatever reason you didn't bleed normally. Crikey if people can miss periods altogether when not pregnant then we can certainly have some that aren't normal bleeding.

Sending hugs your way xx
Stress also won’t help. That’s a huge factor also.
Still haven’t started af yet.... the cramps threw me, as I usually only get them with af, not spotting. Maybe I can rely on opks after all and this is just another dragged out af :roll:

Alexis, if I was you, I’d go to the doctors. Not because I think anything is wrong with you, but just so they can settle your mind. Long term ttc is hard especially when your body seems to do random things. Sometimes just saying how you’re feeling out loud to a professional can help a little bit. I’ve found since being honest when people ask me about babies, I’ve been feeling better about it as it does help to talk. However, I think that you can only do that when you know it’s right for you. Up until recently I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I hope you feel better soon x
TMI rant coming up....

SEMEN......what a messy pain in the backside it is. We all need it on this journey which makes it even more annoying when it gets everywhere.

On a good day it goes where it is supposed to(champion) so then we delicate females have to try and catch any escaping messiness. (Tissue is usually my weapon of choice) but NOoo despite pro gravity movements and and very precise shimmy on my DH part it still manages to make a bid for freedom. And why o why is it always on my side of the bed!?!?! Never his!?!

Men have it so easy...i mean really?! We have to sit with our legs up or thighs clamped then do the graceful shuffle to the bathroom. They get to lie back and chill out after their 30 second contribution.

And then when we return to collapse and have a few minutes 9 times out of 10 it is in some random sleeping position to avoid the wet patch.

(Just for the record I love my husband to pieces and he has been super supportive....and this week's sex has been great not felt scheduled at all)

But SEMEN......argh!!

Rant over. Sending baby dust to you all xxxx
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hi nikki, your post is soooo funny lol and sooo true, my issue is to keep it in and not leak it out. I really can't be bothered to lay there so I just get up after 5 min.
hi nikki, your post is soooo funny lol and sooo true, my issue is to keep it in and not leak it out. I really can't be bothered to lay there so I just get up after 5 min.

Yep me too maximus...I have been trying this week to at least stay still for 5 mins with my legs up the wall. Totally pointless but hey it's worth a shot. Lol.

Leakage is the bane of my life lmfao
:lol: brilliant! It’s so not like the movies is it :lol: I always scoot over to his side so it’s never on my side. If I’m prepared (obviously not with spontaneous sex - which rarely happens these days) I have a towel by the side waiting for me! I used to wait to move but after ttc for 2 years I don’t bother anymore, I just get up straight away and make a mad dash to the loo!
Our sex life has definitely changed since TTC. It’s never about feeling good for me. As long as he does the deed I am good. I do miss the days we used to make an effort though. I wonder if it will ever go back to way things were...
We have had a real phase of that. Tbh we still have a lot of times where it is just about getting him there. But this week we have had a couple of times where it has been about fun and about getting me there too. Which has made a nice change.

It's pretty much unavoidable that sex becomes about the man finishing as i guess that's the aim of the game when TTC.

I'm excited for hot tub fun times tomorrow will be nice just to relax and get on the bubbly x
Oh I really did love that post :lol:

For me and hubby it is still spontaneous. Because of the PCOS I never really know when I am ovulating which helps. I’ve never just done it as a means to an end and I refuse to. I did however help him along when he had his analysis lol
Oh I really did love that post :lol:

For me and hubby it is still spontaneous. Because of the PCOS I never really know when I am ovulating which helps. I’ve never just done it as a means to an end and I refuse to. I did however help him along when he had his analysis lol

Same here, I will try as much as I can to cover the fertile period by coming on to him but if he isn’t in the mood I just leave it. I would never say to him ‘I’m ovulating let’s go’. Our relationship is too important.

I have pcos too, maybe it’s easier to be like this as there is no pattern to my periods and fertile window so he doesn’t ‘know’ what’s going on.
Feeling a bit rubbish, I got qualified this week and a girl at work overheard me getting congratulated and instantly asked me if I was pregnant and ever since then there seems to be some massive joke going around the office and everyone is asking.

So today I had a little bit of a tantrum and said people should stop asking me as I have up to 10 years before I started thinking about it at which point one girl chimes in about decreasing egg quality after the age of 30! Please just get the hint and stop asking!!

Honestly when they asked me part of me was tempted to say ‘well we’ve been trying for 12 months and I’ve had two miscarriages so your guess is as good as mine’. But a) it’s none of their business and b) it’s taking all my might to put on a brave face and not burst into tears!
Ugh. People suck sometimes don’t they sugaryiris.

I get asked on a daily basis if I’m pregnant. If I ever complain about a headache, “ooh someone’s got news!” If I don’t drink because I’m driving, it must be because I’m pregnant.

This has been going on for freaking years now and it mostly washes over my head.

But the person who told me I looked like I’d got a bump and asked how many weeks pregnant I was about three weeks after i miscarried can literally fuck off
I honestly can’t believe how many people out there that ask or feel it’s acceptable to talk about it, even if you haven’t mentioned it. I’ve had someone said that I looked ‘glowing’ on a picture where it was obviously a bad angle of my stomach. I mean, seriously!!! It’s just rude! I’d been trying for about 9 months at that point and was on my period! I get people asking or joking about it all the time and it’s never not upsetting because it’s just highlighting the fact that you’re not pregnant. Depending on who’s asking, I just tell them now and it helps because they don’t ask anymore. However I’m nearly 2 years in and I couldn’t have done that a year ago.
For the ladies who have had/are having a hycosy.....I just wanted to give you some hope. We were nearly 2 years ttc, I had a hycosy and got my BFP two months later x
TMI rant coming up....

SEMEN......what a messy pain in the backside it is. We all need it on this journey which makes it even more annoying when it gets everywhere.

On a good day it goes where it is supposed to(champion) so then we delicate females have to try and catch any escaping messiness. (Tissue is usually my weapon of choice) but NOoo despite pro gravity movements and and very precise shimmy on my DH part it still manages to make a bid for freedom. And why o why is it always on my side of the bed!?!?! Never his!?!

Men have it so easy...i mean really?! We have to sit with our legs up or thighs clamped then do the graceful shuffle to the bathroom. They get to lie back and chill out after their 30 second contribution.

And then when we return to collapse and have a few minutes 9 times out of 10 it is in some random sleeping position to avoid the wet patch.

(Just for the record I love my husband to pieces and he has been super supportive....and this week's sex has been great not felt scheduled at all)

But SEMEN......argh!!

Rant over. Sending baby dust to you all xxxx

I'm so so sorry to invade this thread, but this is THE BEST post I've ever read in my entire life. It's not only hilarious but it's so true it had me in tears.

I think you should get an award for this :dance:

(leaving now - baby dust to everyone!)

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